Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 68 Dawn of Victory

"What's going on? What happened? Why is it so noisy outside?" Xu Yunjin asked the soldier a series of questions.

"Report to the commander... It seems... It seems that there is serum! It's serum!" The soldier was so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly. He didn't say what he wanted to say for a long time, and his face turned red with anxiety.

"What serum? Don't be anxious, talk slowly!" Xu Yunjin loosened his hands and let go of the soldier.

"Just now... Just now, a short news was broadcast on the radio. The general meaning is that scientists have developed a therapeutic serum... The kind of antiviral! Many people's conditions are beginning to improve!" The soldier said with a stroke, and finally made it clear.

"Ah... Good, good!" Hearing this, Xu Yunjin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Propaganda Department was not under his control, he generally communicated with it, and messy news would not be broadcast.

But now this news has come out, which means it is really good. Of course he knows what the situation is. It must be the role of superhumans. Good, good, his heart finally settled down.


Mars base, biological laboratory

Professor Dennis, the general manager, is observing the patients. After being injected with antiviral serum, all patients have generally shown obvious signs of improvement, and the effect is very obvious.

But there is still no smile on Dennis's face.

"Pay attention, be sure to check every three hours."

"Inject serum every six hours, and the total amount must be controlled."

"The cultivation of immune cells must continue, don't relax!"

Dennis is always so harsh, and he rarely praises people. Whether it is his colleagues or subordinates, they will describe him as "harsh", "pursuing perfection", and "strict".

However, Dennis was not like this before. In the past, his personality was a bit smooth, and both his IQ and EQ were high...

As a well-known scientist, Dennis has his own laboratory. Every year, he needs to have interviews with government officials, commercial companies, and medical organizations. No matter which one, he successfully completes the task with good communication skills and good eloquence, and can also win the other party's favor.

This year, Dennis was even nominated for the Nobel Prize in Biology, and he has also completed negotiations with several large companies in his career. Because of the outstanding performance in the previous year, their research lab will receive more financial support.

There is nothing better than this in life.

Similarly, Dennis also wanted to kick out several disobedient young people in the research team this year. No one likes troublemakers.

"In this era, emotional intelligence is more important than IQ. People who can't even speak well should go out to work in society for a few years..." He sat in the office, reading a newspaper and thinking like this.

Then, Dennis saw the fire, the fire that affected his life...

He was rescued in a mess, and the one who rescued him was the unpleasant researcher named Mike. He will always remember this name.

"Doctor, our report is still in there, I'll go get it!" Mike turned around and ran back. This was also his last words...

That day, Dennis saw the scene of the laboratory collapse...

From that day on, Dennis changed, becoming cold, ruthless and demanding. On the second day, he kicked out those researchers who only knew how to flatter and walk around, and replaced them with more blank-slate interns.

The first thing he said was always: "You are not here to play or enjoy, but to learn. I will treat you with the most stringent requirements. If you can't stand it, you can leave..."

He is always so harsh and even mean to these interns.

"In my territory, you can contradict me, question me, and criticize me. But you must not make mistakes. No one is allowed to make mistakes..." These are his original words.

Peers also have mixed views on Dennis. When working with him, they will always be criticized. As long as they make a slight mistake, they will be scolded, even if they are at the same level...

So many researchers and interns are afraid of him.

But it is undeniable that Dennis has a strong working ability. Because of this harsh attitude, the results he produces are also very trusted.

In medicine, mistakes cannot be made, otherwise it will be a medical accident, which means human life! And Dennis, like a trustworthy brand, will never have such accidents with the things he handles. This is the guarantee of his reputation for decades.

This is a brand effect, which has created his huge reputation and made him more famous...

After seeing this batch of patients, Dennis nodded slightly. The therapeutic effect of this batch of serum is very good.

However, he is still not satisfied because they have not figured out the therapeutic mechanism of antiviral serum. This is still a failure for scientists.

He began to prepare for the experiment. The ingredients in the therapeutic serum are very complex, including various proteins, cholesterol, fat, peptides, growth factors, etc. It is really difficult to figure out which thing works.

"Okay, everyone, this time, we have to figure out which cells produce specific antibodies and which cells are involved in the immune steps." Dennis said to his assistants.

They are all talents who have grown up under harsh conditions. No matter what aspect, they are all top-notch and can no longer find any faults.

"If we can allow ordinary patients to generate memory cells, then they will develop corresponding immunity and no longer need to be afraid of these viruses." Dennis continued, "Otherwise, when the effect of the serum is over and they have no immunity, they will be infected by the second virus again. Infection..."

"It would be great if an immune vaccine could be developed..." a research assistant couldn't help but said, "With a vaccine, ordinary people can use it." However, I think the human immune system may not be able to defeat these viruses, only superhumans can..."

"No, you are wrong." Dennis shook his head and said, "I have read Mr. Yu Yifeng's physical report. His immune system is almost the same as that of ordinary humans, but his cell activity is much stronger."

"You have to remember that these viruses are not more advanced than us, they are just different from the structure of life on earth. For a while, the human immune system will not be able to respond."

Dennis dug out the experimental records studied by the previous one hundred people. "You see, the patient's reaction is somewhat similar to an allergic reaction. Maybe our human body thinks that this is just an invasion of some allergens and it is not serious, so the immune system responds a little slower."

"But there are exceptions..."

"I observed that among the first batch of patients, most people's condition deteriorated rapidly, but a few slowly improved. I suspect that even without the treatment serum, they might survive... So, the immunity of ordinary people The system should have some effect, but it’s just not enough, or the response speed is too slow.”

"By the time the immune system reacts, people are dying. But I think a vaccine is still possible."

After hearing this, an assistant below seemed to have an idea and said with some excitement: "We can try to induce the human body to recognize these viruses and generate specific immunity..."

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