Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 654 Brainwave Internet

There are millions of functional modules in the entire brainwave Internet program. Even if there are thousands of them, it will be very tiring after several years of development.

With the proofreading of various data completed, the first brainwave Internet test officially began. There were more than 300 people in the first test.

"I'm ready. You can monitor my brainwave data and find out if there are any abnormalities."

"No problem, let's get started."

Wang Zhiyuan said hello to his colleagues and then entered the testing phase.

At the moment when a certain command in his brain was activated, he closed his eyes and felt drowsy.

Suddenly, the whole person flew out of the body!

Of course, what flew out was not a "soul", it was just an illusion produced in the head.

Wang Zhiyuan looked at his "body" in the air, as if he was asleep, and he just lost his soul. In addition, his spiritual body was separated from the physical body, which made him feel a little strange. Only the constant ups and downs of breathing represent that this body is still alive.

The first thing he thought of was that he was cultivating immortality, cultivating to the point where his soul could leave his body...

"Haha, I have cultivated to the realm of Yuanying..." He laughed at himself in his heart.

This is the miracle brought by science!

Essentially, what he is seeing now is an hallucination caused by the direct stimulation of brain cells by bioelectric currents. Of course, this hallucination is no different from what he actually sees. In addition, as long as he has a thought, he can break away from this illusion.

"This is a virtual network. It looks pretty good. It's just that the resolution looks limited and not as good as what you can see with your own eyes. You can't see the bacteria and dust in the air."

At this time, he saw several other "colleagues" in the room who were also testing. In fact, these people were all virtual mirrors. Several people said hello in mid-air, talked to each other, and then flew to their respective testing areas.

"Conversing over the air seems to be no problem."

Wang Zhiyuan's thoughts changed again, and he remembered a coordinate in his mind. At this moment, his whole body suddenly floated tens of kilometers away, as if he suddenly ran to another enemy.

This is simply teleportation!

The instant movement made him unable to react in time, and he almost hit a speeding anti-gravity car!

"It's really dangerous!" He patted his chest, not sure if his body was breaking out in a cold sweat, but he really had this frightening feeling.

The scene just now was of course real. At that moment, there was indeed an anti-gravity car speeding past.

But his floating person is false. Even if he is hit, it doesn't really matter. The car will just penetrate his body and continue driving. And he himself will not be harmed in any way.

"Even so, a safety signage system must be added to prohibit a series of dangerous behaviors."

Wang Zhiyuan immediately thought of this problem. In case some people like to experience the feeling of "car accident" in the virtual world as much as possible, after becoming accustomed to it, they might also crash a car in real life, and then be hit and killed by a car all of a sudden.

"The power of habit is huge, so we might as well use technical means to prohibit this behavior. This won't work in the virtual world either."

Thinking of this, he wandered casually for a while again, feeling really satisfied: "This virtual network is very convenient... In this way, I can see the outside world through electronic eyes without going out in person. Feel it. The environment you visit is real, much more real than VR. ”

"If necessary, it is not difficult to add some touch and smell perception..." Wang Zhiyuan sighed in his heart.

He continued to fly and saw various sights. Go up to a hundred kilometers above the Pangu, which is the top of the pyramid engine, and go down to the entire new human settlement.

There are very few people on the street. All citizens are intoxicated with their own careers. Some are engaged in biology, some are engaged in construction, and some are engaged in high-energy weapons... Only there are various robots coming and going in an endless stream. Working.

With so much space in the sky and underground on the Pangu, there is still enough land for people to waste.

This feeling of rapid development is really great. You can do almost anything you think of, and you can achieve it quickly...

"This is... true freedom!"

Moreover, with the deepening of silicon-based transformation, everyone's diligence has increased day by day, and laziness has been greatly suppressed. Everyone has almost inexhaustible and boundless energy.

After peeping for a while, Wang Zhiyuan thought of a series of questions.

"... Regarding privacy work, we must also formulate a security standard. Using this virtual mirror technology to break into private homes, peeping and other behaviors should not be allowed, or directly prohibited by technical means."

"...There are also some special security areas. There is no need to install electronic eyes and information processing devices. In this way, these mirrors cannot enter."

He is now a ghost. Others cannot see him, but he can see others. It is too convenient to peek everywhere. He even saw some bad scenes during this period of time.

Fortunately, it is only in the testing phase now. As a staff member, the key is to find out all possible problems. Although the quality of Noah's citizens is constantly improving, curiosity is human nature, and what they need to do is to ban these unnecessary curiosity.

"Brainwave Internet still has a lot of potential that can be developed. It is just a foundation now. If we are given another period of time, it will not be a problem to open up a new virtual world."

"In the new virtual world, anti-addiction measures must be taken..."

In the next few minutes, with a thought in his mind, he teleported outside a large building.

When he flew next to this large building, he found that his figure was slightly blurred, and a "Insufficient Signal" dialog box popped up in front of him. There were also some mosaic-like things in the surrounding environment. This is because there are not many electronic eyes next to this building. These electronic eyes are equivalent to surveillance, and they are also equivalent to the eyes of virtual characters. Without these devices, naturally you can't run inside.

"Zhao Chao, come out! Outside the gate!" Wang Zhiyuan shouted loudly, of course he shouted directly with his brain waves. This series of brain waves was emitted by his body and converted into a special signal through a specialized computer.

This large building is a super artificial intelligence research institute. New Humanity is developing more intelligent anthropomorphic robots to help complete certain flexible tasks.

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