【Silver Wolf: Very good! Very energetic!】

【Liuying: It feels different to have a teacher!】

【Fu Xuan: Speaking of which, Lu Yun is really good at teaching people!】

【Fu Xuan: Lu Yun once gave me a lot of inspiration in divination!】

【March 7: Indeed!】

【March 7: Everyone he teaches is so amazing!】

【Silver Wolf: I'm dying of laughter! Have you forgotten Kafka?】

【Silver Wolf: The only failed case!】

【Kafka: ???】

【March 7: Really! I almost forgot about the bad woman!】

【March 7: Musical Death!】

【Silver Wolf: Just right! Let's see if Kafka will be the only stain on Lu Yun's education career!】


【Huang Quan: Kafka, do you want me to accompany you?】

【Kafka: How gentle!】

【Kafka: But no need】

【Kafka: I'm not a child anymore, I'm not that fragile!】

【Huang Quan: Really?】

【Huang Quan: That’s good too.】

【Huang Quan: After all, I don’t know what I would have done in the past.】

【Kafka: You just said you would accompany me.......?】

【Huang Quan: If I remember correctly, they call this....】

【Huang Quan: Just polite talk?!】

【Huang Quan: In short, you don’t have to take it to heart!】


【Hanabi: Fun!】

【Hanabi: Yomi has some sense of humor!】

【Black Swan: The joke is a little dull........】

【Huang Quan: Sorry, I will continue to work hard】

【Black Swan:......】


In the light curtain, a girl in a kendo uniform was lying on the floor with her arms and legs spread out, not caring about her image.

Mei was sweating profusely at the moment. She was so tired that she didn't even want to lift a finger.


"I can't stand it anymore!"

She said with a slight breath

"Let me rest for a while, I will die if I continue!"

She felt that her breathing was stuttering!

Sure enough, for a girl who lacked exercise on weekdays

, such high-intensity kendo training was too difficult for her!

Lu Yun smiled and looked at Meiyi lying on the ground.


"Did you forget something?"

Mei was so tired that her brain was in a mess! She couldn't remember anything at all!

She felt that she was breathing out more than breathing in!

"What's the matter?"

Her voice was weak.

Lu Yun just smiled and said

"This is just your dream."

Meiyi didn't react much when she heard this.

Her mind hasn't come to its senses yet.

"Of course I know this is my dream, but so what……"

She didn't finish her words.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something.

She whispered to herself:

"This is my dream......"

"Yes! This is my dream!"

Mei said excitedly.

"This is just a dream!"

A breeze blew through her hair.

Soon her fatigue was swept away!

This was her dream!

Resetting her physical strength, wouldn't that be a matter of minutes?

The breeze blew.

The originally lifeless Mei had disappeared!

Now came the lively Mei!

She held a wooden sword and rushed straight towards Lu Yun.

"I am invincible here!"

Mei shouted as she rushed towards Lu Yun.

Lu Yun just smiled at the excited girl in front of him.

Then he silently waved his sword.

Soon, the excited girl fell to the floor again.

"Come again!"

Meiyi regained her spirits again.

Then she continued to fight with Lu Yun.

After these few battles.

She had almost figured out Lu Yun's attack pattern.

Although the opponent's attack was fast, there were still traces to follow!

In Meiyi's eyes, the wooden sword gradually had a trajectory.

She was no longer the little girl who was knocked to the ground without even seeing Lu Yun's wooden sword at the beginning!

Now, she has even summed up a winning plan!

She only needs to dodge Lu Yun's most critical sword by turning sideways!

Then take advantage of the opponent's old strength and the gap when the new strength has not yet been generated.

Just pick up the opponent's wooden sword and you can win the game!

Meiyi rushed up confidently.

Then the next second.

She lay on the ground.

【March 7: Woohoo! The invincible Miss Mei falls down again!】

【Silver Wolf: Happy! Theoretical players!】

【Silver Wolf: The brain knows the classic, but the hands don’t!】

【Hanabi: I want to name someone here!】

【Hanabi: Even if I don't tell you, everyone knows it!】

【Star: I know, I know!】

【Xing: Isn’t this the Silver Wolf?】

【Xing: Our love master!】

【Silver Wolf: ???】

【Huang Quan: They really do look a bit alike!】

【Xing: Look! My approval】

【Silver Wolf: I don’t agree! 】 (To read the most exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Firefly: Your opinion doesn’t matter!】

【Silver Wolf: ? ? ? 】

In the light curtain,

Mei Yi once again recovered her physical strength and charged towards Lu Yun! She just didn't dodge this time, but she will definitely do it next time!.......

Next time......

Next time next time......

Until I fell to the ground countless times.

The excited girl suddenly had a confused look in her eyes.


"Are you planning to give up?"

Lu Yun smiled and stretched out his hand towards Meiyi who was lying on the ground.[]

"Let's stop here today!"

Meiyi regained her spirits again.

Then she held Lu Yun's hand and jumped up from the ground.

She snorted and said

"It’s not over yet!"

"My physical strength is unlimited here!"

"I want to achieve great success in my magical skills!"

Lu Yun looked at the girl with a middle school look.

He smiled and shook his head.

"Maybe not."


Mei asked curiously.

Lu Yun pointed to the gradually blurry scene in the distance and said

"Because your dream is about to end!"

"It’s time to get up and go to class!"

""Little friend!"


Before the girl could react, she found that her dream began to collapse layer by layer.

The next moment, when she opened her eyes, she was back in the classroom.

She raised her head from the table and watched her classmates come in one after another with their schoolbags on their backs.

She also saw the math teacher on the podium preparing for class.

She understood instantly!

Lunch break was over!

She was going to start class!

And it was math class!

No! Didn’t she just finish sword practice?

Why did she still have to go to class!

She thought that opening her eyes would be the end of the nightmare!

Unexpectedly, opening her eyes was the beginning of the nightmare! It would be better for me to go back to sword practice than to go to math class! At least the teacher is pleasing to the eye!

Poor girl.

At this moment, a sharp explosion sounded!

【March 7: Hahahaha!】

【March 7: Miss Huang Quan in the past had a lot of inner drama!】

【Silver Wolf: Same as Kafka!】

【Silver Wolf: They appear calm on the surface, but they are actually very sultry on the inside!】

【Liuying: Miss Huang Quan should be a little different at this time!】

【Liuying: She is always consistent in what she says and what she does!】

【Firefly: Still a little bit immature!】

【Kafka: Very cute!】

【Huang Quan: Thank you for the compliment!】

【Huang Quan: Come to think of it, was I so disgusted with math at that time?】

【Black Swan: It seems that Miss Huang Quan likes mathematics very much now! ?】

【Huang Quan: I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be that annoying.】

【Huang Quan: After all, I can’t remember anything about mathematics.】

【Qingque: I can’t remember anything, so it’s normal that you like math.】

【Huang Quan: What do you mean?】

【Qingque: Because only those who have never been tortured will have a filter for this subject!】

【Xing: Speaking of which, Miss Huang Quan usually has to go to class.】

【Xing: I have to practice swordplay even when I sleep!】

【Xing: What a nightmare life this is!】

【Firefly: How pitiful!】

【Huang Quan: There is nothing to be pitiful about.】

【Huang Quan: Anyway, that was me in the past】

【Huang Quan: As long as it’s interesting!】

【Silver Wolf:......】

【Silver Wolf: 6! Knife].

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