Fortunately, Xing did not faint this time.

Natasha looked at him with a speechless look as if she were looking at some magical animal.

“You ate two kilograms of scale fruit in one go and still woke up so quickly. Your body must be a miracle in this world.”

According to Natasha, scale fruit is a new species that appeared after Yaliluo’s resurgence.

It has a strong hallucinogenic effect. Ordinary people can basically book a bed in the suburbs after eating it.

“Hey, it’s okay, it’s a little sweet”

“Do you think I am praising you?!”

Natasha glared at Xing who was smiling foolishly, not understanding how this gray-haired man could smile.

“The Great Guardian has issued a decree long ago, not allowing ordinary people to enter the Great Forest. The nearby Void Soldiers are not as easy to talk to as the Silver Mane Iron Guards. What do you think?”

Faced with Natasha’s output, Ji Zi could only take responsibility for her child’s mistakes like a mother admitting her mistakes.

After educating Ji Zi, Natasha left.

“Hehe.” Xinghan smiled and tried to call back the few kindnesses in Jizi’s heart at the moment.

Jizi smiled helplessly, the child is still young, forget it.

“This world is very strange, and it gives me a strong sense of separation.”Walter, who had been silent all this time, spoke up at this moment.

“I have the same feeling. I just went for a walk with Mr. Walter and found that the people here have a very serious stress response, but they also worship the statues erected on the street, as if they would be fine as long as they were there.”

There is only one 40-meter Godzilla statue.

But small statues like handicrafts can be decorated everywhere, especially in places like commercial streets, where there are basically several statues on each street.

Sanyueqi scratched his hair. His not very smart brain could not figure out why people here worship a huge monster so much.

“Statue?”Walter was stunned. The crowd was surging. He had not been with Dan Heng all the time and did not know what Dan Heng knew.

“Uncle Yang, don’t you know?”March Seven said, and reached into his pocket with his right hand, pulling out a poster

“Here, this one, looks so fierce”

“March, don’t accept things from strangers.”Ji Zi said helplessly.

After taking the poster and seeing the picture on it, Walter was stunned and stood there.

“What is it?”Xing stretched her neck, trying to see the picture clearly.

Walter handed her the poster without any emotion.

“Wow, so fierce, so handsome!”Xing’s eyes turned into stars, and she looked at the mighty and domineering beast on the poster with glowing eyes.

“Godzilla.” Walter muttered

“Eh? Uncle Yang knows this big guy?”

March Seven’s words made everyone focus on Walter. He adjusted his glasses and said in a complicated tone

“If this monster is similar to what I remember, he should be a monster called Godzilla, a Titan monster? No matter what it is called, his name is still Godzilla!”



Walter nodded slightly, his expression solemn.

Opposite them, Cocolia and Bronya stood separately, listening to Walter’s story about God.

“This is the story of a monster called Godzilla in my hometown. This monster is very powerful and very dangerous.”

Walter initially thought that Godzilla was just a movie star on this planet.

After all, the universe is so big that it is inevitable to encounter similar things.

For example, Jizi.

However, when people all over the street were talking about Godzilla saving Yalilo, he gradually felt that something was wrong.

It seems that something is wrong?

So he kept asking about the ruler of this city.

“How dare you!”

Walter, who was about to continue explaining the dangers of Godzilla, was stunned by this sudden shout.

He looked up and saw Bronya with a cold face, staring at him angrily. After a long while, she said

“Considering that you are aliens and don’t know Yalilo, I will not pursue your crime of offending the gods for the time being.”

She will report this to Godzilla later to ensure that Godzilla will not be angry after hearing it.

“Bronya is right. Considering that you told us the holy name of the god, this matter will not be pursued for the time being.”

Walter was completely numb.

It’s fine for ordinary people to worship Godzilla, but as the governor of the political system on this planet, you actually worship Godzilla as a god.

But he quickly sorted out his thoughts.

Looking at the two people who respected Godzilla, he was thoughtful.

It seems that Godzilla has a good reputation in this world, or this Godzilla is not as fierce as in the movie.

As a mecha enthusiast, Walter also dabbled in the monster series and knew that beings with high ecological niches like Godzilla rarely deal with beings with low ecological niches.

Just as he was thinking, he felt an itch in his waist. It was March Seven who poked him carefully with his fingers. March Seven muttered softly.

“Uncle Yang, what on earth is that Godzilla? Why do you look so nervous?”Just as

Walter was about to speak, the door opened again. Shiluwa walked in and looked at the group of outsiders curiously.

“Shiluwa? What’s up?”

Cocolia asked when she saw Shiluwa coming.

Shiluwa usually stayed by Godzilla’s side, giving him a massage or working on his inventions in his little room.

“Oh, nothing, just everyone wants to meet these outsiders.”

Shiluwa’s words caused confusion among the train crew.

Jizi asked,”Who is the one this lady is talking about?”

“Our God of Yalilo”



Godzilla sensed it when the train approached Yalilo.

It was a bit like the star core he had eaten before, but different.

He wanted to go out and see what was coming to him.

Then he sensed that the energy source was moving towards Yalilo.

So he lowered his claws, waiting for the food to come.

After waiting for a while, it suddenly stopped at Beloberg.

This is the follow-up of Shiluwa inviting everyone to go.

“Hey, do you think their god is super big? Very scary?”

March Seven and Xing gathered together and whispered.

“Whatever it is, just knock it away with one blow.”

“What if he is as powerful as Uncle Yang said? We can’t beat him, right?”

“Ask him to let go”

“Have you decided so quickly? And why are you begging for mercy?”

Although the two of them kept their voices low, they were particularly conspicuous in the empty space.

Ji Zi held her forehead helplessly.

These two kids, Xing, forget about it, but Sanyue, you have been with me for so long, why haven’t you learned any of my wisdom?


Xiluwa chuckled and looked at the few people with a smile.

“Don’t worry, we are usually easy to talk to.”

“What about when it’s hard to talk?”

“Hmm~, a whip of the tail and flying away?”

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