Lilyluka:"What are Achukas?"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"I seem to have heard from Sister Rukia that the Hollows in Hueco Mundo are divided into ordinary Hollows and Great Hollows."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Ordinary Hollows are usually not strong, and can be dealt with by Shinigami who have undergone systematic training."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"But starting from Great Hollows, the strength of Hollows will increase linearly."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Great Hollows at the level of Achukas...If I remember correctly, it seems that he is stronger than the vice-captain of Soul Society, and is on par with the captain-level strongmen."

Kugizaki Nobara:"Huh? Isn't that a very bad situation!"

When they usually listened to Rukia's introduction to Soul Society, they knew how strong the captain-level strongmen were.

Even the weakest captain-level strongmen, after activating the trump card Bankai, will have the level of third-order annihilation of a country.

For Rukia, who has lost her spiritual pressure and greatly reduced her strength, she is an impossible opponent to contend with.

Lin Yuan:"No wonder you asked for help."

Lin Yuan:"In that case, then send an invitation over, I will help you get rid of that guy."

Lin Yuan was also a little surprised by the sudden appearance of Achukas.

If he remembered correctly, even in the entire Hueco Mundo, there are not many hollows of Achukas' level.

"It seems that it has attracted the attention of some people."

Looking at the invitation in front of him, Lin Yuan pressed the confirmation button.

It just so happens that I am a little bored in Tyco Ammonium, so let's go somewhere else to have fun....

"Ishida, you bastard!"

In the central park of Karakura Town, Ichigo Kurosaki stared at the figure not far away with an angry look on his face.

"What on earth did you put in the bait? How did you attract that kind of monster?"

Don't make a noise, I'm thinking.

The questioned Ishida Uryuu's face was full of confusion.

He couldn't figure out why a bait could attract a Yachukas-level Hollow.

Wasn't the bait he used just ordinary? How could this thing be so effective?

"Damn it! After this is over, I will punch you hard in the face!"

Kurosaki Ichigo suppressed his anger and looked up at the sky again.

But only then did he realize that Yachukas, who was standing in the sky just now, had disappeared without a trace.

"Is this over? Interesting, do you think you can survive today?"

How is it possible?!

The terrifying momentum rushed towards him, and the alarm bell of death rang wildly in his mind.

Facing this fear far beyond his own, Kurosaki Ichigo, who had just become a god of death, was completely unable to cope with it, and his body could not stop shaking.

""Be careful!"


A violent roar sounded, and Kurosaki Ichigo was blown away by the air wave in front of him.

Turning his head, he found that it was Rukia who appeared in front of him in time to help block the attack.

As a price, the opponent's left arm evaporated directly.

"Rotten wood!"

"Be quiet, don't always make noises."

Rukia pulled away in time and retreated to the side of Kurosaki Ichigo

"This is just a prosthetic body, and losing an arm is not a big deal."

More importantly, she can repair even a prosthetic body.

The cursed power in her body is constantly running, and under great pressure, Rukia Kuchiki has learned the technique called reversal without a teacher.

Coupled with the rich series suit she is wearing, Rukia's lost arm has been repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Super-speed regeneration?"

Ilfert looked at this scene with some doubt.

From the process, this is indeed the power of super-speed regeneration, but the breath when the ability is activated seems to be wrong.

"Interesting, no wonder a death god of your level could attract the attention of that master, you are indeed qualified for me to take action"

"Damn, the gap in strength is too big!"

Kurosaki Ichigo suppressed the fear in his heart and asked in a low voice

"Kuchiki, do you have any way to deal with him?"


Huh? You really do have one.

Kurosaki Ichigo was surprised.

He just asked casually, but he didn't expect Rukia to have a trump card.

"I'll cooperate with you on what to do!"

"No, I've already called everyone."

Looking at the man who appeared quietly in front of her, Lucia, who had seen him once in a live broadcast, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Need to capture alive?"

"......Let's capture him alive. Soul Society will definitely notice such a big noise, and use it as an excuse to lose spiritual pressure."

Capture him alive?

Listening to the conversation between Rukia and the others, Ilfert, who was not far away, felt a surge of anger in his heart.

These two guys underestimated him.

As Grimmjow's subordinate, and the elder brother of Sal Apollo, one of the Ten Espadas, even if he was not as strong as the Ten Espadas, he was still among the best among the Achucas.

"I have decided not to hold back!"A surging spiritual pressure like a vast ocean gushed out from Ilfert's body in an instant.

Looking at Ichigo Kurosaki and others who were showing horror in front of him, and Lin Yuan who remained calm, a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"You are not the target of that adult."

"In this case, there is no need to keep it."

With a bang, Ilfert appeared in front of Lin Yuan and raised his hand to his head.

The terrifying spiritual pressure gathered at his fingertips, and the ultimate move called Void Flash began to charge continuously, ready to go.


"Get out of the way! You can't handle that!"

Seeing the horror of this move, Ichigo Kurosaki and Uryu Ishida couldn't help but exclaimed, and quickly raised their weapons to prepare for support.

But at this moment, Lin Yuan slowly raised his palm.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he grabbed Ilfert's palm that condensed the virtual flash as if shaking hands, and swung it downward.


A deafening roar sounded, and the entire Karakura Town shook at this moment.

After a few seconds, the shaking earth slowly returned to calm.

Lin Yuan raised his palm, summoned a chain to tie up Ilfert, and handed the other end of the chain to Rukia

"Here, the big one you want"......

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