Nobara Kugisaki:"What's going on?"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"I remember Sister Mine said not long ago that she received a mission and had to go on a reconnaissance."

Nobara Kugisaki:"I know that, but didn't she say that she couldn't flip the car?"

Mine:"Ahem! This is an accident!"

Mine:"I never thought that I would run into Esdeath during a simple outing!"

Lin Yuan:"I have an impression of this too. When you were bubbling before, you said that you are so strong now that you can kill Esdeath with one shot."

Mine:"Hey! Is this the time to care about these things?"

Mine:"I can't hold on any longer. Can someone come to save me?"

Lin Yuan:"Then invite me over."

Mine:"Oh, this...It's just an Esdeath. There's no need to trouble you, Boss Lin Yuan. Is Rukia here? Save her!"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Sorry, I may not be able to help you now. I just found a hollow when I was patrolling and I'm chasing it now."

Nobara Kugisaki:"Then I'll go?"

Mine:"Forget it."

Mine knows the strength of everyone in the group.

Although Nobara Kugisaki is also a first-level like her, the other party barely reached the first-level through the special technique of the Grass Spirit Spell.

In terms of direct combat, the other party may not be as good as her enhanced sniper.

Pulling the other party over to fight the monster Esdeath is just like sending a head together.

Mine:"It seems that I still have to trouble Boss Lin Yuan for help."

Lin Yuan:"No problem, you send the invitation."

Lin Yuan silently gave Rukia a thumbs up.

What a great assist!...

Outside the Empire.

Thick dark clouds filled the sky, and a biting cold current continued to spread in the air.

Silently, snowflakes began to fall in small areas, completely covering the area.

"Are you not ready to come out yet?"

Esdeath stepped on the frozen ground with her military boots and walked slowly forward.

"I'm almost tired of the cat and mouse game"

"If you surrender now, you can still keep your body intact."

That's still death!"

Marin, who was hiding behind a rock not far away, sighed silently.

"I should have been more cautious."

Originally, the mission that Marin received was just to investigate the secret actions of the empire tonight and to kill the enemy when necessary.

Under normal circumstances, she should have made sure that the enemy had no ambush before taking action.

However, after getting the photon invisible shield recently, she became much more arrogant than before.

With the idea that she could retreat safely even if there was an ambush, she took action directly after confirming that the enemy had no imperial weapon user.

Then...That was all.

The moment she attacked, Esdeath suddenly appeared out of nowhere, blocked her bombardment and launched a large-scale ice needle bombardment. She finally escaped from the opponent's attack and hid her body with the photon invisible shield, but was still caught up by Esdeath.

Although there was still a distance of dozens of meters between the two, Maine did not dare to move at all.

From the previous round of fighting, it can be seen that Esdeath is more terrifying than the rumors say.

The opponent is definitely a second-level city-breaking expert, and he is not weak even among the second-level.

If the opponent finds out.........

"Oh? So you were hiding here."

Without any warning, a playful voice suddenly sounded.

"It's quite good at hiding, no wonder I couldn't find it just now."


Without any hesitation, Marin turned around and raised her imperial weapon, firing it in the direction of the sound.


Esdeath dodged the attack by tilting her head:"It wasn't visible when I attacked. This should be the effect of the imperial weapon."

"But if I'm not mistaken, the bombardment you launched came from the imperial pumpkin, which is Najeshitan's imperial weapon. I can't mistake it."

"Using two different Teigu at the same time and not dying...Interesting, how did you do that?"


Marin did not reply, and immediately stepped back to create distance.

With the pace she learned from Akame, she did not make any sound even when running fast.

Coupled with the effect of the photon invisible shield, even if an ordinary person dodged the previous artillery attack, it would be easy for her to lose her position again.

However...Esdeath is obviously not an ordinary person

"Do you think you can escape?"

A series of roars sounded, and four huge ice walls rose from the ground with Esdeath as the center.

In just a few breaths, a huge ice cage surrounded Marin.

"The law of the jungle is the fundamental law of this world."

"Since you are not as strong as me, you should be prepared to be deprived of everything when I shoot you."

"Humph! Don't be so arrogant!"

Main's cold laughter sounded not far away.

Then, she took the initiative to remove the photon invisible shield and appeared in front of Esdeath.

"It’s still unclear who is stronger!"

"Are you ready to give it a try? Unfortunately, I won't give you a chance to play your trump card."

"It seems you have misunderstood something."

Under Esdeath's suspicious gaze, Marin not only did not put up the slightest resistance, but instead crossed her arms over her chest, as if to let you chop her.

"My trump card has already been activated"


Esdeath was stunned for a moment, then suddenly looked behind Marin, at the figure that appeared out of nowhere.

"So that's it. Are you her trump card?"

"You can understand it this way."

Lin Yuan raised his finger and pointed it at Esdeath:"But I'm sorry, I don't have the intention to play with you for the time being."

Binding Method 4: This Rope The green rope shot through Lin Yuan's fingertips and appeared in front of Esdeath in an instant.

Then, before Esdeath could react, the rope completed the binding and tied her up like a dumpling.

"Okay, it's done."

After doing all this, Lin Yuan stopped what he was doing and looked at Marin beside him.


Are you injured ? I can help you get free treatment."......""

She didn't know if she was injured, but she was frightened.......

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