A pair of bastards.

Looking at the two people leaning against each other in front of him, whispering openly, Heita made his comment expressionlessly.

She had made up her mind to activate the Galaxy Annihilator Cannon to help Lin Yuan attack Nanook. But when this bastard came back, he didn't thank her for her help, but ran to be intimate with Ruan Mei.

And Ruan Mei was the same.

Just now he looked autistic and sought comfort from her.

But in the blink of an eye, he forgot about her.

Damn it! You two guys who forget your loyalty for the sake of beauty deserve to die!

"Eh? Heita, why do you look so unhappy?

Suddenly, he felt a hint of murderous intent coming from not far away, and Lin Yuan looked at him suspiciously.

"Do you need a loving hug from me?"

"No, you should leave that kind of thing to Ruan Mei."

Heita snorted coldly and asked,"What happened just now? Why did the Destruction Star God come?"

"As far as I know, He is not the type to seek revenge for the subordinates of"937". You must have done something to attract Him."

"Um...How should I put it? It does have something to do with me."

Lin Yuan raised his palm and activated the imaginary energy in his body.

The next second, a black flame emitting a destructive aura slowly rose and floated in front of the black tower.

"As you can see, I have awakened to the destiny of destruction"

"After killing Foehn, a high degree of resonance occurred between me and the fate of destruction, and my consciousness entered the interior of the fate."

"And then you met Nanook?"

"Well, He asked me to destroy"

"How did you answer?"

"Destruction, of course, means rebirth."

Lin Yuan answered without hesitation.

His answer was not a perfunctory answer that he came up with just to respond to Nanook.

In fact, this was Lin Yuan's true thought.

He solved problems with his fists and gave answers with his ideas.

He did this from the beginning to the end.

"I see. I think I understand."

After listening to Lin Yuan's explanation of what just happened, Heita's face showed a thoughtful look.

"It seems that your answer touched Nanook."


"This is just a metaphor. Anyway, your answer must have influenced Nanook."

Heita replied:"Although I don't know much about the Star God, I have heard about Nanook's past before he became a Star God."

"Because of the Imperial War and the Universal Locust Plague, Nanook's home, the Yadlifen system, was devastated twice."

"Until the end, the war-torn land was not redeemed and was destroyed in Nanook's ascension."

"Destruction represents rebirth"

"Perhaps your answer is a very special point of view for Nanook, the master of destruction."

"He wants to see your enlightenment, so he personally brings destruction."

"I see. To translate it, it means to test my ability and see if I am qualified."

Lin Yuan nodded:"This makes sense. After all, when I see people who are weaker than me, I also like to bully them like this."

"......I don't think it's the same thing."

After two seconds of silence, Heita honestly expressed his thoughts.

Putting it on Nanook is really a test.

As long as you can respond to His expectations and show your own will, you can get an equivalent return. But if it is Lin Yuan, who has reached a low point in morality, it's hard to say.

It can easily become a writing test, which can be read as a one-sided beating of bullying.

"In short, it's a good thing that you can become stronger"

"But next time you start a new life, you should be more careful."

"The gap between Star Gods and non-Star Gods is still too big"

"Don't worry, I will be well prepared next time."

Lin Yuan turned his head and looked aside:"Wife, how are the life templates of the three gods? Can they be used to build the body of the star god?"

""My dear, this is exactly what I want to tell you."

Ruan Mei, who had regained her composure, raised her palm and fiddled with it in the air.

A faint imaginary energy began to spread, and three deconstructed drawings with complex patterns appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

"Let me first state the conclusion. The life levels of these gods from other worlds are indeed very high, and they are qualified to be used to build the bodies of star gods."

"But there is a special problem in constructing a body with the life data of these gods."

"what is the problem?"

"We have to choose the right concept as the core."

Ruan Mei tapped on each of the three deconstruction diagrams and circled one of the parts. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"According to my interpretation, the bodies of these gods are created with one or several concepts as the core."

"Dionysus is wine】"

"Soma is wine and moon】"

"Hestia is】、【Stove and Sacred Fire】"

"Dear, if you use the life data of these gods to construct the body of the Star God, then the similarity in structure is inevitable."

"You must pick out the concepts you like, so that I can design with them as the core."

Hiss~ Pick a few out of so many concepts?

You are going to drive him, a patient with severe choice difficulty, to death.

After listening to Ruan Mei's explanation, Lin Yuan frowned and thought for a few seconds, then asked tentatively.

"Honey, can I have them all?"

"Dear, I also want to design a divine body of that level for you, but that is impossible........"

Ruan Mei shook her head slightly:"With each additional concept, the complexity of the divine body will rise to a higher level."

"In addition, in order to match the soul of the Spirit King, I can only allow you to carry five concepts at most."

"Of course, if you don't mind the trouble, I have another way to give you more power."

"How to say?"[]

"It's very simple. All you have to do is capture all the gods in that world and collect enough life data."

"If you spend more time, I can build a few more god templates for you so that you can use them in different situations."


Lin Yuan's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands.

As expected of the woman he liked, her thinking was clear.

He liked this kind of simple and crude problem that could be solved by force.

"Honey, just wait. I'll go get the life data you need."

"Dear, there is no need to rush about this matter.

Ruan Mei held down Lin Yuan who was about to try:"Before you leave, I will give you a gift to improve your strength."


Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and pointed at himself in confusion.

"Are you sure you can improve my strength?"

He was not bragging. He now had the power of the five great orders, and from all angles, he was close to the limit of the sixth level.

What kind of gift was so amazing that it could work on him?

"Dear, gifts are something that must be kept secret to create enough surprises."

Ruan Mei showed a gentle smile on her face:"You will know the details later."


Lin Yuan nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After thinking for a while, he raised his hand and summoned two brand new memory bubbles and handed them to Ruan Mei.

"This is what I gained this time, the life template from the giant snake ancient beast and the extinction monarch"

"I don't know if it's useful, but it's better to have more life data. You can take a look."

"Well, I'll go first then."

Ruan Mei took the memory bubble and turned to walk out the door.

After watching her leave, Lin Yuan remembered that there was another person in the room, so he summoned two more memory bubbles and handed them over.

"Black Tower, this is yours"

"You don't have to pay attention to me."

He had already run to the black tower next to the simulated universe center and rolled his eyes at Lin Yuan.

"Anyway, I am nothing but air in your eyes. Just treat me as if I don't exist."

"If you are alright, please leave my room."......"

Looks like he's really angry this time.......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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