Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 72 Military Order

In order to achieve the goal of doubling in six months, the only reliance is science!

It is basically impossible to double the number just by manpower, the only way is to rely on machinery! Using one machine to produce ten units, and then developing from ten units to one hundred units, only such explosive development can significantly increase productivity.

This alone is still not enough, machines must be managed by machines. Humans only need to be responsible for designing and ultimately managing the maintenance of the machines.

Therefore, "automation", "intelligence" and "robot" are the most important keywords.

A key large factory was established at this moment, and that was the Kirov Industrial Factory!

"...I, Ivanovich, will serve as the first head of the Kirov Industrial Factory...I will never let down everyone's expectations, I will definitely complete the task, and I will definitely achieve the goal of complete automation!"

A middle-aged Russian man came on stage to introduce himself. As he spoke, his emotions became excited and his eyes became excited. He raised his hands, swore inexplicably, and finally shouted like a roar.

"For the new humanity, I will do my best! Doubling the industrial output value in the shortest possible time!"

"We need electricity and steel..."

He clenched his fingers, his face turned red, and he was in a state of excitement.

There are still many Russians and Ukrainians sitting below. Most of them knew each other, and when they heard Ivanovich's roar, they all became extremely excited.

Such a super factory, if fully completed, would be equivalent to the productivity of a small country! As the builders, how can they not be excited and excited?

"Ula! Ula!" This group of Russians and Ukrainians also roared angrily. The Kirov Industrial Factory they had been looking forward to most was finally established at this moment. They were screaming and reveling. They felt honored to be able to participate in such a big undertaking.

Everyone who has seen the plan knows that this is a real big industry, a big industry that makes people excited!

This wave of passion and energy soon affected all other scientists and parliamentarians.

In fact, there was no such step in the meeting process, but Ivanovich was like a man possessed and voluntarily issued the military order. He was so happy and happy.

Steel and machinery are special feelings hidden in the Russian nation. The Russians have a fighting spirit in their bones. They drink vodka, drive tanks, and fight bears... They were once the most powerful country, but they declined due to various reasons, but this wild fighting spirit has been passed down from generation to generation. Passed down from generation to generation.

It has been passed down from generation to generation, but it has weakened from generation to generation. They are not willing to accept it!

They are furry bears, they yearn for power and unparalleled power!

No, it’s not just them, everyone yearns for power! If you want to be strong, you can only...industry!

Ivanovich was a very famous engineer on Earth. He was once the general person in charge of several large-scale military-industrial projects in Russia. Regardless of his career resume or personal ability, he is qualified to hold this position.

However, Russia is not strong enough or economically powerful enough to realize Ivanovich's ambitions. For this reason, he often lamented that he was not born in the Soviet era...

But at this moment, Ivanovich found the biggest pursuit in life! The Kirov Industrial Factory entrusts the most powerful industrial capabilities of new human civilization, and he is willing to fight for this cause for his whole life! Fight for the entire new human civilization for life!

Therefore, he voluntarily issued a military order.

He is tall and looks to be in his fifties. He is also the older one in the entire lunar base, but he is so excited that he can't control himself at this moment. Judging from his slightly trembling tone, he was really excited.

Kirov Industrial Factory, the most powerful industrial factory in the new human civilization, is responsible for the manufacturing of various heavy industrial machinery, automated machinery, and intelligent machinery. It has a heavy responsibility!

"Ula! Ula!"

In this wave of fanaticism, the heads of several large companies came to power one after another. They were either famous scientists or great engineers, but none of them were simple people anyway.

"I am Sullivan, the general director of the Super Intelligence Laboratory..."

"I am William, serving as the new human ore refinery..."

Scientists came on stage one after another, some excited and some calm. Regardless of whether they wanted to or not, everyone followed Ivanovich and issued a military order...

There is no way, once this wave rises, it cannot be extinguished. Others have issued military orders, why don't you? Everyone’s eyes are watching! Even if I bite the bullet, I still have to issue the military order!

After saying the words, they felt a lot more relaxed. Since they were all on a united front and had the same goal, they became enthusiastic.

Everyone saw a scorching sun, which was a mixture of passion and vitality. ...Everyone knows that this must be an era of explosion in technology and production!

What was originally just a process for the general manager to show up and get to know each other suddenly turned into an oath-taking process, which felt a bit strange. But no one cared about this, not even Yu Yifeng, who was also infected by this fanatical emotion.

It seems that people are very confident...

"Okay... Everyone, do you understand the plan this time?" After a long time, Yu Yifeng spoke up to interrupt people's enthusiasm.

“Also, I ask everyone to put people’s life safety first and not allow any industrial accidents to occur.”

The scientists calmed down a little and unanimously agreed: "Yes, personal safety is still the most important issue!"

"Then, this meeting ends here, adjourn!"

After the meeting, everyone began to leave, but there were still a few scientists who stayed. They were all the general managers of some large projects. After the frenzy, their heads finally sobered up.

They had worried faces, and all of them kept smiling bitterly: "Ivan, you are causing trouble!"

"Oh, I feel like I have a headache..." Ivanovich, the general manager of the Kirov Industrial Factory, calmed down a little, rubbed his head with a wry smile, and said depressedly: "Mr. Ding Yidong, Mr. Felix, and... There is Ms. need to help me more, my task is too heavy."

He was so excited just now that he almost forgot what he said. If he talks too much, shouts military orders too loudly, and really fails to complete the task, he really can't afford to lose this person.

"Oh, Ivan, why are you so crazy? It makes us crazy too." A woman shook her head with a wry smile.

"It's okay on your side, but on my side..." The speaker was a famous engineer named William, an Englishman and the general manager of the New Human Ore Refinery. After the British gentleman calmed down, he almost vomited blood.

"How much mine do I have to dig, fuck!" William cursed with a pale face after a series of calculations. He felt extremely regretful. Why did he get so excited and imitate other people's nonsense?

But if you say it out loud, it will be too late to regret it. William simply didn't know what to do.

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