

Shiluwa pinched his chin, staring at Godzilla, looking left and right, and changing direction from time to time.

“What are you doing?” Godzilla’s eyes moved slightly downward, with a hint of confusion in his clear expression.

“So you have a name, Godzilla, ha, what a powerful name.”

Godzilla rolled his eyes. Did you get up so early today just for this?

Godzilla was not surprised that Shiluwa knew his name. Walter’s world had most things except the collapse, and under the protection of Otto’s destiny, most ordinary people didn’t even know the concept of collapse.



At this moment, a voice with the master’s mood came.

Xiluwa looked back and saw Xing and Sanyueqi running towards this side.

“It’s you.”

Shiluwa was no stranger to these two. Kokolia told her what happened yesterday and allowed them to come with the permission of the gods, just like Tingyun did at the beginning.

“My name is Xiluwa, Xing and Sanyueqi, right? Why are you here?”

Xiluwa observed the two curiously, especially Xing.

You know, there are very few people who can face Godzilla without changing their color, and this gray-haired man is the first one who can recognize the big brother when he meets him.

“Uncle Yang and Dan Heng went to record Yaliluo, and Ji Zi went to find Cocolia early in the morning, so we had no choice but to come here.”

Xing said,”Bronya said that as long as Big Brother agrees, we can come here to play.”

Hearing what the two said, Xiluwa laughed.

“You guys came at the right time. Tingyun just left. Come, help me.”


“What are you thinking about?”

Walter turned his head and looked at Dan Heng, who had been silent.

Although Dan Heng usually spoke little, it was rare for him to not say a word.

“I, I felt very relaxed when I approached Godzilla, I don’t know if it was an illusion.”

Walter pondered for a while:”Godzilla has the ability to affect the surrounding environment, your situation should be related to this.”

Dan Heng’s characteristics are very obvious, and he did not deliberately conceal his identity.

Both of them can guess where Dan Heng came from.

“I say, can you two over there look up and see the road?”

An impatient voice came, and the two subconsciously looked up and found that there was a team of soldiers ready to go in front of them.

A girl holding a sickle and looking fierce was looking at them.

“I’m very sorry.”Just as Walter was about to leave after apologizing, Xi’er suddenly uttered

“Are you the group that came here yesterday? They were called something like Train Passengers, right?”


“Correction: Nameless Guest.

The two did not care that Xier called them by the wrong name, because they could feel that the girl in front of them did not call them by the wrong name on purpose.

“You can call me anything, thank you for bringing the name of the Lord God here.”

Xier waved her hand and suddenly said

“Since you can run around in the universe, you must be powerful. Do you want to go out together to clean up the creatures in the Rift and learn about Yalilo?”

Faced with Xi’er’s invitation, the two looked at each other and nodded slightly.

“If it’s not too much trouble.”

Both of them could see that the girl’s invitation was to find out more about them.

This was not surprising. It would be a problem if a stranger who suddenly appeared was accepted without any suspense. In comparison, the girl’s invitation method was a little immature and she acted quickly. It can be seen that she was a cheerful person. She also had a certain status in the local area. It would be good for her to get her approval when walking in Yaliluo.


Ji Zi on the other side was also busy.

She was looking at the huge creation engine in amazement.

“It’s a pity that Walter and Dan Heng went out, otherwise he would definitely stay here.”

The tall creation engine is just like its name. After clearing away the debris, the true appearance revealed is worthy of the name of creation.

It is hard to imagine that this is a technological creation from hundreds of years ago.

“Luofu’s scientists have long helped us develop a plan to repair the creation engine, and at the same time, the task of repairing the creation engine was deliberately delayed until Yalilo’s scientists could carry out the task independently.”

Standing on the left arm of the creation engine and looking up at the tall creation engine, even Cocolia, who has witnessed many big scenes, couldn’t help but feel excited.

As a creation engine left by the city builders, its original mission was to save Yalilo. Unfortunately, until the moment when Yalilo was about to be completely destroyed, Beloberg was unable to control this huge hope.

By the way, some of the scholars of the fairy boat brought by Yukong did not leave. They were originally brought here to guide the development of Yalilo’s technology, and they would not leave before completing the mission objectives.

There are also various subsidies issued on the fairy boat side.

Jizi heard that the creation left by the city builders was about to be activated here, so she came to watch.

After hearing that Jizi was an excellent scholar, Cocolia did not refuse. Scholars are curious about all the unknowns.

“Lord Cocolia, everything is ready. Do you want to restart the creation engine?”



Under the gaze of countless people, the huge engine of creation slowly started up, boiling steam emanated from it, white mist curled up, and the rumbling sound was resounding, which was exciting. The roaring engine drove the hearts of everyone present.

Finally, under the gaze of the crowd, the engine of creation symbolizing the city builder slowly stood up, and the red light flashed, like a giant pillar supporting the sky.

“Great! We did it!”

“”Ah! The Creation Engine has been successfully started!”

The scholars of Yalilo rushed to tell each other at this moment.

As a creation of the city builders, the Creation Engine, to some extent, represents the determination of the Yalilo people to fight. Although it was once left outside and Yalilo was even unable to recover and start it, it is undeniable that the people of Yalilo never chose to give up.

“It’s really shocking. I can’t imagine that this giant was made hundreds of years ago.”Looking at the steel giant in front of her, Ji Zi sighed.

Then she handed Cocolia a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

“Just consider it as a thank you gift for witnessing this great moment.”

Cocolia smiled and raised her glass, clinked it with Jizi, and took a sip without hesitation.



As we all know, when a giant stands on the earth, there must always be a senior to test its quality.

Sensing the vibration from the ground, Godzilla’s tail, which was originally lying on the ground obediently, slowly stood up and swayed gently from side to side.

“”Huh? What’s going on?” Sanyueqi was holding Xiluwa’s special equipment and was about to start the next round of cleaning when he was interrupted by the sudden noise.

Xiluwa, who had just taken new equipment from the hut, was stunned at first, then jumped up and waved.

“Hey! Come down quickly!”

“What! What did you say!”


Looking at the rising Godzilla, Xiluwa stood there and shook his head slowly.

“It’s nothing, just hold on tight.”

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