A pair of mandarin ducks sleep together in the quilt, and a pear tree overshadows a crabapple tree. After spending a night together, Ruan Mei fully experienced whether she was weak or not, and Lin Yuan finally let her go.

Leaving Ruan Mei alone in the room to rest, Lin Yuan came to the platform area and opened the chat group.

【The world mission high-quality breeding is completed, please click to receive the reward. 】

Receive the reward.

Lin Yuan pressed the confirmation button without hesitation.

The next moment, the power from the chat group emerged in his body.

With the help of this power, Lin Yuan felt a new power in his body in just a few breaths.

Compared with the power of several other destinies, the newly born breeding power is undoubtedly much weaker.

It is like a drop of water in the vast ocean, insignificant.

But despite this, the color of this drop of water is still different from the colors of other tributaries, representing a new track.

"It feels like I've gone in a big circle."

Lin Yuan sighed silently.

Thinking back to when he first picked up the corpse of the Star God, he was only a three-fate envoy.

In order to unlock the breeding fate, he first boldly opened up a new track on Heita, and then slowly cultivated feelings with Ruan Mei.

It took so long, and the joy fate and destruction fate he unlocked later became envoys, and the breeding fate was finally released.

However...There is always a reward for every effort.

Unlike the other fates, the breeding fate that he had worked so hard to unlock could quickly gain experience.

Opening the chat group's mall, Lin Yuan directly scrolled down and jumped to the column he needed.

【The Corpse of the Breeding Star God Taizi Yulos (Level 6): A part of the body of the Breeding Star God that was torn apart. Holding it can improve the quality of sexual intercourse and gain the active skill One Shot to the Soul. After absorbing it, it can unlock the breeding destiny and gain powerful strength. Price: 1000w】

"Ten million for one copy, that's acceptable."

Glancing at his nine-digit balance, Lin Yuan directly pressed the buy button.

【The purchase was successful, and 1000w points were automatically deducted. 】

The chat group's prompt sounded, and a purple gem with a special aura appeared in Lin Yuan's palm.

If Heita saw this scene, she would definitely be shocked.

Because the purple gem in Lin Yuan's hand at this moment was the same as the Star God corpse that Lin Yuan gave her before.

It can't be said to be exactly the same, it can only be said to be completely consistent.

"It turns out that you need to have a breeding destiny to use it.."

Feeling the alluring scent faintly coming from the purple gem, Lin Yuan, who had felt nothing after knocking on it for a long time last time, threw it directly into his mouth.

Gulp~ One gulp!

After eating the corpse of the Star God into his body, Lin Yuan simultaneously activated the power of abundance and the power of reproduction.

With the help of the power of abundance, the purple gem that entered Lin Yuan's body was directly fixed inside the kidney.

After that, the power of reproduction began to surge, constantly going in and out of the corpse of the Star God, digesting the power on it.

After just a few breaths, the power of reproduction, which was as thin as a silk thread, swelled to the size of a finger.

Not only that.

In this state, Lin Yuan could also clearly feel that his connection with the fate of reproduction was deepening.


"It's a bit slow."

Lin Yuan observed the speed at which he absorbed the purple gemstone.

At this rate, it would take at least six months to completely digest it.

With his points, he could buy ten Star God corpses in total.

Adding the one in Heita's hand, there would be eleven in total.

At this rate, it would take about five and a half years to completely digest the eleven Star God corpses.

Although Lin Yuan could afford to wait, it was unknown whether this power would still be of any help to him after five years.

"Looks like we still have to think of a way"

"Woof woof woof"


Hearing the sudden barking of a dog, Lin Yuan, who was about to go to the Black Tower to ask for information, paused and turned to the right.

The next second, a white puppy on a chain came bouncing over from not far away and rubbed against Lin Yuan's legs twice.

"Hey~ Isn't this Pepe?"

Lin Yuan leaned over and rubbed the dog's head angrily:"Where is your owner? Why did you come here to play alone?"

"I...I'm here......"

Esta ran over from not far away, panting.

She was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and a purple skirt.

As she took a step, the hem of her skirt rose slightly, and one could even vaguely see the white bear inside.

Of course, as the person involved, Esta obviously didn't notice that she was exposed.

She trotted all the way to Lin Yuan, bent down and supported her two long, white legs with both hands, and panted heavily.

"Huh~ Huh~ I haven't run this far in a long time. I'm so tired."

"What are you doing, running and exercising?"

"Of course not....I'm chasing Pepe. He just smelled you from a distance and ran towards me."

"I couldn't hold him back, so I had to loosen Pepe's chain and let him come to you first." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Very good, just as a way to strengthen the body"

"Not good at all."

Ester sighed:"I really don't understand why Pepe has such a good relationship with you, and even doesn't want me as his master.""

Of course it's because I secretly added something to your pet.

Lin Yuan smiled but said nothing.

When he was idle in the space station before, he helped Ester to sneak Pepe away a few times.

At that time, he added a few drops of his own blood to the little bitch out of the thought that he could save it even if it was broken.

As for the result...The biggest change is in intelligence.

Compared with the past, Pepe has almost human intelligence except that he cannot speak.���He took the initiative to learn new knowledge, observed the layout of the space station, and remembered every person who passed by through his smell and eyes.

Naturally, Pepe also remembered Lin Yuan, the second owner who brought him new life.

"Remember to be obedient and stop running around."

"Even if you want to come to see me, don't abandon your master. This is not a good behavior."

After patting Pepe's head twice, Lin Yuan picked up the chain beside him and handed it to the girl who was still panting.

"Estelle, your physical condition is too poor."[]

"After all, she is a daughter of a famous family. Why don't you use some technology and hard work to improve your physical fitness?"

"I don't want to rely too much on my family, otherwise they will always want me to go back...."Hmm~"

As soon as she finished her reply, Esta suddenly trembled and made a strange sound as if she had been electrocuted.

Then, in Lin Yuan's confused eyes, her legs softened and she sat on the ground like a duck, with a mist in her eyes.


Looking at the girl's strange posture, Lin Yuan, who had just fought a bloody battle with (Ma Zhao) Ruan Mei all night last night, naturally understood what this meant.

But even though he understood, he really couldn't understand why the other party suddenly became horny.

"this...What's going on?"

Not only Lin Yuan, but also Ester, the person involved, was full of questions.

She bent down and took a few deep breaths. After suppressing the strange feeling in her body, Ester looked at her right hand in confusion.

Just now, she seemed to have accidentally touched the other person's finger when she took the chain from Lin Yuan.


""Esther, do you need help?"

Just as Esther was trying to recall what had just happened, Lin Yuan's voice came again.

She subconsciously looked up and saw a hand reaching out to her.

"Don't worry, I'm the Harvest Envoy"

"Just a little illness can be cured with a flick of the finger......"


Lin Yuan:"???"

No, sister.

Please don't do this, I'm a little scared......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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