Under the guild.

Wearing a black cloak, Fels walked through a hidden passage and came to a temple made of huge stones.

Four torches with swaying red flames were inserted around, emitting a faint flame to illuminate this somewhat dim space.

In the center of the temple, at the center of the four torches, stood an altar that exuded an ancient atmosphere.

Fels looked up and met the eyes of the burly old god wearing a hood and sitting on a huge stone throne on the altar.

"Uranus, I just heard a special rumor among some gods."

"It's about visitors from outside the region."

"Huh? Did you get the news so soon?"

"Not long ago, Ganesha came here in person and told me about the things between Lin Yuan and Dionysus.

Uranus replied:"It must be said that visitors from another world are indeed unexpected, and the degree of unknown is the highest in history."

"How are you going to deal with this? The other party has committed a true crime of killing gods, which is expected to cause quite a stir among the gods."

"It doesn't matter. Since Lin Yuan has the ability to kill Dionysus, his status is naturally equal to that of a god."

The conflict between gods that led to the death of one of them would indeed cause a commotion, but it would not attract the gods to take action.

Compared to the death of Dionysus, the gods would be more concerned about the unknown from outside the world.

"Next, I will follow Lin Yuan's wishes and have Ganesha send out invitations to hold the Gods Assembly in seven days."

"Whatever the visitor from another world is going to do, everything will be revealed at that time."

"Hmm~ I feel like my body is filled with something strange."

Hestia's face flushed as she twisted her body and looked at the man in front of her with some discomfort:"Can you pull it out?"

"No, just bear with it."

"I'll be fine soon."

"But you said the same thing ten minutes ago"

"Because I just lied to you"


"Don't worry, I didn't lie to you."

Glancing at the loli god in front of him who kept making strange noises, Lin Yuan reached out and pulled out the needle from the other's arm.

"It's over. Your life data has been collected."

"Phew~ I finally got it done."

Hestia exhaled:"Lin Yuan, you liar, this is completely different from what you agreed before, I am so tired"

"You can't blame me for this, it's your own strength that's causing trouble."

Lin Yuan threw the pot back.

The essence of his collection of other people's life data is to analyze and record it through the power of abundance.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Yuan would use the power of abundance to reversely drain the target's physical strength and energy, causing it to enter a weak state and lose the ability to resist.

In this way, the power of abundance can enter the target's body more smoothly and analyze and collect the other party's life data.

But Hestia resisted this method.

According to Hestia, even in a sealed state, it would still be very uncomfortable to be drained.

Hestia was afraid of pain if she used a knife to complete a quick analysis directly.

The other party was afraid of discomfort if she drained the energy for a quick analysis.

The two simplest methods didn't work, and Lin Yuan could only analyze and collect Hestia's life data by injecting the power of abundance little by little.

But Lin Yuan didn't expect that even though he used such a gentle method, Hestia could still give him a good life.

"The power of holy fire that purifies everything, the exclusivity of this power in you is stronger than I thought."

"If I hadn't just been suppressing the Power of Plenty, I'm afraid you would be blown up by the activated Power of Plenty."

"Eh? Is this true?"

Hestia was so frightened that she shuddered:"I was in such a dangerous state just now!"

"It's not dangerous. After all, even if you really explode, the fully activated power of abundance can still piece your body back together."

"Hey! You've already called it a corpse, so it's useless even if you put it back together!"

"What are you afraid of? You are a god."

Lin Yuan raised his hand and knocked on Hestia's head:"Even if you lose your body, your soul will not dissipate immediately."

"If I were faster, it wouldn't take even a second to stuff your soul back into your body."

"That's super painful, right?"

"Don't worry about such trivial matters. Let Lily treat you to a big meal tonight."

"Huh? Really?

Hestia immediately put the fact that she almost died behind her.

"Lin Yuan, you can't lie to me!"

"I've been hungry for a whole day since I was driven out by Hephaestus!"

"Don't worry, Goddess Hestia."

Lily, who had just finished dealing with the family's internal affairs, pushed the door open and walked in, and replied:

"With the financial resources of the Soma clan, there is no pressure to raise another parasite who only knows how to eat and sleep."

"In consideration of your help to Lord Lin Yuan, I can prepare a room for you to stay in indefinitely."


Hestia rolled on the floor excitedly. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hephaestus! Did you see that?

Even without your help, Hestia can still live a life of idleness and waiting for death!

Long live Lin Yuan! Long live Lily! Long live the Soma clan!

"Really, are you really that excited?"

Looking at Hestia who was so happy that she forgot everything, Lily shook her head helplessly and looked at Lin Yuan.

"Lord Lin Yuan, I have something else to report."

"What's up?"

"A guest has just arrived at the Soma clan. She claims to be the messenger of Uranus and has delivered a letter to you."

"For me?"

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows:"That old guy sits in the basement of the guild every day, and his efficiency is quite high."

Taking the envelope from Lily, Lin Yuan took out the letter inside and glanced at it.

The content recorded in the letter was not much. It was translated that the Gods Conference would be held in seven days, and he hoped that he could attend the appointment on time.

"Seven days later? Not bad, faster than I thought."

"Lord Lin Yuan, the messenger from Uranus has not left yet. Do you have anything to say?"

"Tell her my goal is God"

"At the gathering in seven days, if more gods come, it will be good for both of us."

"I understand. I'll tell her right away."

Lily nodded and turned to leave.[]

But at this moment, Lin Yuan's voice sounded again

"Lily, I'm going to go back for a while"


Lily stopped and looked over in panic:"Why is it so sudden!"

"Lord Lin Yuan, aren't you planning to stay a few more days? Lily is thinking of treating you well tonight!"

"Let’s talk about it next time."

Lin Yuan replied:"Although I have learned some knowledge of life science, I can’t compare with Ruan Mei after all."

"Before the Gods Conference is held, I plan to go back and show her the God templates I have collected."

"Only when she confirms that these god templates are qualified to construct the bodies of star gods can I be completely relieved."


Lily showed a disappointed expression on her face, but she didn't try to persuade him.

She knew very well how important it was for Lin Yuan to build a Star God body.

After watching Lin Yuan leave, Lily sighed silently and looked at the rice bug who was staring at her.

"God Hestia, Lily suddenly doesn't feel like going out."

"I'll give you some pocket money, so you can go buy something to eat."


I promised to treat her to a nice dinner!

Liar! All liars!!!.....

Long. Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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