Although Nanook's attack was very abrupt, it did not bring life-threatening danger to Lin Yuan.

He was still aware of his own limitations. He had just killed Fenfeng, one of the Lords of Extinction, and then he ran into Nanook on the Path of Destruction.

No matter how careless Lin Yuan was, he could not completely give up his vigilance.

Therefore, the moment Nanook launched the attack, Lin Yuan entered the Spirit King state without hesitation.

His right hand, symbolizing the stillness of everything, was raised high, and a white light bloomed on the Path of Destruction.

Under Lin Yuan's unreserved full output, this force even briefly affected Nanook's attack, causing it to stagnate in mid-air. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yuan did not hesitate to cut off the resonance with the Path of Destruction, and his consciousness returned to his body.

"Phew~ You scared me."

Lin Yuan, who had also entered the Spirit King state in reality, raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

This was the first time he faced the attack of a Star God.

Fortunately, he was more skilled!

With the power of the Spirit King, even if he faced a real Star God, Lin Yuan was not without any ability to resist.

However, if he fell out with the Star God who controlled his destiny, his destiny of destruction could not be further improved.

"Alas, I just killed one of your men. How can a Star God be so petty?"

Thinking back on the performance of the other Star Gods, Lin Yuan silently gave Nanuka a bad review.

Low-quality Star God, blacklisted!

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!


Just as Lin Yuan gave Nanook a bad review, a vast aura suddenly emerged in the Momu Galaxy.

After Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, he subconsciously raised his head and looked. A figure that had just separated appeared in front of him again.

"What a big grudge, come on."

Lin Yuan's expression suddenly became painful.

Why did you follow the Internet cable to fight in reality, Nanook, you are a jerk! In the space station, in Heita's office.

After disconnecting from Lin Yuan, Heita pulled Ruan Mei, who happened to be next to him, together to start designing the drawings of the energy recovery equipment.

However, just as the two of them had just started to draw the drawings, a series of piercing alarm bells suddenly rang.


Faced with this unexpected situation, Heita was stunned for a moment and then reacted instantly. He quickly looked up at the projection in the air.

In the picture, Lin Yuan, who had just stood there, had changed his appearance.

Not only did the pupils of his eyes turn into stars, but also green lines appeared on his body, exuding a sacred aura.

"What the hell is this!"

Looking at the data bar that was rapidly rising and reaching the upper limit, Heita's eyes flashed with disbelief.

"Does Lin Yuan still have this kind of trump card?!"

"That's Soul King Mode"

"Soul King Mode?"

"Well, the Spirit King Mode is the power of God from another world. After entering this state, Lin Yuan's power will be greatly increased on the original basis, infinitely close to the Star King...."Hmm."

Before she finished her words, Ruan Mei, who was explaining halfway, suddenly froze in her place, with a look of shock on her calm face.

Not only her, but even the black tower beside her also made a sound of disbelief.

"How is this possible?!"

Looking at the figure that appeared silently on the screen, symbolizing absolute destruction, the Black Tower received the greatest shock in history.

"The Star God of Destruction Nanook actually took action himself?!"

What's going on?!

Heita felt that his common sense was challenged.

That's a Star God!

A supreme being independent of the secular world who would not easily show up.

In the long history of the past, there were also cases of the fall of the Lord of Extinction of the Antimatter Corps.

But Nanook never reacted in any of those cases.

For Him who controls destruction, the death of the Lord of Extinction is also a part of destruction.

After receiving similar news, the only thing He would do is to bestow grace again and create a new Lord of Extinction to act on His own will.

But why did the other party take action this time?

Could it be that there was some sudden change in the fate of destruction, adding the same revenge attribute as hunting?

Heita didn't understand, but was greatly shocked.

"Heita! Do you have a suitable weapon in your hand?"

Just when Heita was stunned, Ruan Mei beside him came to her senses first, and a rare nervous expression appeared on her face.

"Anything is fine, please provide remote support to Lin Yuan as soon as possible!"

"No matter how powerful the Soul King Mode is, he can't defeat Nanook head-on!"

"Yes, there is, but......"

"There's nothing wrong with that, just get started! Please!"

"......Oh, forget it."

Looking at Ruan Mei's performance that was different from before, Heita sighed and raised his hand to knock twice on the table beside him.

Looking at the operating table growing from the ground, she gritted her teeth and entered the unlocking command in one breath.

The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish!

It's time to take a gamble!

"I hope I won't die."

Galaxy annihilation cannon, start at maximum power!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The vast imaginary energy began to gather crazily.

In just a few breaths, the blue star below the space station gathered energy comparable to several envoys.

Then, when all the major forces in the entire galaxy detected this sudden energy and fell into a brief chaos, a white beam of light shot up into the sky, shattering the space with this energy, and rushed straight into the distance.

"Lin Yuan, please pay attention"

"My support attack is almost here"

"Hmm?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the Momu Star System, Lin Yuan, who was confronting Nanook, was stunned when he heard the sudden communication.

Support attack? What support attack?

A puzzled emotion rose in Lin Yuan's mind, but disappeared in the next moment.


Deafening���The sound of the bell rang out, and the barrier of space was directly shattered by the absolute energy.

The energy of several Envoys was compressed into one point, which was enough to blow up half of the galaxy....Lin Yuan fell

"Damn! Why are your attack coordinates mine?"

"There's no way. Nanook's coordinates can't be determined. I can only lock on to you."

"Don't worry, at this distance, we can definitely include Nanook in the core attack area."

"You see the opportunity, seize it and run away"

"Then I really thank you."

Seeing that Nanook was really attracted by this attack, Lin Yuan did not hesitate to activate the power of development and prepared to run away.

But at this moment, Nanook, who had not moved since his arrival, raised his palm first.

The vast virtual energy that was no less powerful than the galaxy annihilation cannon gathered in an instant and turned into a black hole.

Buzz~! []

With Nanook as the center, the black halo expanded towards the distance, cutting off the entire Momu galaxy from the surroundings.

After cutting off Lin Yuan's retreat, he grasped the palm of the black hole and squeezed it hard.

The next moment, a blow symbolizing absolute destruction fell with a bang.

"......It doesn't look like a small fight."

Looking at the black hole that was weakened after swallowing the Galaxy Annihilation Cannon but still falling towards him.

Knowing that he had no way out, Lin Yuan clapped his hands and poured all the power from different destinies in his body into his palms, and forced it to resonate with the entire abundant destiny.

Abundance breeds goodness, one Dharma Realm Heart.

Om~! Om~! Om~!

A surging green light burst out from Lin Yuan.

Indistinctly, a figure wearing a long robe and exuding a kind atmosphere appeared behind Lin Yuan.

It was the power of the pharmacist who felt Lin Yuan's will and sent down grace from a distance.

He followed Lin Yuan's movements, slowly raised one of his six arms, and waved it towards the black hole.

The next moment, all sounds disappeared from Lin Yuan's ears, and only the black and green light filled the entire Momu Galaxy.

With the location where Lin Yuan and Nanook fought as the center, the area covered by the black light began to collapse and destroy.

On the contrary, the area covered by the green light below continued to radiate new vitality, reviving the planet and sprouting life.

The energy collision between the two lasted for more than ten seconds.

It was not until Lin Yuan felt that nearly half of the energy in his body was drained that he successfully offset the black hole above his head.

After that, the green light continued to spread to the distance, covering the other half of the Momu Galaxy that had just been destroyed.


Lin Yuan, who has returned to his original heart, has a satisfied look on his face.

"As expected, energy is something that can only be enjoyed if it is shot out in one breath!"

Of course, the cost of doing so is also huge.

At least in his current state, even with the help of the Pharmacist's favor, he can only block one more round of Nanook's attack.

But it doesn't matter!

If he can't beat him, he can't run away!

He has been doing good deeds all his life, just for now!

Lin Yuan:"Is anyone there? Send me a world invite."

Kugisaki Rose:"Huh? So sudden."

Lily Luka:"111"

Kuchiki Rukia:"Sent it."

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Wait a minute...Found it!"

Lin Yuan:"OK Island"

Looking at the four invitations from different worlds appearing in front of him, Lin Yuan became more confident.

Vast energy continued to surge in his body. He looked at Nanook above, without any fear, ready to take the initiative to attack.

But at this moment, a scene beyond his expectations appeared.

Nanook, who had just launched an absolutely destructive attack, turned his head to look at the area behind him covered by green light, and his breath became calm.

""Destruction represents rebirth."

A calm voice echoed in the Momu Galaxy, and Nanook's figure began to gradually dissipate.

At the same time, a huge imaginary energy beyond Lin Yuan's expectation began to emerge in his body at a terrifying speed.

That was...The power of the commander who destroys destiny.......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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