Nagisa Akatsuki:"Huh? Brother Lin Yuan, aren't you collecting the life data of the gods? How come there is a group of empty water?"

Lin Yuan:"What's that? I also said a few empty water words when I fought with the star god before."

Kugisaki Nobara:"How can it be the same?!" Kuchiki Rukia

:"As expected of the big brother Lin Yuan, the angle of answering questions is always novel."

Lin Yuan:"They are all small details, don't worry about it, don't worry about it!" Lin Yuan:

"By the way, where is the newcomer? Didn't you just say you wanted to see me? Why are you silent?"

Fubuki:"That...Suddenly I don't know what to say."

Looking at Lin Yuan who took the initiative to ask about her situation in the chat group, the expression on Fubuki's face became more and more nervous.

There was no way, Lin Yuan's strength was too strong.

Even her sister Tornado, who was regarded as a target by her, was not on the same level in front of Lin Yuan.

It was difficult for Fubuki to remain calm when she thought that she would have the opportunity to talk to such a big shot.

Lilyluka:"Don't be nervous, newcomer, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"That's right, sister Fubuki, you don't have to be nervous, brother Lin Yuan is very easy to talk to."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Yes, brother Lin Yuan is the strongest person who is the easiest to talk to I have ever seen." Kugisaki Nobara

:"If you have any difficulties, you can be bold and say it directly. 203"

Lin Yuan:"They are right, you can be more confident."

Lin Yuan:"After all, in this chat group, you are the real third strongest person."


Kugisaki Nobara:"???"

Lilyluka:"The third strongest?"

Myne:"Come to think of it, I was so busy watching the wonderful performance of boss Lin Yuan that I forgot to look at the newcomer's profile card."

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, Myne and others quickly opened Fubuki's profile card and took a look.

A few seconds later, looking at the big words [Level 2] in the opponent's strength column, the female chat group fell silent for a while.

Wow, Lin Yuan was right.

Apart from Lin Yuan and Rukia who has been promoted to Level 3, Fubuki, the newcomer, is really the third strongest in the chat group.

Kugisaki Nobara:"I was careless. I didn't expect the newcomer this time to be so strong."

Fubuki:"Huh? Is this true!" Fubuki

:"Didn't they say that everyone in the chat group comes from different worlds?"

Kuchiki Rukia:"Indeed, they are from different worlds, but there are also strong and weak divisions between worlds."

(chbj) Kuchiki Rukia:"By the way, newbie, how strong are you in your world?"

Fubuki:"This...It's a bit embarrassing to say that my strength is only average in the world."

Fubuki answered Rukia's question truthfully.

She is now completely relaxed.

When she first joined the chat group, Fubuki didn't know how to use any of the functions.

In addition, Lin Yuan's performance was too amazing, so Fubuki regarded other people as strong people who were not much worse than Lin Yuan.

But now it seems that her judgment seems to be wrong.

Since everyone is a loser, I won't pretend.

Fubuki felt like she was back home, and began to communicate boldly.

In just a few minutes, Fubuki introduced the situation in her world.

Akatsuki Nagisa:"The inexplicable monsters, and the Hero Association that protects world peace...The situation on Sister Fubuki's side is also very complicated."

Kugizaki Nobara:"It sounds more terrifying than the cursed spirit."

Kugisaki Nobara:"A dragon-level monster that can destroy the city appears at any time. Ordinary people in that world are too miserable."

Chronicle:"In order to protect mankind, they have been fighting such terrifying monsters. No wonder the newcomer has the strength of the second level."

Fubuki:"It's not as powerful as you say. Most of this strength is innate."

Fubuki:"And compared with those S-level monsters, I am still far behind."

Lin Yuan:"So you want to see me to seek ways to become stronger?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Fubuki answered her thoughts truthfully.

After she finished speaking, she thought about it and added a few more sentences.

Fubuki:"Lord Lin Yuan, in fact, the reason why I became stronger is not for the lofty reasons of becoming a hero or protecting the world."

Fubuki:"The reason I did this is just to surpass my sister Tornado."

Fubuki:"I know this reason is a bit selfish, but I still want to seize the opportunity and ask you to teach me to become stronger."

Lin Yuan:"Selfish? That doesn't matter."

Lin Yuan:"No matter what the motive is, as long as you are not lying and using your power to protect mankind and practice the Way of Abundance."

Lin Yuan:"Then in my opinion, you are right."

Fubuki:"Mr. Lin Yuan, what do you mean?......?"

Lin Yuan :"If you want strength, I can give it to you.""!!!"

Nobara Kugisaki:"The newbie is so lucky, she got the recognition of boss Lin Yuan right away."


Rukia Kuchiki:"Congratulations to the newbie, she's so lucky!"[]

Lilyluka:"Newcomer, I've sent you a world invitation. You can come directly by pressing accept."

Fubuki:"Okay, please wait for me!"

Fubuki:"I'll be there after I make some preparations."

Looking at the invitation prompt that appeared in front of her, Fubuki quickly ran back to her room in the Hero Association headquarters.

After locking the door and making sure that she would not be disturbed, Fubuki pressed the confirmation button.

The next moment, the surrounding scenery began to distort.

When Fubuki came to her senses again, she found that she had come to an environment that was both familiar and unfamiliar.


Looking at the scenes that she had just seen in the live broadcast room, and the gods that exuded a terrifying aura.

Fubuki couldn't help but smile.

The chat group is real! The other world is also real!

Since these things are real, then Lin Yuan...

"Hey~ Come back to your senses, newbie."

Just as Fubuki began to imagine a beautiful future of punching her sister and kicking Tornado, a voice suddenly came from the front of her.


Fubuki was stunned for a moment, and looked in the direction of the voice.

The next second, a petite figure appeared in her sight.

Fubuki had an impression of this face.

The person who had just sent her a world invitation in the chat group had the same avatar as the other party.

If she remembered correctly, the other party's group name was......

"Lily Luca?"

"It's me."

Lily waved her hand and said,"Let's go. Lord Lin Yuan is still collecting the life data of the gods. Lily will take you to see him."......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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