Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 75 Sense of Crisis

"The latest news is that the design of the first-generation nuclear-powered excavator has been completed, and the Tesla Research Institute and the Super Intelligence Laboratory have joined forces. Currently, the first-generation test machine is being debugged...

According to experts, if the nuclear-powered excavator is successfully researched, its power system and excavation capacity will be more than ten times that of the old excavator!"

"The latest news is that the first batch of uranium resources from Mars has been processed, and its output can fully supply the current consumption of nuclear power plants... New mineral centrifuges are being designed."

"According to professionals, more than half of the first phase of the Kinov Industrial Factory has been completed. It is located in the medium and low gravity area of ​​the spacecraft and will be fully automated... At that time, people will only be responsible for final monitoring and maintenance. ”

"Since the establishment of the new human government, our first newborn was finally born. His parents named him 'Wes', the English name is wise, hoping that he will become a wise person..."

This is the first issue of "News Weekly" just published by the new human government. Each copy costs 0.5 Singapore dollars. It is printed by the Propaganda Department. It is issued once a week. It will record the major events and news that happened that week.

The price is actually not particularly expensive. There are 32 pages in the newspaper and the portion is sufficient. The monthly expenditure is only about two Singapore dollars. Basically everyone can afford it and people are willing to buy one.

The new government created this kind of newspaper partly to recycle people's new coins. On the other hand, it is to improve the transparency of information and increase people’s participation.

Now, everyone on the Noah has the feeling that the entire civilization is slowly progressing. As members of the new humanity, they naturally have a strong sense of accomplishment and belonging to a civilization. Because it is their hard work that makes the wheel of civilization slowly move forward.

This is also an atmosphere deliberately created by the new government.

There is still too little entertainment on board the Noah. There are very few movies, TV series, novels and the like. After a day's work, everyone was tired and in no mood to create content, which led to a lack of entertainment on the entire Noah.

For a normal person, if he is only allowed to work but not entertained, it is likely to produce a series of negative emotions such as boredom at work or depression.

Although people nowadays are like chicken blood, Yu Yifeng still has to care about people's mental health... This is also a precautionary measure.

Therefore, this newspaper not only contains news content, but also carries a certain amount of entertainment functions. In the back pages of the newspaper, you can see some science fiction stories, serial stories, love stories, or some jokes, as well as some general scientific knowledge about the universe, etc.

These things...of course were copied from old databases. Anyway, the earth is gone and no one cares about copyright issues.

Not only that, Yu Yifeng is also considering trialling a "six days off and one day off" work system, where he can have one day off for every six days of work, which is equivalent to one day off per week.

With this kind of rest system, although it seems that people's working hours have become shorter, work efficiency will increase. After all, people are not machines and they still need to rest... Looking at the scientists, their eyes are red and they look like they are overworked, Yu Yifeng felt that he still needed more rest.

Next, we will continue to develop entertainment venues such as Internet cafes, gymnasiums, and parks to provide people with entertainment facilities...

Yu Yifeng recorded these problems in his notebook one by one, preparing to find ways to improve them in the future...

Suddenly, a report hit his mailbox.

"Why, are there still not enough manpower?" He looked at the report written by several principals, which mentioned the manpower issue.

Scientists are working hard to develop new excavators, super trains, etc., to greatly improve human mining capabilities.

However, while mining capabilities have improved, metal smelting capabilities have not kept up at all.

The current smelting machines are running almost 24 hours a day, and the workers are divided into three shifts, but they are still too busy.

They watched helplessly as more and more minerals accumulated, including iron ore, aluminum ore, copper ore... piled there like mountains. You can imagine the anxiety in their hearts. If someone didn't know better, they would think that their smelting workers were slacking off in their work!

This is the result of the old excavators working at full capacity. Once the new excavators come out, the output will be expanded ten times!

These metal smelting workers are really going to cry. Damn it, there is no way to smelt it out after digging so many mines. It is impossible to complete it.

Yu Yifeng understood clearly. They were complaining to him, and asking for people was secondary. They really tried their best, and they really couldn't finish all the exercises...

But there is no need to worry about this aspect. Yu Yifeng is in control of the overall situation and is well aware of it.

Mining can be simple and crude, but smelting is a technical job, and the output may not necessarily increase. Even if we want to significantly increase production, there is not enough electricity.

However, the ore must be dug vigorously. With the huge size of Noah, no matter how much ore it is, it can hold it, and the mass of the spacecraft is constant, which will not increase the difficulty of taking off.

"I already understand your problem, you don't have to worry..." Yu Yifeng wrote in the email: "Under the current situation, the bigger the mineral reserve, the better. Only what is transported to the Noah That’s what we really have!”

Now on the Noah ship, it is not a free market economy, and there is no need to worry about the balance of supply and demand.

If in the past, oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia suddenly increased their oil production tenfold, the price of oil would collapse instantly.

If Australia suddenly increases the production of iron ore and copper mines tenfold, then the prices of these metals will inevitably collapse. Therefore, many energy giants are fully capable of vigorously mining, but they have to do it slowly because they have to consider the relationship between supply and demand and want to make more money!

But now, the new human civilization is a planned economy, and all the resources dug up are state-owned. There is no need to think so much, just keep digging.

"... We can't spare more manpower for the time being. We can consider improving the smelting capacity later. Just pile the excavated ore in the warehouse... I also thank you very much for your dedication and labor..."

After Yu Yifeng finished writing the email, he quickly sent it to appease the metal smelting staff. This kind of work to appease people's hearts still needs to be done.

He held his chin in thought. Of course there is a reason for such crazy mining, because in the bottom of Yifeng's heart, there is always a vague feeling, a vague sense of danger.

This feeling appeared from time to time, sometimes making his hair stand on end, sometimes so subtle that he could hardly feel it.

But he always felt that Mars was not a kind place, and it would be a good thing to leave Mars as soon as possible. He has great faith in his sixth sense, which has saved him many times.

So where does this sense of danger come from? Yu Yifeng searched for a long time, but he really didn't know. He sent someone to secretly ask Calvin in prison, but he didn't know either.

Calvin is always like this. At the critical moment, it's useless!

Yu Yifeng feels that there may be something very dangerous on Mars. Once it breaks out, the entire human race will be finished...

Maybe Mars will explode like the Earth? Or some other danger?

have no idea! This kind of ignorance was what bothered him the most.

In fact, many ordinary people feel a sense of uneasiness, including a large number of scientists. The ability of the sixth sense is not only possessed by the superhuman Yu Yifeng, but also by many other ordinary people, but it is not that strong.

They subconsciously believed that this uneasiness was caused by the Martian virus, without thinking much about it and deliberately ignored it.

However, this sense of unease indirectly affects people's behavior. Otherwise, humans can develop safely on Mars for a period of time, instead of frantically digging out the mines and then preparing to run away...

Many people have this vague thought in their minds: Mars cannot stay for long! Therefore, many human technological breakthroughs are tilted towards mining.

"What is this vague danger?" Yu Yifeng couldn't help but think, and shook his head. He didn't have the ability to predict, so he really didn't know...

Calvin's magic stick is really unreliable, he just knows that there is danger.

But no matter what, mines still have to be dug, and human development is inseparable from these things. Without mining, where would the resources and energy come from? He was still holding on to a sense of luck. Mars has existed for so long, almost 4.6 billion years ago. Mining for a few years shouldn't be a big problem...

Even if a crisis breaks out, it should...not happen within one or two years.

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