“”Bang!” The sharp claws pierced directly into the body of the Doomsday Beasts. At the same time, a muffled sound was heard, and the two Doomsday Beasts suddenly stopped moving.

Godzilla retracted his power, and the two Doomsday Beasts that had been showing off their might and roaring angrily suddenly fell limply. They fell to the ground and died.

In Godzilla’s hand, there were two more dark matter engines.

He threw them directly into his mouth without even looking at them.

“”Crack, crack, crack.” The terrifying chewing sound was particularly conspicuous on the battlefield. If it were a normal battlefield, this sound would be enough to scare everyone away.

But on this battlefield, this sound was a stimulant for the soldiers, a charge horn.

“”It’s the Lord God, the Lord God is with us!” An iron guard raised his weapon and shouted excitedly.

The Cloud Cavalry looked up at the huge body that even covered the sky and was dumbfounded.

The work content of the Cloud Cavalry was destined to make even the Cloud Cavalry stationed in Luofu experience layers of battles.

It is no exaggeration to say that those who can stay in the position of the Cloud Cavalry for five years have waded through blood.

What haven’t they seen like this?

But they have never seen such a scene today.

The Doomsday Beast, a terrifying weapon that is enough to destroy a planet given time, is as fragile as a newborn cub in front of this giant beast named Godzilla.

Two claws, one on each side, will break with a little force!

With Godzilla’s ferocious and domineering face, for a moment they couldn’t tell who was practicing the will of destruction.

Godzilla did not stop, and the two dark matter engines were not enough to make him stop.

When he looked up, the largest Doomsday Beast was still holding on to the Creation Engine tightly.

Even Dan Heng who was waving his gun all over it didn’t care.

But every time it wanted to destroy the Creation Engine, Dan Heng would stop it.

He swung his claws, and the sharp claws pierced into the body of Doomsday Beast without any suspense. With a pull, a complete dark matter engine appeared in his claws. Sensing that Godzilla was about to take action, Dan Heng turned and left.

Looking at this energy body, compared with the previous three, the energy contained in this dark matter engine is more huge and pure, and it is obvious that someone has specially cultivated it.

Considering that it suddenly appeared, there must be someone behind the scenes directing it.

But Godzilla doesn’t care about these, he only knows that this is a buffet delivered to his door. As for the mastermind behind the scenes? If he/she is willing to provide more buffets for himself, he will not bother to care, but if he/she dares to let him know who it is……

“Hehe, it’s finally solved. Now it’s up to me.” Shiluwa rubbed her hands, and the creation engine that was affected by the Doomsday Beast and couldn’t gather energy started again.

“Godzilla Cannon, fire!”


The overwhelming energy turned into a beam of light, directly hitting Doommon face to face. Under the huge energy, even Doommon’s solid shell was breaking down.

“”Roar!” As the only doomsday beast on the battlefield, it roared and tried to break free, but it could not break free from the iron arm.

It was already difficult to stand alone, but at this moment, Yan Qing, who had been knocked away before, fought his way out again, jumped up, and swung the three-foot long sword in his hand.

It was like a bright moon and a towering Taihua.

It drew a perfect long line from top to bottom.


The Doomsday Beast’s hard body split in two, symbolizing that this war machine was completely shut down.

“”Swoosh!” Yan Qing was alert subconsciously when he turned around and was about to swing his sword when he saw a long and thick tail piercing in front of him and firmly grasping the falling dark matter engine. Two days ago, he saw that Godzilla would absorb the energy of Doomsday Beast, so Yan Qing did not attack the real core of Doomsday Beast.

The tail brought back the core, and Godzilla threw it into his mouth, letting it spend the night with his companions.

He, Godzilla, never wastes food.

“Wow, that sword move you made just now was so cool! Can I learn from you?”

As soon as Yan Qing returned to the city wall, San Yue Qi, who looked very excited, ran over and asked excitedly.

“Well, you can learn it, but it’s not all due to my sword. If it weren’t for the attack of the Creation Engine that weakened the Doomsday Beast’s defense, my sword might not have achieved such a good result.

Yan Qing scratched his head, feeling a little shy.

After all, it wasn’t all his own silence, so he felt a little shy to be praised like this.

“Even so, it’s very powerful. Alas, I don’t know when my bows and arrows will be able to shoot through them.”March Seven sighed. These guys are showing their prowess on the battlefield, but my bows and arrows can’t produce such great power.

“Although I am very pleased with your eagerness to learn, Sanyue, the battle is not over yet, shouldn’t you be careful?”

Before Sanyue could continue to lament, Jizi’s slightly dangerous voice came to her ears.

She was so scared that she bent her bow and shot an arrow in one go, killing three of the three empty soldiers.

“Hey, Jizi, aren’t we very vigilant?”


“Alas, this March.”On the train, Ji Zi shook her head helplessly, feeling helpless about March Seven’s behavior:”Xing is more mature than her.”

Looking at Xing in the picture, who was wearing a Godzilla T-shirt and holding a baseball bat and rushing around, Ji Zi nodded with satisfaction.

Compared to March, Xing, who had just boarded the train, was undoubtedly better at handling things. Of course, it is not ruled out that he should be serious when he is serious, and he is more unserious than anyone else when he is not serious.

“At present, the four Doomsday Beasts have been dealt with. Although there are many high-level individuals among the remaining virtual soldiers, they are not to be feared.”Walter analyzed, and couldn’t help but marvel in his heart.

As expected of Godzilla, he can even easily control war weapons like Doomsday Beast.

Although he had seen Godzilla killing everyone on the screen when he was at home, and even defeated the incarnation cast by the high-dimensional King Ghidorah, he was still shocked to see Godzilla killing everyone in reality. At the same time, he paid more attention to this Godzilla.

After all, movies can be exaggerated, but Godzilla’s various performances are telling him that things on the screen are not necessarily fake.

At least Godzilla’s fierce appearance is real.

“This way the situation is somewhat stable.”Ji Zi murmured.

This is the best, the situation is stable, and everyone is fine.

“We can’t let our guard down yet. I always have a bad feeling. After all, the four Doomsday Beasts, especially the last one that appeared, made me feel uneasy. Ordinary legions simply don’t have so many Doomsday Beasts.”

Walter said seriously.

As the most dangerous Doomsday Beast in the Antimatter Legion, it is impossible for a legion of this size to produce so many.

There must be someone watching this place from behind. Maybe it’s the enemy of Yalilo No. 6 seven hundred years ago!

“Wait, what does Godzilla want to do?”

Just as Walter was analyzing, Jizi suddenly asked a question.

Hearing Jizi’s words, Walter subconsciously looked over, and the next second, a strong light pollution obscured his sight.



Virtual soldiers continued to fall from the sky. Godzilla, a huge target, was naturally the first choice for many virtual soldiers.

A trace of hostility flashed in his eyes, and Godzilla’s tail swept violently, like the tail of a steel whip drawing a circle. All the virtual soldiers that came into contact with turned into dust and disappeared in the air of Yalilo.

Raising his head slightly, Godzilla uttered a muffled groan, which was a danger signal.

The next second, the tail fin lit up, and the azure blue light climbed at a very fast speed. In the blink of an eye, the entire dorsal fin lit up, and the strong energy was eye-catching.

“What a terrifying power! Is Godzilla going to use the same trick he used last time?”

March Seven looked at Godzilla curiously, and shot an arrow to kill the nearest virtual soldier.

“No.”Xing shook her head. As Godzilla’s only certified younger brother, she knew Godzilla very well. Neither the previous attack was in this posture. Suddenly, she thought, could this be Godzilla’s new skill?!

Thinking of this, she immediately stopped fighting and stared at Godzilla intently.

The energy accumulation was completed in an instant. Godzilla roared to the sky, then leaned down with his dorsal fin facing the sky.

The dorsal fin with huge power excited the virtual soldiers still in the air, and they all rushed over here.


The earth was shaking, the sky was in a panic, and in an instant the whole world was covered by a blue light.

The dorsal fin radiated!

The azure light attracted the attention of the entire battlefield, and those who were close were shocked by the sudden movement and collapsed to the ground.

Even the well-informed Cloud Cavalry could not hide their shock at this moment.

Countless blue rays rushed to the sky like hydralisks. In an instant, they seemed to form a blue sky, majestic and frightening.

Countless antimatter legions flashed blue light in front of them, and then they were completely dead.

In just a moment, the antimatter legions that were constantly replenished in the sky were swept away. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) At this moment, the only pillar in the field was the sense of oppression itself!

Slowly getting up, there was no virtual soldier around, Godzilla roared to the sky, and the sound waves raised dust.

At this moment, everyone looked at the tall figure standing in the field with fanatical eyes!


“What was that just now?”Ji Zi was stunned. On the screen, there was still a trace of blue light on Godzilla’s tail fin and dorsal fin, which was very gorgeous. In the air, the (acci) particles from the explosion of the antimatter army still existed and drifted away. In addition to the virtual soldiers who had already landed and were far away, they were still practicing the will of destruction. The seemingly endless antimatter army disappeared at this moment.[]

“The dorsal fin radiates.”Walter’s voice was a little dry.

“Remember that charged particle cannon I told you about?”

“Well, that’s a skill Godzilla used before.”

“The principles of dorsal fin radiation and charged particle cannon are almost the same, but Godzilla uses it in the form of dorsal fin reflection, and its power… is very effective for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.”

Hearing this, Ji Zi smiled helplessly:”According to what you said, we may not even have to face his skills for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.”

Walter laughed, and then said with a smile:”At least Godzilla’s attack basically wiped out the entire antimatter army, and we don’t have to worry.”

Ji Zi nodded slightly. They did not stay in the universe and do nothing. They and the Xianzhou fleet blocked the virtual soldiers who had not entered Yalilo, including the largest doomsday beast before. There was a burning scar on its body, which she hit with a satellite.

Now the real crisis has been resolved.

The remaining virtual soldiers can be easily dealt with even by Yalilo.

At the same time, at a distance from them, the two envoys met quietly.

“Hey, isn’t this Huanlong? You haven’t shown up for a while. Why, are you here to enjoy the scenery?”

Heita said calmly.

In front of her, a perfect body exuded charm and was fascinating.

Yes, a body.

The body of the Great Lord of Extinction Huanlong.

“Hehe, Heita, I remember you just returned to your space station not long ago. How come you are willing to come out?”

Huanlong also greeted him.

From the surface, these two best missions in the universe seem to have a good relationship.

“Tsk, who has a good relationship with you? Were you the one who directed this matter?”

“Yes, is there something that Ms. Heita cares about on that planet? I’m really sorry. Oh, I don’t need to apologize now. After all, the planet is still intact.”

“Oh, what a pity, my goal was just a perfect body.”

Huanlong laughed.

Heita narrowed her eyes slightly, always feeling that the guy in front of her was playing tricks, but it was a pity that her body was just a puppet, and she couldn’t compete with him in any aspect, but not in terms of fighting. She still had confidence in fighting.

“There is something very special on that planet. The Doomsday Beast that I have carefully cultivated for a period of time is gone just like that. What a pity.”

Huanlong sighed with a look of sorrow and resentment.

Even Heita couldn’t stand it.

Carefully cultivated, haha, everyone knows that the Great Lord of Extinction Huanlong likes to disintegrate civilization from within, causing civilizations to doubt each other, fall apart, and then disappear from the universe.

I don’t know where she got that Doomsday Beast from.

“Forget it, since Ms. Heita wants this planet, I have no choice but to take my leave.”

Heita’s expression did not change. Huanlong was not a good person. She did not believe that this guy would give up so easily. The guy who wanted to destroy had no brains and was worse than the protector who only knew how to hit the planet with a hammer.


“In that case, you should get out of here right away.”

“It’s really merciless.” Huanlong laughed, and suddenly, her expression paused, and her eyes turned to Yaliluo, who had gradually calmed down.

There was a very strong force there.


The tail fin lit up again, and the dorsal fin flashed.

Godzilla looked up at the sky with cold eyes, his gaze piercing through the atmosphere and looking straight ahead.

There, two powerful energies converged, one of which was destined to be destroyed, and he didn’t care about the other one. He only had eyes for the bastard who was destined to be destroyed.

His chest began to throb, blood rushed, steam rose, and the scorching temperature caused the temperature of the entire Beloberg to rise.

Godzilla’s body began to turn slightly red.

“What happened to the big guy?”

Shiluwa frowned slightly. Obviously there was no threat anymore, so what was Godzilla doing… Was there an enemy in the universe that hadn’t appeared yet?

“Ji Zi, Uncle Yang, what’s wrong with Big Brother?”

Regarding this, Xing chose to directly ask the two people in the starry sky

“We don’t know yet. We checked his direction and found nothing unusual. Maybe it’s beyond the detection range. Godzilla has always been very sensitive when facing enemies.”

Walter responded.

This was the final word on Godzilla’s actions. No one here knew Godzilla better than him.

“What is this form of the big guy?” Sanyueqi pointed at Godzilla, whose body was gradually turning red and whose temperature was soaring. The ground beneath his feet was melting into magma due to the high temperature.

It was so hot that I could feel the heat from a distance.

“The Red Lotus Form is an advanced state of Godzilla, but it cannot last long. But that is the Godzilla I know. This Godzilla is a little different from the one I know.”Walter said, adjusting his glasses and saying seriously

“As for the attack he was about to launch, if I remember correctly, it should be called……”


Red Lotus Elegy!

The thick red beam exuded a terrifying power. The air was distorted wherever it passed. The strong recoil made Godzilla pause, and then the gradually accumulated sand and soil served as a buffer.

Breaking through the atmosphere, the beam went straight to Huanlong who was talking to the black tower!

“But I am also within your attack range.”Heita complained expressionlessly, and had already withdrawn to a safe distance before Huanlong could react.

After all, he and Huanlong were not familiar with each other.

“Record the data, now we are familiar with it.”Heita said calmly. Huanlong was silent.

This intellectual envoy was more intelligent than a genius, and even inferior to himself in emotional intelligence.

Forget it, since no one welcomes me, I have no choice but to leave.


The meteorite, which was comparable to an asteroid, fell apart directly under this powerful force, and Heita’s eyes sparkled.

“Record it, record it. How can this pure creature launch such an attack? Is it an ancient beast? No, ancient beasts don’t have this kind of attack method. Is it a genetic creature studied by a certain force?”

Hungrily recording the attack just now, Heita stared at Yalilo No. 6 with burning eyes, and he wanted to fly to Godzilla in the next second to give him a free physical examination.

At this moment, everyone was shocked by this Red Lotus Elegy.

If the previous dorsal fin radiation was a visual impact.

Then this Red Lotus Elegy is a pure violent output! It’s daunting! Awe arises spontaneously!

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