Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 656 Incredible Transformation

For the lizard people and the Red Flame Horn people, these thirty years have been a huge fear and nightmare!

In the past, the new humans were still in the category of "understandable" and "catchable", but now the new humans have become somewhat illusory, becoming more and more powerful, and more and more incredible.

All the members of the main civilization had almost no contact with them, and only the number of robots on the Pangu began to increase day by day. All the diplomats withdrew, and those who came into contact with them gradually turned into some intelligent robots.

Even these intelligent robots are smarter and more flexible than lizards!

They can also allocate resources in a decent manner, resolve internal conflicts and disputes, enforce the law very impartially, complete medical operations, repair broken industrial instruments... This series of functions is simply dazzling.

What is this? They are robots!

The fear that comes from the unknown brings an indescribable feeling. These affiliated civilizations have no idea what happened to the new human society and why such huge changes occurred in a short period of time.

They don't even know if the new humans will use these robots to replace them...

Some leaders anxiously requested communication with the main civilization.

Yu Yifeng gave them a simple answer: "No. The creativity of life is irreplaceable."

This sentence is also true. No matter how smart the robots are, everything they do is within the set range. They do not know the true meaning of their every move. Moreover, such a small number of subordinate people can only be maintained as long as they are maintained, and the new humanity does not intend to throw them away. These populations are also good for testing the performance of robots.

After receiving this answer, the nervous leader of the affiliated civilization felt a little relieved.

But it is still difficult for them to understand the changes of the new humanity, and they cannot understand every aspect.

For example, the various strange videos produced by New Humanity now seem to be completely disconnected frame by frame, and the playback speed is extremely fast, as if they have been fast forwarded a hundred times, and the playback time does not exceed one minute! ! Moreover, the aesthetic concept has also changed from the original "understandable" to an abstract art that is difficult to understand.

There are many topsy-turvy stories, a large number of lizards and the Red Flame Horn people who have no idea what they are looking at. Only the smartest people slow down and figure it out for a long time before they can applaud...

For this reason, these affiliated civilizations have even established professional film critics who specialize in studying films about New Humanity. When they post the article on the Internet, ordinary people will know, oh, it turned out to be such a story, it looks good.

It turns out that the artistic images of the new humanity can at least bring enjoyment of beauty. But now, all kinds of random numbers or images are piled up together, and I don’t know what they are painting anyway... except for some people who can barely understand it, they are going crazy with it.

Also, various modified species are increasingly appearing on the Pangu.

Dinosaurs, slimes, and a bunch of weird bugs are all out. Aren't you afraid of a biochemical disaster?

Well, a group of children happily watched the monitoring of the wild evolution area every day to observe the habits of these strange species. In fact, adults also know in their hearts that the main civilization must have ways to control these creatures, but they can't bear to watch so many videos, and they are still afraid...

In addition to things in life that subordinate civilizations cannot understand, the same is true in scientific research. Nowadays, any scientific research result of the new humanity falls into the category of being blind and incomprehensible. Even if the paper is placed in front of them, they will definitely not be able to understand it, because each paper is so complicated that it contains tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of words!

There are tens of millions of words. This is a scientific paper, not a novel. The reading speed is very slow. If you copy it once, you might end up copying it wrong!

This is a qualitative change, an earth-shaking qualitative change!

"The Enlightener has completed the transformation from human to god..."

In this situation of extreme chaos, some strange religions grew wildly in the hearts of subordinate civilizations.

It is strange that fanatical religion should have emerged in the interstellar age. The growing gap makes them feel as if they have returned to the primitive era where they didn't understand anything...

The entire new human society is indeed undergoing drastic changes, but it has not yet reached the level of "from human to god". Yu Yifeng is well aware of this.

The substantial improvement in intelligence has brought benefits, but also brought about a series of social problems that were originally expected...

First, there is the plummeting fertility rate.

"The birth rate has been falling for 20 consecutive years, and it will reach 0 level if it falls again... According to the experimental results of the third generation transformation, there is basically only a very small amount of childbearing thoughts, and work efficiency has improved again, but as a person, human desires have plummeted. "When Yu Yifeng saw this report, he thought about it quickly.

"It seems that the third generation of assistive brain technology has already reached the boundary of being a 'human being'. Within this boundary, people can still barely maintain their humanity, and can still be controlled by physical hormones to a certain extent."

"...There will be various desires such as sexual desire and appetite. Dopamine in the brain can also play a role in making people feel happy..."

"But if the intelligence is further improved and the brain undergoes the next transformation, human nature will be completely broken and transformed into the purest rationality. Therefore, even if the fourth generation of auxiliary brain is developed, it will not be able to be promoted on a large scale for the time being. Already..."

After analyzing this result, he let out a long sigh, but he was not worried, as things could always be solved.

In 30 years, the current new human society has reached a very high level of rationality. There used to be a small number of disputes and impulsive crimes, but now this has completely disappeared. Because of the extremely high degree of rationality, everyone even becomes slightly "Buddha-nature". Also because the level of concentration is so high, you can work for dozens of hours in a row without feeling the passage of time. This change even makes you a little less human.

In the past, Yu Yifeng would still worry about whether this reduction in birth rate and "Buddha-nature" thinking would lead to genocide, etc., but now, he no longer thinks so.

He even gradually stopped worrying about survival issues.

Because the progress of the new humanity is so great that it can already be said to be a powerful civilization in the galaxy. Former opponents, such as the LLP Silicon Alliance or Tiekui Civilization, are no longer worthy of fear.

"It doesn't actually matter if there is a newborn or not..."

The increase in intelligence has caused changes in the philosophical thinking of the entire civilization.

New humans have gradually looked away from the issue of heirs. The lifespan of each person has become difficult to estimate, and there is no longer a lack of population. If there is no one left in the end, at most it will only be a few clones. Is there anything to care about if it is my own bloodline?

Nowadays, it is generally believed that as long as a person's thoughts and inheritance are human, then he is a human...

This situation is actually normal, and is essentially due to the deepening of silicon-based transformation, which is about to break away from the embodiment of "genetic philosophy". Terms like bloodline are just lies fabricated by genes for the sake of inheritance. In this case, if you look away, you will gradually stop caring.

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