Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 66 Serum Therapy

John left, and Yu Yifeng felt a sense of loss.

He knew this person and had contact with him in the moon base. A very ordinary boy, without saying a few words to him, just left quietly...

Yu Yifeng is a soldier. He has seen too many deaths, but this time, John's death made him heartbroken.

John's life was an ordinary life. Very ordinary background, pretty good educational experience. In a life with slight ups and downs, there have also been periods of fantasy, rebellion, and the second phase, which are no different from ordinary people.

Generally speaking, his life has been ordinary, and he has never done anything earth-shattering, so his academic performance is relatively good. But there is no doubt that he is a truly good man.

His IQ is not low, otherwise he would not have been admitted to a world-class university.

But his personality may be dull, which makes everyone think he is honest and easy to bully.

Some people took advantage of his honesty, exploited him, and then walked away from him afterwards. Some people sympathized with him and could not bear to be bullied, so they quietly protected him. There are people like this and that. Human nature is always so complex, there are good people and bad people.

But John suffered too much unfairness. In the final analysis, it was due to the social system. It is easier for dishonest people to survive than honest people.

Honest people should not be bullied, and honest people should be rewarded... This was John's last wish before leaving. He hoped that the remaining honest people like him on the Noah could live a good and happy life.

Of course Yu Yifeng agreed to John's wish, which was consistent with his goal and not contradictory...

Anyway, there are only 50,000 people on the Noah, and the various interests are very simple. Yu Yifeng believes that for those honest, upward, gentle, and kind people, we must make their lives better.

As for the treacherous, selfish, and evil villain, then I'm sorry. If I don't mess with you, who will I mess with... If I don't punish you to death, then he won't be called Yu Yifeng. However, there were not many such people on the Noah. He knew a few, and of course he knew them well.

He felt that his brain had begun to become more flexible, and there was no longer that feeling of blockage. Perhaps it was because his body's immune system was working. But just for a moment, he was extremely anxious, because two more stars were completely dimmed. This shows that two more people infected with the Mars virus have died.

The human population is really too small. One less person dies. How can he not be anxious?

Yu Yifeng knew that as the symptoms became more serious, high fever could no longer completely protect humans. If people could not find a good method, there would be more and more deaths...

"Quick! Wake up!" He kept urging himself. Although he was anxious, he didn't have any entity in this space and couldn't use any energy...

As long as he can wake up, it means that the antibodies in his body have matured. With antibodies, he can save people!

Although he didn't know how to exert force, Yu Yifeng still struggled crazily...

Mars base, biological laboratory...

"How's it going? How is Mr. Yu's physical condition?" Aidan, the scientific team leader in charge of Yu Yifeng, asked anxiously. He felt that he had not considered it properly and injected so many viruses at once. If something happened, he would be in big trouble!

Aidan is a famous biologist. He already has symptoms of rising body temperature, but he still insists on working. He hopes that he can complete part of the task before passing out.

He wants to see the dawn of victory!

"Almost... almost ready! It's incredible! We have detected a large number of strange protein components, which should be specific antibodies... Yes! They are antibodies!" A young researcher was saying something with almost fanaticism. This means that the invading virus is about to be eliminated.

"I checked my blood every ten minutes, and the virus rate gradually decreased, and now it's almost gone?! Only the remaining toxins are still working. It's incredible..."

"Also, Mr. Yu's brain wave changes are very complicated, a bit like a nightmare? ...The specific reason is unknown!"

After hearing this, the scientific team leader Aidan immediately asked: "Don't talk about other things, have the protein components been tested? Have the specific white blood cells been found?"

The researcher said in an enthusiastic tone: "...not yet. The mechanism is very complicated. It may be that several immune cells work together, and we can't explain it yet.

If possible, we need to draw a large amount of fresh blood, then conduct cell culture, and isolate the serum containing antibodies... This serum should have a certain therapeutic effect! "

"This protein is really too complex. Even if we know the molecular formula, we can't synthesize it artificially. With our technology, there is no way to synthesize such a complex thing..." the researcher yelled, and now there is no distinction between superior and inferior. Level, say whatever comes to mind.

When Aidan heard this, he immediately became excited and shouted loudly: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry, hurry! Draw 300cc... no, 400cc of blood! There are already death cases in the ward! Why don't you hurry up? !”

Hearing this, the researcher hesitated: "But..."

"It's nothing!" Aidan could see what he was hesitating about: "Do you think Mr. Yu will blame us? He is not such a person... If he doesn't smoke, he will blame us instead. This is human life! Human life is at stake Oh my god!"

"One minute earlier, one less person would have died! Hurry up!" Aidan almost roared.

"Yes, yes!!" The researcher immediately picked up the needle and inserted it into Yu Yifeng's skin. The bright red blood flowed out, but it represented the hope of all patients!

400cc should not be a big problem. Ordinary people can donate so much blood at one time.

However, Yu Yifeng had already had many blood tests done some time ago. If the amount was slightly excessive, he might feel uncomfortable when he woke up.

"After drawing the blood, separate the therapeutic serum and perform serum therapy on the patient!" Aidan immediately ordered, and at the same time, he himself began to prepare for relevant experiments.

Serum therapy is to inject the serum of cured patients into patients with corresponding blood types and corresponding diseases to achieve a certain therapeutic effect. Yu Yifeng happens to have type O blood, and the serum can enter the bodies of almost all patients.

Since scientists Behring and Kitasato Shibasaburo discovered the therapeutic effect of diphtheria antitoxin serum in 1890, serum therapy has become a principle in the treatment of infectious diseases and has been applied to many diseases.

This time, scientists have great expectations for Yifeng's serum.

"By the way, we need to retain a part of the blood for cell culture and observe the various mechanisms... After all, we can't always draw Mr. Yu Yifeng's blood..." Dr. Aidan continued.

"The extracted serum must be used first on patients with the most severe symptoms. Also, gene sequencing will continue and must not be stopped. Do you understand?"

Serum therapy is, after all, an indicator that does not cure the root cause. If the serum runs out, people may still be helpless against the Martian virus.

So gene sequencing still needs to continue.

Dr. Aidan kept asking, and he felt that his consciousness was beginning to blur. It should be that the neurotoxin had taken effect.

Suddenly, he smiled: "We humans are finally going to win!"

He suddenly fell to the ground.

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