Lucas Galaxy, Achida.

Deep in the desert, a slender pink figure stepped on a jet board and moved quickly through the desert.

After an unknown amount of time, she raised her hand and pressed the communication device on her face, asking:

"Danheng, where is the target?"

"I'll be in front of you soon."

Dan Heng's steady voice came from the other end of the communication device.

"March, be prepared"

"In five seconds at most, you will see it"

"Leave it to me!"

Sanyueqi perked up and looked ahead.

Two seconds later, a shark-like earthy brown monster appeared in her sight.

That was the target of her and Danheng's trip, a monster that destroyed vegetation in the desert and expanded the desert area - the sandfish.

The opponent moved very fast, and the dorsal fin exposed in the desert was just a blink of an eye, and it came in front of Sanyueqi.

At this time, the sandfish finally noticed Sanyueqi blocking the front, and directly drifted and turned to rush to the other side.

"Damn you, don't even think about running away this time!"

The jet ram under March Seven's feet instantly reached maximum power, temporarily keeping up with the movement of the sandfish.

Looking at the sandfish just a few meters away, she raised her hand and summoned a longbow, pulling the bowstring.

The six-phase ice quickly took shape in her palm, turning into several cold arrows that were placed on the bowstring.


As if sensing the approach of danger, the sandfish suddenly opened its mouth and emitted a low sound wave.


A huge roar sounded, and a thick sand wall more than ten meters high took shape instantly, blocking March Seven's way.


I didn't expect the sandfish to have such a move. Sanyueqi, who was standing on the jet board, let out a mournful cry.

Caught off guard, she had no other choice but to crash into it head-on, breaking through the sand wall.

Afterwards, Sanyueqi, who could no longer maintain her balance, turned three and a half times in mid-air and landed in the desert in an elegant posture, stirring up thousands of waves.

A few seconds later, Danheng, who was also standing on the jet board, crossed the sand wall and landed smoothly, looking at the sand pit that had just formed in front of him.

"March, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a headache."

Sanyueqi stood up with the jet board and rubbed his forehead.

"Unfortunately, I almost did it."

"I didn't expect that guy had this kind of trick."

"To be honest, I was also surprised."

Dan Heng sighed silently:"I should have mentioned the relevant information about the sand fish before the battle began."

"The sandfish is known as the overlord of the desert. It can not only move quickly in the desert, but also has the power to manipulate sand."

"You were just lucky. The other party was only trying to escape and only created a sand wall to stop you."

"If it had the killing intent to create a weapon like a sand gun or a sand sword, you would be in more than just a little pain now."

""Ahem, I was careless."

Sanyueqi scratched her head in embarrassment.

It was mainly because Danheng was too fierce, chasing the sandfish all the way, forcing the other party to flee with its head in its arms.

After two unsuccessful attempts to intercept it, Sanyueqi was only thinking about closing the distance, forgetting that the other party could also control the sand.

However, with this lesson, she has figured out how to fight against the sandfish's ability to control sand at close range.

"Danheng, come again!"

"This girl promises that she will not fail this time!"

"......I don't think it's necessary."

"Wait wait wait! Dan Heng, you can’t be that serious!"

March Seven exclaimed:"It’s not the first time I’ve failed in catching sand fish today, why do I suddenly lose my motivation this time!"

So you also know that this is not the first time you’ve failed.

Dan Heng, who felt that he was almost used to taking care of the naughty child, sighed again and raised his hand to signal behind March Seven.

"The shark has been caught."


San Yueqi was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned her head to look.

The next second, a handsome figure with short black hair appeared in her eyes.

"Lin Yuan?!"

"Hey, Xiao Sanyue, and Danheng, long time no see."

Lin Yuan smiled and waved, saying hello to the two of them.

"It's really you! When did you come back?"

March Seven trotted over and came over with a happy look on his face.

"You've been gone for more than a month. If I hadn't messaged and chatted with you so often, I would have thought you were in danger and missing!"

"That would be too much of an underestimation."

Lin Yuan raised his arm and showed off his muscles:"I am now extremely strong." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Unless the Star God takes action, no one in this world can be my opponent!"

"Hey, hey, be careful when you brag."

Sanyueqi said with a smile, not believing Lin Yuan's words at all.

"Do you understand what it means that there are always people better than you?"

"You better be careful, don't overdo it and get into trouble someday"

"Don't worry, I can run away even if I crash."

With the chat group, the worst that can happen is that I will live in another world.

As long as there is green, there will be no shortage of firewood.

After gaining the confidence to fight against the Star God, Lin Yuan is now as swollen as a pufferfish.

Smiling, Sanyueqi and boasted for a few words, saying that even if the hunting Star God Lan came in person, he couldn't do anything to him.

Lin Yuan stopped chatting and handed the sandfish in his hand to Sanyueqi and the other man.

"Is this your goal?"

"I just saw you guys chasing me, so I grabbed him."

"Hmm? If you hadn't told me, I would have almost forgotten it."

Sanyueqi took the shark, raised his little hand and knocked on the shark's head twice in anger.

"Thank you, Lin Yuan"

"This guy is cunning and runs very fast in the desert. Even the jet ski at full power can't catch up with him."

"If you hadn't helped, Danheng and I might have had to work on several systems before we could catch it."

"In fact, he is not as cunning as Sanyue said."

As if he was afraid that Lin Yuan would misunderstand his ability to handle affairs, Dan Heng, who had been silent all the time, spoke silently.[]

"If March hadn't made any mistakes, we would have caught it in the first round of encirclement and suppression."

""Ahem~ Danheng, don't blame me!"

Sanyueqi coughed twice in embarrassment, not knowing how to refute.

There was no way, the failure of the encirclement and suppression of the sandfish in the past few rounds was indeed her fault.

But it couldn't be blamed entirely on her. It was her first time to use the jet board, and she was able to master the method so quickly, which was already a gifted talent.

It was rare for someone like Danheng to be able to use it well for the first time and not encounter any problems throughout the whole process.

"Anyway, it would be great if we could catch some sandfish!"

"Hand this guy over to Mr. Kennedy, and we can complete the commission and return to the train to rest!"

After summoning the six-phase ice to pack the sand fish, March Seven put down the jet rush board and jumped on it.

"Lin Yuan, do you want to try it?"

"I have always felt a little regretful that I was unable to take you to experience the company's transport vehicle last time."

"This time I will take you to experience the jet board, which is definitely more exciting than the transport vehicle!"

"Do you have a driver's license?"

"You don’t need a driver’s license for this thing!"

Sanyueqi waved at Lin Yuan, like a ghost fire girl who found a new toy.

"Come on up, come on up, today I will show you the thrill of overtaking racing!"......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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