Can't escape? Being entangled?

Hearing what Aizen said, Ichimaru Gin couldn't help but be stunned.

Then he seemed to notice something and suddenly looked down at his feet.

"This is...So that's how it is. Is that what's going on?"

It was only then that Ichimaru Gin realized that his legs had been wrapped up by vines without him noticing.

The green light flowed into his body along with the vines, absorbing all the spiritual pressure that he had used at will. For the first time in a long time, Ichimaru Gin felt weak.

"I really miss it."

Ichimaru Gin chuckled:"The last time I felt this way was when I had just arrived in Soul Society and was hungry." Has he been affected again?

Looking at Ichimaru Gin, who was not thinking about how to solve the crisis and whose attention was diverted again, Aizen, who was also entangled by vines, narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

This is the second time.

In less than a minute, he shook the will of the captain-level strongman twice in a row, causing him to relax and forget his fear.

"What a terrifying power."

Aizen looked up at the man in the sky again.

Is that the power that can be obtained after transcending the boundaries of the God of Death?

No ,...It should be higher than that.

Recalling Lin Yuan's action of raising his hand to suppress Yamamoto, Aizen made a judgment in his heart.

The gap between them is more than just one or two dimensions.

This is no longer a distance that can be caught up with the Hougyoku. Perhaps he can try to communicate with Lin Yuan to get a breakthrough....


Aizen paused, raised his hand and pushed his glasses down, then realized what was happening.

"It turns out that I was also affected."

Through his own and Ichimaru Gin's abnormal reactions, Aizen finally realized the tip of the iceberg of Linyuan's Bankai ability.

"Seal, suppress the enemy's power, and then use mental influence to dispel the enemy's fighting spirit, so that he will be trapped in the things he cares about and give up the idea of a bloody battle."

"I never thought that the man who attacked Soul Society with such fanfare and defeated the Captain-General head-on would have such a gentle Bankai ability."


As if hearing what Aizen said, Lin Yuan turned around and looked at him.

"Wrong, this is not gentleness, but selfless kindness"

"Compared to fighting to the last minute, surrendering directly is also a good option."


The green light bloomed on Lin Yuan again.

But unlike before, this time Aizen actually felt the breath of spiritual pressure from Lin Yuan.

Although it only lasted for a few seconds and then disappeared again, it still caught Aizen's attention.

What is going on?

A hint of confusion flashed in Aizen's eyes.

Theoretically, the situation of not being able to sense spiritual pressure only occurs when the opponent's spiritual pressure far exceeds one's own.

At this moment, he has not become stronger, but he can feel Lin Yuan's spiritual pressure in those few seconds. Does this mean that Lin Yuan has become weaker?

No, this is obviously impossible.

"......Did you absorb our spiritual pressure and integrate it into that special energy?"

"That's right."

Lin Yuan nodded calmly.

Unlike ordinary Zanpakutō, his Zanpakutō will transform into two weapons, Qiling and Pibang, after Shikai, representing abundance and development respectively. After Bankai

, the two swords will merge into one, transforming into [Qijie·Pikking Tianqi], which has both the power of abundance and the power of development. In this state, Qijie·Pikking Tianqi not only has the original ability, but also gets a great increase.

Take Pibang, which was originally only used to leave space coordinates and teleport.

After entering Bankai, its spatial ability will be upgraded from simple fixed-point teleportation to control of space.

In this state, Lin Yuan can not only complete the teleportation more easily, but also cover the power of development on the surface of the weapon, so that he can cut with a swing of the sword and ignore the effect of defense. Even

Pibang, who is at a disadvantage among the two swords, can get such a degree of improvement after Bankai, so Qiling, who represents abundance, is naturally needless to say.

As the saying goes, to cure a disease, you must treat the root cause.

After being fully liberated, Qi Ling's abilities of [Analysis] and [Absorption] were further enhanced.

The most intuitive manifestation is that after Lin Yuan absorbed a large amount of spiritual pressure from different people, he deconstructed the nature of the spiritual pressure energy and created his own spiritual pressure.

Of course, not all energies are compatible like cursed power and spiritual pressure.

The imaginary energy, which has a wider range of effects, began to erode the spiritual pressure the moment it was born, trying to integrate it into itself.

So, the power of abundance was activated again, and Lin Yuan found the"cause" of the conflict between the two energies and solved it.

This time, the imaginary energy and spiritual pressure changed from a simple collision and occupation to a more gentle fusion.

After the two energies merged into one, the imaginary energy also successfully possessed the various properties of spiritual pressure.

The spiritual pressure of Lin Yuan that Aizen just sensed was exactly the few seconds before the spiritual pressure in his body was born and completed the fusion.

"Including the mental impact I demonstrated initially, this is the full power of my Zanpakutō Bankai.

After completing the demonstration as agreed, Lin Yuan looked at Rukia standing beside him.

"have you understood?"

"Uh-huh...I should understand."

Rukia nodded in a puzzled manner.

In fact, she didn't understand at all and only remembered the general result.

Lin Yuan can control space, and Lin Yuan can absorb different energies and integrate them perfectly.

It's just like a poor student who was absent-minded in class and finally came back to listen to the teacher's summary.

But this can't be blamed on her.

After all, what Lin Yuan said was too complicated.

Not only did he mention the nature of spiritual pressure, the methods of deeply developing spiritual pressure, and the means of further purifying spiritual pressure.

Even at the end of the talk, Lin Yuan also introduced the method and principle of melting spiritual pressure and imaginary energy.

Rukia, who had never been exposed to these, suddenly heard so much unfamiliar knowledge at this moment, and naturally couldn't remember it all.

But none of this matters, after all, she followed Lin Yuan back to make trouble in the Soul Society, not for learning.

At this moment, Rukia, who deeply felt the helplessness of the poor student, returned to her original heart and raised her finger to Aizen who had lost consciousness.

"Boss Lin Yuan, I just saw that Lan Yu had been arrested by you."

"Next, should we solve the crisis hidden in the dark, which is comparable to Aizen's?"

"I have already done this."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

There was a snapping sound, as if some barrier had exploded, awakening the Soul Society's Death God who was immersed in beautiful memories.

The next second, countless figures wearing white uniforms and holding spirit bows appeared in front of them.

"That is...Quincy?"

Rukia was stunned:"Where did these guys come from? There are too many of them!"

"A large number is normal."

Looking at the members of the Star Cross Knights below who burst out with terrifying momentum, entered the state of complete holy body and tried to clear the surrounding vines, Lin Yuan replied

"After all, after their defeat a thousand years ago, these guys have been hiding in the shadow of the Jingling Court, recuperating."

"There was no internal strife, and they practiced hard to accumulate strength, gradually developing their power, which continues to this day."

"If I hadn't intervened, these Quincies alone would have been able to kill the Gotei 13 and destroy the Seireitei."

""Huh? Are these Quincies so strong?"

Rukia was a little surprised.

She admitted that the Quincies below who could transform were as powerful as the captains.

But there was a gap between captains.

At least in Rukia's opinion, these Quincies were far inferior to Yamamoto who had just transformed.

"Don't underestimate the Quincy. This guy here is stronger than Yamamoto."

As if he had guessed Rukia's thoughts, Lin Yuan raised his hand and pointed at the sky in front of him.

There, a man with long black hair and beard, wearing a crimson cloak, was walking towards them with several figures.

"That is...Yhwach?!"

As if seeing something unbelievable, Kyoraku Shunsui behind him widened his eyes and exclaimed

"How is that possible? Wasn’t he killed a thousand years ago?"......

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