“Hungry, so hungry.”

Lu Ming had never felt so hungry before. In a trance, he seemed to hear countless tiny voices, which made him upset.

‘Shut up!’


A dull roar resounded throughout the snowy plain. In a trance, everyone seemed to see a god.

His voice was like thunder, and his movements were like a strong wind.

A supreme being that had transcended the vicissitudes of life for endless years!



The only city-state in Yalilo VI.

The wind and snow howled, and the gloomy sky was just like people’s mood at the moment, but unlike before, people walking on the street were interested in greeting each other when they met.

“Mother, this month the number of creatures in the Rift outside of Beloberg has decreased again. The Silver Mane Iron Guards continue to advance.……”

The girl in military uniform and with long gray hair looked at her mother with a complicated expression.

She didn’t expect that her mother, the highest governor of Beloberg, had been bewitched by the existence of the star core a long time ago. Fortunately…

Cocolia sighed and looked out the window. The gloomy sky seemed to foreshadow the future of Beloberg, the only seedling of Yalilo No. 6.

“The disaster of nearly a thousand years has made us huddle under the shelter of Beloberg. It is the crystallization of human wisdom. Yalilo will never have a similar miracle again.”

Bronya nodded slightly. The wind and snow of nearly a thousand years are enough to bury all the past. The fact that Beloberg can exist for so long in this environment is already a manifestation of human miracles. She really can’t expect too much.

Suddenly, Bronya’s expression was a little unnatural.

“”Mother, what should we do about the one before?”

Thinking of the magnificent god-like existence that appeared a few months ago, Bronya’s delicate body trembled slightly.

The once powerful Rift Creature was as fragile as a baby in front of that figure. When the star core was revealed, Cocolia rushed there frantically in her shocked eyes, like a person who fell into the water and grabbed the last straw that was about to break.

When the star core was swallowed in one gulp, the whole world was quiet.

She carried the unconscious Cocolia back on her back. When she woke up, Bronya clearly felt that her mother had changed.

After a silence, Cocolia confessed to her about the star core.

Only then did she know that her mother had planned to let Beloberg fall into the arms of the star core a long time ago. Fortunately, all this was prevented.

“Bronya, I’m going to meet that”

“What! This is too dangerous, I won’t allow it!”

Cocolia’s sudden words caught Bronya off guard. She shook her head repeatedly, her attitude firm.

The huge canyon that runs across the snowfield and melts the snow still emits a terrifying temperature. Just approaching it makes people feel uncomfortable. And the one who created this horrible scene is a living being. How could she let Cocolia face it!

“If you really want to go, I want to go with you!”

Bronya looked at Cocolia with a firm look.

Cocolia looked at Bronya like this, and she couldn’t say”Beloberg needs you”.

After a moment of silence, she nodded.

“”Okay, but you have to stay in a safe corner. That’s my condition!”

Cocolia said without question.

Bronya had no objection to this, and… Bronya’s gaze passed through the wall of Beloberg and came to the snowfield, the canyon that seemed to be emitting scorching heat forever.

In the face of that kind of power, even if you escape to the other side of Yalilo, you can’t say it’s safe.


The red canyon was like a scar on Yalilo 6. The high temperature it continuously emitted melted the surrounding ice and snow into snow water, which then turned into steam in an instant.

In the canyon, the God of Grandeur was sleeping.

When he breathed, the entire canyon came to life.

His eyelids trembled slightly, and suddenly, he woke up.

“Where am I?” Lu Ming looked around and found himself in an unfamiliar canyon.

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong. Was he that tall?

Lu Ming subconsciously wanted to stand up, but when he tried to stand up, he realized something was wrong.

“Where are my hands? How did they turn into claws!?”

There was another roar, shaking thousands of miles.

Cocolia and Bronya, who were rushing over, both turned pale. The crushing pressure from the level made them feel like their souls were shaken out.

“Is that person angry? Who dares to provoke Him?!” Bronya panted heavily, looking panicked, and Cocolia comforted her.

“Don’t worry, Bronya, this roar doesn’t mean he is angry, maybe he has woken up.”

No matter what, the two of them accelerated their pace at the same time.


After all the chaos, Lu Ming finally understood the current situation.

He had turned into Godzilla.

The signals from his body told him that he was no ordinary Godzilla.

He was truly an ultimate life that could evolve continuously and eventually become the universe that could be born and destroyed with a thought!

Of course, he was just a little cutie with a little power now, and he didn’t have that much power.

Regarding the sudden time travel, Lu Ming didn’t have any nostalgia for the past. He was a child that his grandmother and uncle didn’t love, and there was an eldest son in the family, so all the love was focused on the eldest son. He was just a product of getting an extra piece of land. Now

, he has broken the shackles and has unlimited possibilities!

From today on, he is Godzilla, the most powerful beast in the universe!

Having said that, but……

“Why is my stomach so warm?”

While thinking, he stood up and straightened his body.

The huge body of nearly 100 meters brought a strong visual impact, and the tail was like a steel whip, which could drive the airflow when it was waved casually.

The great existence symbolizing the end of the world and the rebirth stood on the earth, and the ups and downs of its chest moved the earth. Anyone who witnessed this scene would be speechless.

“Mother.” Bronya swallowed hard, her teeth clicking together lightly and quickly.

She was not afraid, it was an instinct from her body. Facing Godzilla’s undisguised aura, humans, as part of nature, could only pay tribute with the highest respect. Leave here! Her body sent a signal to her.

Cocolia gave Bronya a reassuring look, then took a deep breath and took a firm step forward.

“Hmm? Someone?”

Noticing someone, Godzilla turned his attention away from the abnormality in his stomach and stared at the blond man.

The more he looked at him, the more familiar he felt.

“Unknown great being, I, Cocolia, the builder of Yalilo VI, the governor of Beloberg, extend my sincere greetings to you.”


Godzilla was stunned, and his memories came flooding back. So, the tall silver-haired girl hiding behind the rock was Bronya?

Cocolia was delighted when she noticed the change in Godzilla’s eyes.

She was right at that time. This person was wise!

Cocolia knew that there were civilizations in the universe that could travel through the stars, and there were all kinds of magical powers.

And the pinnacle of these powers was the existence of star gods!

The destiny it opened brought changes to the world. Cocolia guessed that Godzilla might be the creation of a star god, or a magical existence walking on destiny.

In short, in order to change Beloberg’s predicament, Cocolia ventured here to meet Godzilla.

This was a gamble with her life.

Fortunately, she made the right bet.

PS: The protagonist is an enhanced version of Godzilla. If you really don’t understand it, you can regard it as a reserve for the singularity Godzilla, and it is evolving every moment.

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