“Gold Dust, what’s up?”

“I’m just curious about what you’ve encountered. Is there anything I can help you with? Just ask.”

Seeing the two approaching, Sha Jin smiled and said

“Don’t worry, I will not hesitate to help you if I can help you.

Topa laughed and responded to Shajin’s kindness.

“It’s just that I have some doubts about what means the company will use to deal with this matter.”Thinking of what happened to him, Topa sighed.

As a miracle dropped from the Amber King, the cornerstone is of great significance to the company.

Not only in terms of combat power, each cornerstone symbolizes the faith of the Amber King. If there is really something irreversible in the cornerstone, then the atmosphere between the two top forces in the universe will probably not be too good.

Sand Gold smiled slightly.

Just like Diamond only cares about how much value his people can create and does not ask what mistakes they make.

In the face of the Xianzhou Alliance, which is also a top force in the universe, the company will certainly not take too tough measures, and after confirming that the cornerstone is not damaged���Not anymore.

There is no shortage of conspirators hiding in the dark in this world.


Simulated universe.

After debugging, Screwgoom and Black Tower observed this re-set universe together.

“Insect swarm? Doommon? He seems to be very interested in individuals full of energy.”

ScrewGum watched Godzilla’s mighty force tearing the sky apart and splitting Doommon in two.

At this time, he was next to Godzilla, and the strong visual system gave the king of the screw planet enough shock.

“I understand why you don’t look for Ruan Mei. Conclusion: Ruan Mei is not suitable for this research.”

Screw Gumu’s expression was condensed… His expression was normal, and his tone was solemn.

They had a good relationship with Ruan Mei, but because of this, they knew what Ruan Mei could do.

With such a perfect body, Screw Gumu could already imagine what kind of life Ruan Mei would use him to shock the”330″ universe.

But that scene, except for those who are afraid of chaos in the world, no one would want to see it.


After exiting the simulated universe, Black Tower asked Screw Gum proudly.

“……This simulated universe also gave me the urge to create a similar image machine. In my impression, whether it is a short-lived species or an immortal species, the feeling of this hearty giant beast is an impulse of blood surging.”

“Hey, man.”

Black Tower responded to Screw Gum’s words with an incomprehensible hum.

“Unfortunately, we didn’t collect more specific data. The conclusions drawn from such rough data cannot support the next experiment. The question is: Can we continue?”

Screw Gum shook his head slightly. If this is all the data that the Black Tower can get, then there is no need to continue this experiment.

Because no matter how they proceed, the experiment will not change according to their wishes, just like……

“For example, Godzilla’s ability as an environmental transformer can affect the ecology of an entire planet just by being there. This is undoubtedly a shock to reality and a challenge to most people’s cognition.”

When he saw that the bred insect swarms were affected by Godzilla and turned to charge at the giant stinging insect, the vigilance in Screw Gum’s heart reached its peak, and he was curious at the same time.

Why were the people of Yalilo No. 6 not affected?

Oh, their belief in Godzilla is unwavering, so it cannot be said that they are not affected.

Black Tower did not comment on Screw Gum’s words.

“Apart from that, as you said, the existing data is not enough to support our subsequent data research. So next we have to rush for experimental data”

“What do you want to do?”

“How about letting your gang of omnics attack them?”

“……This is not a very good suggestion, Black Tower, his fighting ability is obvious to all of us.”Screw Gumu lowered his head slightly and looked at Black Tower.

“”Haha, just kidding.” Waving his hand, Black Tower said indifferently, but Screw Gumu knew that if he had promised Black Tower just now, he would really do it, and at most he would not lose his life.


“I always feel like they are hiding something from me.”

In the laboratory where various instruments are piled up, a classical beauty named Ruan Mei is in deep thought, staring at the reagents in front of her with a distracted look.

“”Hmm, hmm.”

While thinking, she suddenly felt an itch in her ear. She looked down and saw a cat cake gently rubbing Ruan Mei’s instep, stepping on it from time to time.

Seeing this lovely scene, Ruan Mei raised a smile.

The keen insight made Ruan Mei, who was like a hermit, realize that Heita was hiding something.

Maybe Screw Gumm was involved?

She did not monitor Heita, nor did she have the ability to do so. Heita would react quickly, and she actually noticed it when she talked to Heita about the simulated universe.

Maybe Heita himself did not notice that she seemed absent-minded when chatting with Ruan Mei, and she was not as excited as before when talking about the simulated universe.

Well, Heita’s interest was obviously improved in the last conversation. Maybe there was obvious progress in the simulated universe?

Ruan Mei didn’t know. At this moment, she came to the lounge, poured herself a cup of tea, took two pieces of freshly soaked plum cakes, picked up the cheese lava and put it on her thighs, turned on the radio, and melodious opera flowed out.

Soothing Ruan Mei’s mind


Heita, who had no idea that his incompetence had aroused Ruan Mei’s suspicion, was still talking to Luoluo Gumu about his thoughts.

“Can you make a device that can detect data when approaching?”

Hei asked.

In this regard, Screw Gum is better at it.

“I’m sorry, but this type of device can only detect ordinary people who have no power, or people who have just started their lives. I don’t think it will work on a special being like Godzilla who has an entire atomic furnace in his body.”

“This won’t work, that won’t work, how come that guy doesn’t have the spirit of devoting himself to scientific research!”

Heita is completely a Muggle.

If the other party was a person, a person who had not been separated from the world, she would have a hundred ways to make the other party agree, but the other party was a person who slept all day long, and his only interest was to collect those energy-filled minerals.

But she had already walked this road once, and was even cheated by that guy!

Who would take benefits and not do the job!

Even she didn’t do that!

“Black Tower, maybe you can change your perspective. Seeing Black Tower looking worried, Screw Gumu said:

“You are now worried about collecting Godzilla’s data, but why do you have to get his accurate physical data? All aspects of life are fine, but cells, I think anyone who knows the importance of themselves will not leak their cells at will, let alone such a god?”

Hearing what Screw Gumu said, Heita calmed down.

She was indeed dazzled by Godzilla’s peculiarity.

It’s not right to say that, it’s just that when facing Godzilla, an existence that has no interest in her, her inner competitive spirit was aroused, and Godzilla is indeed special.

“As long as we have enough character information, plus the power Godzilla has revealed, I think it shouldn’t be a problem to create a Godzilla that fits reality.”

Shaking his nails, Heita found that this was the only thing he could do now.

“By the way, how is the lady from the Star Train doing now? Is she feeling good coexisting with the Star Core?”

“That gray-haired girl, she said they have arrived in Luofu, and they are probably wandering around Luofu now.”

Having said that, Heita also wants to know what Xing is doing now.

After all, the star core in the other person’s body is still one of the unsolved mysteries of this universe, and it is also a topic she really wants to understand.

“Hmm? No reply? The signal seems to be bad over there. Is Luofu’s infrastructure so bad?”


“I am Taibu Fuxuan, the Grand Master of Divination. I believe you are the world-famous Starry Sky Train. Nice to meet you.”

“”Oh, nice to meet you.”

Xing nodded calmly in response to Fu Xuan. Sanyueqi narrowed her eyes slightly, stretched out her hand and quietly pulled her sleeve, whispering

“Hey, do you know what Taibusi means?”

“I don’t know.”Xing said confidently.

“If you don’t know, why would you respond?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

March Seven wanted to pinch this guy’s neck and tell her to stop talking. You won’t not respond to someone you don’t know! You don’t even know what the structure of the fairy boat is, and you dare to respond to someone randomly!

Walter was silent for a moment, then said

“This must be the Master Fu Xuan of the Taibusi that Miss Yukong often mentioned. We are the Starry Sky Train. I am Walter, and these two are Xing and Sanyueqi.”

Fu Xuan nodded slightly:”You can call me Fu Xuan. I have heard about the members of the train team. I just heard that the general wanted to meet with you, so I walked out of the Taibusi. However, I remembered to let Qingque come to greet you. Why is there only you?” Fu

Xuan frowned, realizing something was wrong[]

Where is the bluebird?

“Um, we just arrived at the Immortal Boat, and we didn’t run into the Qingque that Miss Fu Xuan mentioned. Maybe we didn’t run into it.”

After hearing this, Fu Xuan’s mouth twitched slightly, and he subconsciously said,”This Qing… ahem, this matter is indeed my negligence. I think Qingque and you missed each other. Let me take you to the General’s Mansion.”

The three people were keenly aware of the tone of Fu Xuan’s words just now, but they didn’t want to interrupt this obvious family matter.

Just as they were about to go to the General’s Mansion




“”It’s peace!” The three of them heard the sound.

Sanyueqi saw that the face of the small Master Fu Xuan in front of them was getting more and more gloomy.

After a long time, they heard Fu Xuan smiling and saying to them:

“Please wait for a moment, Fu Xuan will be back soon.”

Looking at the black air that almost turned into substance behind the figure, San Yueqi swallowed hard and carefully got together with Xing.

“Um, what’s that mysterious talisman? Are you feeling unwell?”

“I don’t know, it’s so scary, big brother, save me”


“Woohoo! Master Taiboku!”


A moment later, the three saw Fu Xuan returning, followed by a girl in green who was about the same height as her and walked erratically.

Her demeanor frightened San Yue Qi so much that he thought the Fengrao people were attacking the Immortal Boat.


When Qingque finished the last sentence weakly, he felt even worse.

Fu Xuan glared at her and then asked the three of them.

“Please follow me 0…….”


“Wow, this fairy boat Luofu is quite lively. By the way, where is that guy Ren? Any news?”

Chewing gum, Silver Wolf looked at the busy Dihengsi below, leaning against the window sill, gently swinging his legs.

“We have made contact, but the immortal boat seems to have changed a little this time.

Kafka looked at the cloud cavalry who had fallen into the devil’s body with lifeless eyes and smiled softly.

“Well, I just checked. It’s a guy named Huanlong who ran into the fairy boat. It seems that he has cooperated with the Fengcao people hiding in Luofu. Anyway, things are very complicated.”

“Oh? Lord Extinction Phantom?”

“Besides her, who else has this name? I can find out that this guy is not hiding at all. Anyway, I don’t know how he hid before and was discovered by Luofu. Now he is hiding everywhere.”

Kafka nodded slightly, raised her head, and looked at the magnificent tree in the distance:”Jianmu, climbing up the sky, hanging down the stars. The words and sentences of the immortal boat people in this regard are always so elegant.”

“So now you can’t be so elegant anymore, right?”

Silver Wolf pouted.

“Huanlong’s target is that tree, and our mission is to guide those guys, but I think we can just ignore them, isn’t this a good development?” Silver Wolf asked

“It is precisely because the development is going smoothly that we need to intervene.”Kafka nodded slightly and added:”Everything is going too smoothly at the moment, but the order of some things is wrong. For example, now, Huanlong should not be so exposed, so our responsibility is to guide the plot in a certain direction.”

Hearing Kafka’s words, Silver Wolf rolled his eyes in annoyance

“Elio can’t even read the script himself now, what’s the point of relying on us to guide him? Although I like playing games, you want me to beat those bosses who don’t even have health bars with my head?”

Hearing Silver Wolf’s words, Kafka smiled slightly and did not answer.


“Welcome to Luofu Xianzhou. On behalf of Xianzhou, I welcome you all.

Seeing Fu Xuan ushering in the guests, Jing Yuan stood up to greet them.

“Look, the top leader is here, I’m sure the next sentence will be that it’s very chaotic now, everyone is very busy, we need our help, and then we run around without overtime pay.”

March Seven whispered in Xing’s ear.

However, the people present were not ordinary people, and the volume of these words in the ears of several people was the same.

Walter wanted to say something but stopped, but he was his own naughty child, so he could only look at Jing Yuan helplessly:”March didn’t mean it, but I’m sorry to make you laugh.”

“Haha, it’s okay, it’s good for young people to be energetic, but don’t be like the one in my family, who looks old at a young age and only shows a little childishness when it comes to things that interest him.”

Jing Yuan laughed and sincerely revealed Yan Qing’s private appearance to everyone.

However, when he thought of the few swords that Yan Qing brought out of the store some time ago, Jing Yuan couldn’t help but feel tight in his chest.

As expected of the one he taught, he has a good eye and picked the most expensive ones.

“”General, do you have something to entrust to us?”

Walter said.

He knew that Jing Yuan, as a general of Luofu, might receive them as unknown guests.

But with the addition of Fu Taibu next to him, it was not certain.

Taibu Si, he had communicated with Yukong and others before entering the fairy boat. 0.3 knew that Taibu Si was one of the six imperial guards of Luofu Fairy Boat. Fu Xuan was a Taibu, so how could she be responsible for dealing with people? It seemed that there were some things that needed to be dealt with on Luofu Fairy Boat.

As a general of Luofu, Jing Yuan was either not convenient to deal with it himself, or this matter really needed them.

“Since Mr. Walter is so straightforward, I can’t play tricks anymore. To be honest, Xianzhou recently discovered that the messenger of destruction had sneaked into Xianzhou.”


This familiar name made Sanyueqi, who had kept silent, couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Yes, it is a phantom. Jing Yuan nodded and said seriously,”Not long ago, the Immortal Boat detected a star core that had exploded in Luofu.”

“Star core.”Hearing this familiar word, Xing touched his chest.

If it was just the star core , the Immortal Boat wouldn’t be in such a mess, but at this moment, the Grand Master of…

“It happened to be a star core catastrophe, and because Luofu Yunqi needed to suppress the four-sided cave heaven and investigate the truth behind it, I was really excited when I heard that you were coming.”

“Um, since you said the star core exploded, then why is the system that guides us so normal recently?”

Sanyueqi asked in confusion

“Humph, the immortal ship is not going to be disrupted by a star core. All systems are fine except for being slightly affected. They can all be used normally.”

After hearing March Seven’s question, Fu Xuan snorted and put one hand on his waist.

It was obvious that March Seven’s question just now involved the field related to this Taibu.

“Since it is a disaster related to the core of the star, we will not sit idly by.”

“Oh! Mr. Walter is so wise and righteous, Jing Yuan admires him.”

Jing Yuan bowed slightly, smiling, feeling gratified that he had earned another labor force.

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