The following process destroyed the universe.

There was nothing but silence!

Nothing but shock!

Nothing but shock!

No one expected that the Empire would deal with those alien life forms so… efficiently!


“What about those lizards, mushrooms, and starfishes?”

For Fu Xuan and Qing Que, the two girls, the lizards and those reptiles are not aesthetically pleasing.

But those mushrooms and starfishes are so cute, they look harmless!

But now… the mushrooms and starfishes are all gone.

Only the brains of various shapes, wriggling like tofu cubes, are left.

Qing Que covered her eyes and dared not look anymore.

Fu Xuan felt a chill!

Rows of mechanical tentacles, with very elegant and accurate gestures, threw countless fresh brains that were 99% just unpacked directly into more than one million tanks.

Then… the electricity was turned on, the water was soaked, and countless cables were inserted into various cortical nodes roughly and accurately!

The cerebral cortex twisted and jumped!

Calculation started!

The green light symbolizing data shone in the sky!


Now on the Pinocchio,

Sunday was silent and pale.

The robin lowered his head, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Fireworks, who was hiding in the corner, was still shaking with her small and exquisite body, because in the sky,

Fireworks, who always thought that she was a complete fun person and had fulfilled the destiny of Ahafu, felt that this Calamity Empire, in the giant building called Synapse Condensation Machine, was filled with endless negative emotions, almost breaking through the starry sky!

Despair, anger, and pain!

In the days that seemed to have no end, they provided scientific research calculations for the Luyao Empire day and night-even if the brains of these alien lives were extremely tired.

They would be immediately awakened by the stimulation of nerve currents.

It’s really worse than death!

Until all the neurons in the brain are exhausted, and can no longer provide even a trace of computing power for the synapse condensation machine of the empire.

And then… it’s like throwing garbage into the sewer.


“Not throwing away garbage……”

“It’s even worse than throwing away garbage.”

Everyone on the pioneer train,

Xiao Sanyueqi shrank behind Jizi in fear.

He didn’t dare to look at the sky curtain even once!

Jizi nodded heavily and looked up at the exposure sky curtain.

The spiritual energy sound of the final reincarnation was hissing and full of resentment!

【As the world sees】

【The Lu Yao Empire does not respect life at all!】

【These so-called alien brains are used by humans, and the end result is……】

【Throw it in the recycling yard!】

【After recycling!】

【It flows back into the synaptic condenser as culture medium!】

【The brains of those alien life forms are nourished by the brain fluid of their fellow creatures!】

【Next, the Emperor Lu Yao’s speech with a completely distorted worldview when he built the synaptic condenser was exposed! 】

In the sky, the words of Emperor Lu Yao kept flashing:

“Just as no inch of land in the empire is superfluous”

“Don’t waste every bit of the universe’s species”

“As for other species, they would consider our behavior of alienating individuals into computing chips as morally questionable.”

“That’s because these species have problems with their values.”

There are problems with their values!”

This sentence echoed repeatedly in the Collapse Universe!

Everyone was stunned!

Throwing those fresh alien lives into the pool for calculation and storage, this is absolutely insane in the eyes of the Collapse Universe!

But Emperor Lu Yao turned around!

He said that our values are not right?

This is the opposite of Tian Gang!

Deep in his heart,

Sunday, who claimed to be the spokesperson for order, was so distorted when he saw Emperor Lu Yao’s words!


“Have we become a species with distorted values?!”



The Genius Club is Ruan Mei’s life laboratory on an uninhabited planet.

This place is called the No Man’s Land. It is a very secretive existence in the collapsed universe. At this time, Ruan Mei is cultivating her own creatures on the alien planet. Looking at the sky,

【Exposing the Fifth Evil Deed of the Empire, Synaptic Condensation Machine, End!]

Ruan Mei’s beautiful and peaceful face usually had no expression.

At this moment, a beautiful smile like brocade bloomed on her face.

Who is Ruan Mei? A crazy genius!

There is no shortage of geniuses in the genius club.

But Ruan Mei is the kind of person who can slice the frontal lobe of her deceased mother’s brain and preserve it in memory of her mother!

“Synaptic Condenser……”


“Gene Ascension!”

Ruan Mei looked at the words of Emperor Lu Yao in the sky.

“What is this?!”

Everyone else in the Collapse Universe was shocked by the synaptic condenser, and few people still remembered the gene cutting mentioned by the imperial officer just now!

“This emperor Lu Yao……”

“We will definitely be able to agree on our definitions and views of life!”

“But…how can I contact the Emperor?”

“There must be a lot of people who want to contact His Majesty Lu Yao now.”

Ruan Mei gently stroked her creation with her black silk gloves, and suddenly, she had an idea!

“How about using these creations as a gift when you meet the Emperor?”



Yalilo VI.

Cocolia took Bronya and stepped onto the long steps of the Tower of Babel.

Obviously, the Calamity Empire already has unprecedented technology.

But it seems that His Majesty Lu Yao just likes some strange sense of ritual.

Bronya thought so, and her feet softened and she almost fell on the stairs.

The closer they were to the presence of the Emperor, the more the mother and daughter felt a huge pressure pressing towards them!

“The synaptic condenser just now, and throwing people in as chips”

“No, those things are not human!”

Although a trace of fear flashed across Kokolia’s face, she managed to keep her breath steady.


“Don’t think about those things!”

“I believe His Majesty Lu Yao must have his deep meaning!”

Bronya nodded silently.

But suddenly she felt a sense of enlightenment!

She looked up.

This time she really couldn’t stand firmly and fell directly!

She changed into a pair of very high heels, which Bronya was not very used to.


“Here we are!”

“This is the spaceship of His Majesty Emperor Lu Yao!”



There will be six more chapters in the evening.

Keep asking for flowers and votes!

I beg you all!

Seeing the data rising is like giving the author hormones to write more!!

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