"Huh? Why is there another troublesome guy here?"

Hirasoko's eyes moved from Kuchiki Byakuya to Kyoraku Shunsui, scratched his head, and sighed in annoyance.

"One by one, they really can't let me rest at all"

"We haven't seen each other for a hundred years, so you shouldn't be so cold, right, Captain Hirako?"

Kyoraku Shunsui smiled and glanced around.

"To treat the enemy, should we not be cold but warm?"

Hirako Mako drew his sword and pointed it at Kyoraku Shunsui and the others.


Really? We really have to fight.

Seeing that Hirako Mako didn't seem to be joking, Kyoraku Shunsui couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

According to the report that year, it was Urahara Kisuke who was doing the hollowing experiment that harmed Hirako Mako and others.

Logically speaking, Hirako Mako's side and Urahara Kisuke's side should be hostile forces.

But why are the two forces that should have been hostile, now staying peacefully in a store, and instead drawing swords against him.

Are they worried that he will arrest people? Or are they afraid that he will pass the news back to Soul Society?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Kyoraku Shunsui's mind, and before he could draw a conclusion, he saw Saru Kaki Hisori suddenly jumped up and punched Hirako Mako on the back of the head

"You bald guy! Think carefully about the identity of that face before you go under the knife!"

"He is Rukia Kuchiki's brother! You dare to use a knife on him!"

Kyoraku Shunsui:"?"

Kuchiki Byakuya:"?" this...Isn't this wrong?

Usually, Rukia cannot be touched for the sake of Byakuya Kuchiki.

How come it's the other way around?

Looking at Mako Hirako who had a look of sudden enlightenment and really put away her Zanpakutō, Shunsui Kyoraku smiled helplessly.

"I didn't expect that after a hundred years of not seeing you, Captain Pingzi, you still like to joke so much"

"Who is kidding you?"

Glancing at the old silver coin who hadn't figured out the situation, Pingzi Mako lifted the curtain behind him and shouted

"Boss! Miss Rukia's big brother is here!"

"It's difficult for us to capture him alive, can you help?"

""Eh? Big brother is here!"

Rukia's voice sounded.

Under the gaze of everyone, a man and a woman walked out from behind the door curtain.

"Back off, useless thing!"

"Okay, I'll teach it to the boss next!"

Hirako Mako was not angry at all, and ran to the back with the others to eat melons and watch the show happily.

""A strange face."

Kyoraku Shunsui looked at Lin Yuan in a frivolous tone.

Although his attitude seemed very defensive, his palm on the sword and his tense body showed that he did not underestimate Lin Yuan.

This man is very dangerous.

Kyoraku Shunsui made a judgment.

Although he did not detect any spiritual pressure from Lin Yuan, the terrifying aura that rushed towards him could not be faked.

"Rukia, what's going on?"

Kuchiki Byakuya, who had been silent since the beginning, looked at his sister.

"Who is this man, and is he related to your previous loss of spiritual pressure?"

"You misunderstood, big brother."

Lucia replied:"Big brother Lin Yuan is the reinforcement I invited. It was he who helped me solve the problem of Yachukas before."

"Did he do it?"

Kuchiki Byakuya glanced at Lin Yuan and said,"On behalf of the Kuchiki family, I would like to thank you for saving Rukia."

"However, Rukia passed the power of the god of death to humans without authorization, violating the......"

"Okay, okay, let's stop here."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and interrupted,"I don't want to talk about those useless things with you, nor do I want to reason with you."

"Let’s fast forward. Do you want to surrender and become my subordinate?"

"Hey, you're going too far."

Kyoraku Shunsui couldn't help but complain:"How can you be so annoying? At least explain the whole thing and give us a good idea."

"I understand."

Lin Yuan took a step forward and appeared between Jingle Shunsui without warning.

"Since you are not ready to surrender directly, then be quiet for a while. I have other things to do."

Before the two of them could react, he pressed his palms on their shoulders, one on the left and one on the right, sucking out their spiritual pressure. With a slight force, two dull sounds floated.

Under the gaze of everyone, the bodies of Kyoraku Shunsui and the other man were directly pressed under the floor, leaving only their heads outside.

"The rest of the explanation will be left to you."

Lin Yuan turned and said to Rukia

"No problem!"

Rukia nodded slightly and sent Lin Yuan away.

Then, under the complicated gaze of Byakuya Kuchiki, she took a small stool and sat down next to his head.

Thinking about it carefully, this seemed to be the first time she saw her eldest brother with such an expression.

So cool!...

Inside the basement of Urahara Shoten

"Mr. Lin Yuan, the transformation to the divine body is ready."

Urahara Kisuke brought Lin Yuan to a doll.

"Do you need me to introduce the specific usage?"

"No need."

Lin Yuan had already learned about the God-Turning Body in detail when he explored Urahara Kisuke's memory before.

Raising his hand to summon the Zanpakutō, Lin Yuan directly inserted it into the puppet in front of him, allowing the two to establish a connection.


Invisible spiritual pressure fluctuations spread from the God-Turning Body, and the basement began to shake faintly.

Then, under Urahara Kisuke's puzzled eyes, the boundary of the basement began to expand into the distance at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, a series of earth-breaking sounds were heard, and mountains of varying sizes rose from the ground.

Flowing water appeared out of thin air, and the emerald green symbolizing life began to spread, with birds and beasts running in it.

In just a few breaths, the originally empty basement turned into a paradise on earth with birds singing and flowers blooming.

"It really made quite a commotion."

Faced with this situation that caused a drastic change in the surroundings as soon as it appeared, Lin Yuan did not show any surprise.

Looking at the two figures in front of him that he had seen once when he completed the first release, he moved his wrists and said

"Don't you want to call me? Then I'll do it first."

"Can't you be a little more friendly to your Zanpakuto, Master?"

The lady with long green hair on the left shook her head helplessly.

"Yes, yes! We clearly have no hostility towards each other, why are you thinking about fighting so much?"

The loli with short white hair on the right folded her arms across her chest and nodded in agreement.

The two of them really had no way to deal with Lin Yuan, the lazy dog master.

As the embodiment of part of the power of the Fate of Abundance and the Fate of Pioneering, they could not be called Zanpakuto in the conventional sense.

From the moment they were born, they were derivatives of Lin Yuan's power and had absolute obedience to Lin Yuan.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Yuan only needed to learn some sword Zen, enter his inner world and communicate with them, and he could complete the Shikai and Bankai in one step.

But this guy was good. Every day he was either looking up at the sky (net) and posting (water) in a daze (group), or wandering around without doing his job.

Occasionally, when he wanted to practice, he was also studying the deep-level use of the power of pioneering and the power of abundance and developing moves.

As for the Zanpakuto, he didn't even touch it, and he thought about cheating by relying on external forces every day.

It was not easy to meet through the transformation of the divine body, but the first thing he did was to raise his hands to fight, without even the idea of communicating.

Where did you come from?......

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