Imperial Palace.

A tall, fat old man walked between the palaces, passing through countless defenses and arriving at the deepest part of the palace.

"Your Majesty, I am here."

Ernest held an iron basin in his hand, grabbed the special beast meat in it and threw it into his mouth, while asking vaguely

"I heard you have something to talk to me about?"

"Well, when I was in court today, I heard that there were thieves who were constantly assassinating important officials of the empire, and I couldn't help feeling a little worried."

Minister, do you have any good solutions?" the little emperor holding the golden staff asked."

"Haha~ As expected of His Majesty, he even takes such unimportant news to heart. The development of the empire is really booming."

Ernest laughed out loud:"But please rest assured, Your Majesty. I have heard about this matter a long time ago and sent Esdeath to solve it not long ago."

"General Esdeath?"

"That's right, I found the informant of those rats and bribed him to release false information. The Empire will have an important action tonight."

"At that time, Esdeath will ambush in secret. As long as the opponent dares to attack, Esdeath will defeat him!"

"Wait, is General Esdeath alone?"

The little emperor was a little worried:"What if the thieves realize that this is a trap and set an ambush, then she will be in danger, right?"

"Your Majesty cares about your loyal subjects, and I am very happy, but you can have more confidence in Esdeath in terms of strength."

"Even if the thieves set up many ambushes, it would at most waste Esdeath's time. The final result is doomed."

Ernest grabbed a handful of meat from the basin again and threw it into his mouth, his face full of confidence:"We will win."

"That's good."

The little emperor nodded.

Since Ernest said so, it must be true.

The next step is to wait for Esdeath to bring back the good news.


At this moment, a violent explosion suddenly sounded. The little emperor and his partner, who were far away in the depths of the palace, could clearly feel the ground shaking under their feet.

"What's going on?"

The little emperor instantly showed a nervous expression on his face.

"Please be at ease, Your Majesty."

In the shadows of the corner of the palace, a sturdy figure in armor walked out and spoke soothingly.

"It's just that a thief tried to break into the palace. I have sent my men to catch him and will soon get rid of him."

As one of the two pillars of the empire, Bud's status in the little emperor's heart is no less than that of the ministers.

Hearing him say this, the little emperor, who was a little nervous at first, quickly regained his composure.

However, this calm did not last long.

As the sound of the explosion got closer, the temperature in the air also dropped, and a biting cold current swept through the palace.

As if he had noticed something, Bud suddenly snorted coldly, turned around and looked at the slender figure at the entrance of the palace not far away.

"Esdeath, what's going on?"

"Have you betrayed the Empire?"

"It seems that you have some misunderstanding about me."

As she led the Night Raid group past the frozen palace guards, Esdeath asked with a chuckle.

"I never pledged allegiance from the beginning, so how can I talk about betrayal?"

"wait...Wait a minute!"

Ernest, who was originally eating meat leisurely, was now sweating profusely:"Esdeath! What's going on!"

"Aren't you going on a mission to catch the night raider?"

"Why was there a sudden attack on the palace and what happened?"

"It's nothing, I was just defeated by my master."

Esdeath replied:"The law of the jungle is the basis of this world, the strong can take away everything from the weak at will."

"As the defeated party, I became the master's slave and helped him clear the obstacles on his way. It's that simple."

Kugisaki Nobara:"It sounds like it makes sense."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Yes."...Right?"

Maine:"That's definitely not right. Don't believe Esdeath's fallacies just because she betrayed you!" Maine:"If you ask me, this guy has no fewer problems than Ernest and the others."

Maine:"She has deliberately provoked wars and killed the northern barbarians."

In order to prevent everyone in the group from being led astray by Esdeath, Maine quickly revealed some of Esdeath's negative information to reverse the public opinion.

Then, she withdrew her attention, looked at Ernest and the others in front of her, and took a step forward.

"Ernest! You deceived your superiors and subordinates, disrupted the government, embezzled the national treasury, and harmed the people, making the people of the empire live in misery! You deserve to die!"

"Today, we will launch a night raid and execute you on behalf of the people! Do you have anything else to say?"

"What nonsense!"

Ernest snorted coldly, ignoring Mayin's provocation and the little emperor's gaze, and focused his attention on Esdeath.

"Esdeath, I don't know what you've been through!"

"But you don't want to be a slave for your whole life, do you?"

"Come back to the Empire now and I can plead for you!"

"When the time comes, you and I will join forces, and with the help of Bud, no matter how strong the enemy is, they will not be our match!"

"Can't win"

"No matter how many people join forces, they can never defeat the master."

Esdeath said the most unmotivated statement in the most determined tone.

She has tried it before. After waking up at the night raid headquarters, Esdeath immediately expressed her dissatisfaction and wanted to fight Lin Yuan again.

As a result...In less than a minute, Esdeath went through the cycle of being beaten half to death → cured → beaten half to death → cured for more than a dozen times.

After suffering the beating of reality, no matter how hard Esdeath tried to talk, she had to admit that there was a huge gap between herself and Lin Yuan.

Not to mention joining forces with Bud, even joining forces with a hundred Buds would be useless. No matter how many ants gathered, they would only make humans step on them more.

This simple truth, Esdeath knew better than anyone else.

"Hmm? This scene is not over yet."

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Lin Yuan, who had just strolled around the Imperial Treasury, walked in from outside with a leisurely look on his face.

"Esdeath, you're not very efficient."

"Sorry, Master."

Esdez pointed his sword at Bud and said,"I wasted some time by mistake. I will get rid of this old antique right away."


Bud, who had been observing silently, snorted coldly, and a large amount of lightning suddenly shot out from his body.

Under the gaze of everyone, he touched his arms, and a huge thunder penetrated the top of the palace and shot upwards.

Huge energy continued to gather, and thick dark clouds covered the sky in an instant, and lightning flashed from time to time.

"I don't know who you are, but since you have betrayed the empire and broke into the palace, be prepared to die!"

"Old antique, you are the one who deserves to die!"

Esdeath put her hands on her chest and activated all the energy in her body in an instant.

"Open your eyes and watch, you are about to die!"


A biting cold current that was far colder than the thunderclouds in the sky instantly covered the surroundings, leaving only a touch of deep blue in the entire world.

It was as if time had pressed the still button, and the whistling wind and the rushing lightning were all stagnant at this moment.

In the absolutely silent world, the only ones who could still move were Esdeath, the liberator, and Lin Yuan and Mayin, who were watching the show leisurely on the side.

Under the gaze of the two, Esdeath stepped in front of Bud and raised his sword without hesitation.

The cold blade pierced through Bud's neck, and his head and body were directly separated.

Mokopotmo was lifted, and the still world resumed flowing again.

In the unbelievable eyes of Ernest and others, Esdeath, who killed Bud with one knife, turned around and looked at Lin Yuan.

"Master, the thief general Bud has been captured"

"Well, you did a good job."

In the silent palace, Lin Yuan nodded slightly in response.

"Just kill those two dazed guys over there, there is no point keeping them."?"


Is it too late to surrender now?......

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