Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 82 Destructive Technology

Science and technology have always been a double-edged sword. If it is not controlled, the more advanced the technology, the greater the probability of stabbing oneself. According to the theory of technological destruction, several technologies such as bioscience, artificial intelligence, and nanorobots have the possibility of becoming black shells.

Scientists had different opinions around this point. They began to discuss what other technologies had the potential to become black shells, and Yu Yifeng also participated with interest. Gradually, they discovered that there were far more than these that could become black shells...

This suspicion covers almost all cutting-edge fields, such as the Large Hadron Collider, genetically modified organisms, cloning technology, etc. Biology, physics, chemistry, information engineering... almost all fields are extremely dangerous if they are developed to the depths!

Even if these dangerous technologies are not black shells, they are still at the level of red shells. You must be careful!

How can it be so easy to master technology? If you are not careful, you will self-destruct. It is difficult for the new human civilization to develop rapidly! Yu Yifeng let out a long sigh.

However, it is impossible for humans to choke and stop eating because of these dangers. All groping must still continue... There is no way, human beings are really too weak. Even if these technologies may backfire at any time, we still have to use them.

However, people must be careful, careful, and careful again!

Thinking of this, Yu Yifeng's heart moved. There is another biggest black shell, that is Perfect Su! Perfect element is powerful, mysterious, and definitely has the ability to destroy the world!

In 2010, Americans leaked a little bit of their secrets, which almost had disastrous consequences...

There really was only a tiny bit of those perfect hormones, but they were accidentally absorbed by some ordinary bacteria, and the most terrible thing was that they were leaked out.

They have evolved into superbugs that are not afraid of any antibiotics. Once people become sick, there is no way to cure them. Fortunately, these superbugs are only tenacious and their reproductive capabilities have not evolved significantly, so they did not spread over a large area in the first place.

But Americans are still helpless against this bacteria. Although they still follow the basic characteristics of life on earth and can be killed by high temperatures, low temperatures, and strong oxidants. However, there is no way to deal with the superbugs that live in the human body.

In order to prevent the emergence of a biochemical crisis, the Americans decisively "humanely destroyed" these patients... Then they razed the entire laboratory and hospital to the ground, and burned them with fire again, finally eliminating all these super bacteria... …

This is an undisclosed secret. Yu Yifeng only discovered it when he was sorting out files recently. He couldn't help but sigh, there was a lot of dark history in the past...

Since then, the coalition government has been very strict with the supervision of perfection. Any plans for perfection need to be approved and strictly monitored.

Perfectin, a very strange substance, can promote the evolution of life. For now, it can only work on plants or single-celled organisms.

When it comes to intelligent multicellular animals, brain death occurs for reasons that remain unclear. The only exception is Yu Yifeng. No one knows why this happens...

Yu Yifeng was thinking that it would be great if all ordinary people could be transformed into superhuman beings. By then, there will be a qualitative leap in both intelligence and physical fitness.

Superhumans are really much stronger than ordinary people. How much better would it be if there were 50,000 superhumans...

He secretly made a plan. He was still too busy during this period. When he had time, he would ask Dr. Roman and the others whether they had made any progress in the research on perfection after so many years...

"Okay, let's get down to business. Let's continue talking about the Great Strainer Theory of Life. Destructive technology is only the second possibility." Heigl pulled people's thoughts back.

"There is a third possibility, the dark forest theory."

"In a novel, the dark forest theory is described like this: The universe is a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches that block the road, trying its best to prevent footsteps. Even if you make a little sound, you have to be careful even when you breathe.

He must be careful, because there are hunters like him stalking everywhere in the forest. If he finds other life, there is only one thing he can do: shoot and eliminate it.

In this forest, other people are hell and an eternal threat. Any life that exposes its existence will soon be wiped out. This is the picture of cosmic civilization, and this is the explanation of the Fermi Paradox.

Once discovered, only one party can survive, or neither party can survive..."

"Therefore, advanced civilizations are all silent. They curl up their huge bodies for fear of causing the slightest fluctuation. Because we little fish and shrimps don't understand anything, we play happily on the shoals and broadcast our own stories everywhere. Location."

"Among the civilizations of the universe, there may be only war and no peace... Countless civilizations have been destroyed in the war."

"So our home planet, the Earth, has been destroyed. As powerful as the Noah civilization, there is no trace of it. One can't help but wonder if they have been destroyed?"

"In my opinion, the dark forest theory is a better explanation..."

Heigl's doubts made everyone breathless. It was unimaginable that a female scientist could have such a powerful aura that she could suppress everyone on the field by herself, even Yu Yifeng was suppressed.

The pessimists have the absolute upper hand at this moment...

Yu Yifeng turned back to look at Lan Bo. His brows tightened, as if he was thinking hard about something. Many optimist comrades also looked at Rimbaud...

A few minutes later, Rimbaud, who had lived up to his expectations, jumped out again. He mustered up his courage and said, "I think the basic assumptions of the dark forest theory and the big filter bucket theory are contradictory, and only one of them is correct."

"The Great Strainer Theory of Life filters out a large number of civilizations that do not meet the requirements. Therefore, interstellar civilizations must be sparse, which is also in line with our basic common sense."

"But there are three premises of the dark forest theory: survival is the first need of civilization; civilization continues to grow and expand; and the total amount of matter in the universe remains basically unchanged."

"To put it bluntly, it is for the sake of survival and development that civilizations start to compete for territory and fight to the death."

"According to this theory, technological breakthroughs must be simple, and interstellar civilizations will be dense. Only dense interstellar civilizations need to compete with each other for territory."

"The Great Strainer Theory says that interstellar civilization is sparse. But the other one says that it is dense."

"So, the dark forest theory and the big filter bucket theory are contradictory in their fundamental assumptions! Logically, I am more inclined to the big filter bucket theory because it has more evidence and supporting points! The dark forest theory is purely Hypothetically, there is very little that can be proven. There may be local wars among civilizations in the universe, but it is impossible for the whole universe to be at war!"

Everyone nodded under Rimbaud's explanation. According to this statement, the two theories are indeed contradictory. Just like human civilization, if there are enough resources and the territory is large enough, why bother with war?

Just like there are only tens of thousands of people on the earth, evenly distributed in every corner, then where does the war come from? Even if they don't know each other at all, there's no need to fight to the death, right?

"From a personal sense, I still think that interstellar civilization is rare. Civilizations that can step into the starry sky should not be so barbaric... Of course, this is just my subjective consciousness, without any evidence... Maybe there are some ideologies and us It’s different, a race that loves war.”

Dr. Rimbaud finished speaking in one breath and sighed. It is impossible to directly refute the dark forest theory because there is really too little information. But he keenly pointed out the contradictions between the two theories. Of the two theories, only one is correct. It is impossible to judge whether it is true or false without more information. It depends on which one people believe.

Of course, more scientists are leaning toward the Great Strainer Theory. Although the dark forest theory has two pieces of evidence: "the earth was destroyed" and "Noah's civilization disappeared", it is still not sufficient! After all, these two pieces of evidence also have other explanations, and they are not necessarily explained by the dark forest.

But these words alerted Yu Yifeng that preparations for civilized war are still necessary!

If a war does break out, it will not be an internal war among humans, but a life-and-death war between interstellar civilizations, and there will be no room left.

Humanity's weapons are still too rubbish, and more powerful war weapons must be developed!

Lasers, electromagnetic guns, and nuclear bombs with greater yields!

(There will be a classified recommendation at 2 p.m., and there may be a large number of trolls swarming in, all kinds of fault-finding parties, logic parties, and some are completely blind, as if just trolling the author as a eunuch can prove their Great...many new authors have been persuaded to quit in this way...

In fact, bugs are inevitable. Even basic mathematical axioms have bugs, let alone an online novel.

Of course this is the same for my book. I know a lot of it myself, but it shouldn’t affect reading much. I hope friends who like this book can help me refute the trolls, otherwise I won’t be able to fight alone. Thank you all in advance! )

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