A series of prompts sounded, and after spending a few points, Lin Yuan directly bought all the products uploaded by Rukia from top to bottom.

With the help of the chat group, a huge amount of knowledge emerged in Lin Yuan's mind like a tide, and he quickly mastered it.

In just a few breaths, Lin Yuan went from a blank slate with no skills to a big boss with hundreds of skills.

"Well, this is enough for now."

The goods were cleared, and Lin Yuan, who had enough for now, stopped shopping and familiarized himself with the series of ghost skills he had just bought.

After purchasing knowledge items from the mall, the chat group will help the buyer to master the most basic skills.

In simple terms, Lin Yuan can release the purchased ghost skills 100%.

But being able to use does not mean complete control.

The consumption of imaginary energy, the length of the attack distance, and how much damage a ghost skill will cause.

In order to achieve the effect of hitting wherever you point, all of this requires Lin Yuan to further practice, use more and experience more.

However...Just as Lin Yuan was about to find an open space to start practicing, a group of life auras appeared in his perception.


Lin Yuan looked up at the night sky in confusion.

According to the direction of his perception, the aura that suddenly appeared seemed to come from outside the planet.

And he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the aura of these outsiders was somewhat familiar.

How familiar was it?...He himself exudes a similar, almost identical aura.

"Breath of abundance...Have you sensed the blessing of the pharmacist?"

Lin Yuan vaguely realized something.

As if to confirm his guess, a huge warship passed through the atmosphere and appeared directly above Lin Yuan, covering the sky.

The wind was howling, and bird-like monsters with well-developed feet and back muscles and multiple pairs of wings kept flying out of the warship.

"Found it! Found it!"

"Haha! I said I was right, there really is a blessing from the King of Medicine here!"

"Get out of here! Don't fight, he's my prey!"

"Yours? Dream on. Such delicious food is only for the strong!"...

"So noisy."

Looking at the monsters flying over and staring at him with ill intentions.

Even though Lin Yuan didn't have a synesthesia beacon and couldn't understand what these guys were saying, he understood what was going on.

It was obvious that he was being targeted by the remnants of the abundance.

"Are there any remnants of the Rich just passing by? What bad luck you have."

Lin Yuan shook his head helplessly.

The remnants of the Rich, to put it simply, are beings who have been blessed by the Rich Star God Pharmacist just like him.

But unlike him, these blessed ones do not have the power of the Envoy level, and their lifespans are also limited.

After a long period of erosion, if the people of the Rich want to gain stronger power and a longer lifespan, they must undergo genetic modification and optimize themselves.

And the manifestation is that they eat their own kind alive, inject blood from exotic beasts, or plunder the blessings of the Rich from other forces.

Walking on this path, even if ordinary people of the Rich succeed in achieving their goals, they will become monsters who have lost their humanity. things.

In addition, the people of Fengrao will continue to multiply and give birth to more of their kind, and the demand for resources will further increase.

In order to meet the needs of everyone, the best way is to start a war and take away everything they need.

Of course, there are also superior and inferior people among Fengrao people.

For example, the powerful people of Fengrao may go in groups to attack the fairy boat.

The weaker people of Fengrao will try to follow the footsteps of the pharmacist like the bird-like monsters in front of Lin Yuan.

Everyone in the universe knows that the pharmacist is a star god who blesses wherever he goes.

As long as you follow the other party, you will always be able to find the existence blessed by the other party and plunder it.


"You chose the wrong target."

Lin Yuan raised his hands, one on the left and one on the right, aiming at both sides of the sky.

Breaking Dao No. 63: Thunder Roar Cannon.

Boom! Boom!

Two thick golden lightning pillars shot out suddenly, swallowing up all the Wing Makers in front of the two Thunder Roar Cannons.


"How is it possible? How could the guy who had just been blessed possess such powerful strength!"

"Damn, I hit a tough guy!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Shocked by Lin Yuan's sudden attack, the Wing Makers instantly realized the power gap and quickly retreated towards the battleship.

"Come when you want, leave when you want!"

"Do you think this is your home?"

Faced with the Wing Makers who were retreating like a tide, Lin Yuan laughed and said

"Even if my mastery level is low, I can still do it by simply injecting energy."

The Thunder Roar Cannon, which was supposed to last for a moment, did not dissipate.

With the continuous injection of imaginary energy, two thick lightning pillars that penetrated the sky continued to rush out from Lin Yuan's palm.

Just like a child wiping a picture when painting, the golden lightning pillars continued to pass through the sky under Lin Yuan's control, devouring the Wing Makers. In just less than a minute, this group of rich remnants who felt the blessing of the pharmacist and came here after smelling the scent were all evaporated.

"" Great!"

Lin Yuan put away the Thunder Roar Cannon in his hand and laughed loudly after fully unleashing its power for the first time after receiving the blessing from the pharmacist.

This is too great!

If there was a target, he really wanted to keep shooting!

"Hmm? There really is one."

As if he had heard Lin Yuan's thoughts, the next moment after this thought came into his mind, several strange life breaths once again broke into his perception range.


Lin Yuan, who was addicted to firing cannons, raised his palm and fired a thunder roar cannon straight out.

But unlike the previous arrogant cannons, this time the thunder roar cannon was instantly dispersed just a few kilometers away.

Under Lin Yuan's gaze, a young man with short black hair and wearing a white and indigo gradient loose coat slowly descended from the sky.

"Calm down, I'm not your enemy"......

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