"Lin Yuan, I'm serious."

"You are definitely affected by the power of balance."

Sanyueqi put his hands on Lin Yuan's shoulders with a stern face and said

"According to normal people's logic, it is absolutely impossible to say the nonsense you just said."

"But unfortunately, this is the truth."

Lin Yuan shrugged:"No matter how you look at me, I have always been practicing the Way of Plenty."

When he was saved by the pharmacist and given the power of abundance, Lin Yuan made a promise to him.

【If you can survive, you must do more good things.

Although in the subsequent life, Lin Yuan occasionally did some things that did not conform to this promise for the chat group.

But most of the time, he really fulfilled this promise and tried his best to do what he thought was good.

Saving March Seven in space is to help those in need.

Destroying the Millennium Empire in the Aka World is to allow more ordinary people to live a happy life.

Reshaping the order of the three realms in the Death God World is to give the Soul King relief and strengthen the stability of the world.

The maximum output to annihilate the Zerg in the Laoyer Galaxy is to resolve the crisis in the shortest time and avoid more people getting hurt.

Even the fact that he did not help March Seven before and watched the other party rush into the desert and overturned was to teach her a lesson.

Of course, this matter is really funny. Lin Yuan said that he practiced the way of joy by the way.


"Even if I do certain things with some personal desires"

"But as long as the result leads to what I think is right in my heart, it is in line with my abundance."

"The real selfless person is the pharmacist. As a messenger, it is never a problem to have some selfish desires."

"As the God of Balance, I make the decision based on this. I am a qualified Envoy of the Order of Plenty. It's that simple."

"Eh? Is that so?"

Sanyueqi covered his head, somewhat confused by Lin Yuan's words.

"But your character......"

"Why is it different from a month ago?"

"That’s right! This is it!"

"The past is the past, and the present is the present. Don't take the past too seriously."

Lin Yuan raised a finger and shook it.

What was his status a month ago?

A single-core Order of Abundance, with a newly developed destiny.

It may be very strong for ordinary people, but it can only be regarded as upper-middle class in the Collapse Iron World.

Even without the intervention of the Star God, if you encounter a stronger Order, you have to keep your tail between your legs to avoid being chopped.

But now it's different.

Order of Abundance, Order of Memory, Order of Development.

The power of the three Orders is gathered in one body, plus the joyful destiny that is being upgraded, and the complete version of the Spirit King template.

Not to mention the Order, even if the Star God comes, he has to fight twice before running away.

He is still a coward!

"I'm not pretending anymore, I'm telling you.."

Lin Yuan spread his hands:"I am actually this kind of person. What you saw before is the result of my restraint."

March 7:"???"

Why didn't you tell her earlier? You made her worry for so long!

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

After telling Sanyueqi the truth and clearing up the misunderstanding, Lin Yuan returned to his daily life.

Drinking coffee every day, teasing Sanyueqi, getting off the car to explore new planets, and collecting intelligence by the way, it was very fulfilling.

If there was anything that was a pity, it was that he had not collected the information he wanted.

Even in the world of Collapse Iron, the existence of life levels close to or equal to those of star gods is still very rare.

Lin Yuan and Ruan Mei contacted various forces for help, and after working on multiple fronts for a month, they still did not find a creature that met the requirements.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he can't find it in the world of Collapse Iron.

He can also set his goals for the long term, such as other worlds.

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Good morning, everyone. Did anyone get up as early as I did today?"

Lin Yuan:"Then I must have gotten up earlier than you."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Brother Lin Yuan didn't sleep at all!"

Lin Yuan:"You found out (laughing)"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Good morning, big brother Lin Yuan, and little Nagisa." Nagisa

Akatsuki:"Huh? Sister Rukia, long time no see, have you finally come out of retreat?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Well, I've had some insights recently, and my strength has made a new breakthrough." Kugisaki Nobara

:"Breakthrough again? Is the effect of the Collapse Jade so effective?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"The Collapse Jade is just one of the factors. The more important thing is that I have two different power systems at the same time." Rukia Kuchiki:"As the number of abilities increases, the Collapse Jade can help with more things to break through."

Of course, this kind of breakthrough is a breakthrough in small abilities. (To read the violent novels, go to Fulu Novels!)

Maybe in the future, it will be possible to accumulate a little and make a qualitative change.

But at the moment, this level of breakthrough cannot bring her a significant improvement.

Nobara Kugisaki:"Even if the improvement is not big, it is still considered growth. I don't feel much change from my daily practice." Nobara

Kugisaki:"Forget it, let's not talk about it. Rukia, do you have time recently?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Nothing for the time being, what's wrong?"

Nobara Kugisaki:"A special-grade cursed spirit called Zhenren has appeared on my side recently. His ability is not only dangerous but also tricky." Nobara

Kugisaki:"But the opponent's strength should not be more than the second level. I don't want to disturb Boss Lin Yuan." Nobara Kugisaki:

"Rukia, if you have time, I would like to ask you for a favor and give you points afterwards."

Rukia Kuchiki:"No need for points. I just want to find an enemy to practice with."

Rukia agreed to this matter directly.

For her who is also practicing the cursed power system, going to the world of curses to clean up the cursed spirits is a return to her old business.

More importantly, Nobara Kugisaki provided a lot of help when she lost her spiritual pressure before, so this time it is a return gift.

Rukia Kuchiki:"By the way, how are the newbies doing? Has he shown up during the days I was training my Bankai?"

Nobara Kugisaki:"No, he's still the same, he hasn't said a word." Nagisa

Akatsuki:"Yeah, he's even more timid than Sister Myne when she first joined the group."

Myne:"Hey, how can I be called timid!" Myne

:"If you were on an assassination mission and a chat group suddenly appeared in your mind, you would be scared to death."

Seeing someone making up rumors, Myne immediately jumped out to refute.

She was really scared at the time and thought she had been discovered by the Empire.

Not only did she immediately retreat from the Imperial Capital, she even stayed in the deserted wilderness for a while.[]

If Akahime and the others hadn't discovered her missing and found her location after investigation, she would have thought she was going to die.

Marin:". Come to think of it, the newcomer's situation is not similar to mine at the beginning."

Marin:"If there is a constant threat of death around him, then it is understandable that he doesn't talk after joining the chat group."

Marin:"I only communicated with you after I met up with Akahime and the others and felt a little safe."

Kugisaki Nobara:"That being said, it's been a month, the newcomer can't have not found a safe enough place yet, right?"

Lilyluka:"Huh? Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Lily, who had a similar experience, suddenly had a terrifying idea in her mind.

Lilyluka:"Everyone, do you think there is a possibility, I mean possibility." Lilyluka:

"There is no place around the newcomer that can be guaranteed."

She looked at the newcomer's information card and found that his strength was not even at the first level.

This kind of strength would be at the bottom in any world with supernatural powers.

If the other world happens to be particularly dangerous, there are a large number of fourth-level and fifth-level strongmen.

The newcomer is in a dangerous environment all the time, without a chance to breathe. (Zhao Lihao) In this situation, she couldn't find a safe area, so she naturally didn't dare to communicate through the chat group.


Nobara Kugisaki:"What you said seems to make sense."

Lin Yuan:"I think you are not far from the truth."

Rukia Kuchiki:"Even boss Lin Yuan said so, then the newcomer's situation must be very bad."

Rukia Kuchiki:"We have to find a way to dispel her vigilance and help her." Nagisa Akatsuki:

"Can sister Chroni see that? We are not bad people, come out and say something."

Lin Yuan:"From a common rational point of view, you will only make her more scared by saying that."

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Huh? Then what words should I use!"

Lin Yuan:"Just do nothing."

Being able to keep silent once a month, Lin Yuan can guess with his ass that the eternal war in the game world is still not over.

In this case, no matter what they do, it will only make Chroni more vigilant.

On the contrary, doing nothing can make the other party feel at ease.

As time goes by, Chroni, who is always under great pressure, will naturally show up one day.

At that time, the opportunity for development will appear.......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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