For the first time, Bronya felt that there really was a divine being in this universe. This divine being was revealed in the sky just now.

【Emperor Lu Yao stands at the top of a certain plane universe】

【Just based on your own preferences】

【Modify all the rules of a universe at will!】

【As if he is the creator!】

The voice of the exposure machine sky curtain, resentment, hatred!

And fear!

【It changes all physical laws at will, the cornerstone on which all nature depends, and the foundation on which all civilizations continue – the speed of light.】

【The stars…are extinguished.】

In the sky, there is a universe, which was full of bright stars a moment ago, but now, all the stars are completely extinguished!

【When the speed of light drops to zero】

【Even time has no meaning.】

【Because this means that any light, even a tiny bit of light, cannot escape the tiny gravitational pull of the organism itself.】

【Every flower and every blade of grass has become a black hole.】

【Time has become a void.

Such a scene is frightening!

Everyone knows that this time,

Emperor Lu Yao did not destroy anything.

However… he directly modified the cosmic constants and edited reality, cutting off the source of the fire!

This world has no meaning! What is the meaning of a plane where time no longer exists ?

“If a person walks on the street.”

Huang Quan, who left the Harmonious Music Ceremony, looked up at the sky and whispered softly:

“Others will never even be able to see his next step.”

“So… light no longer exists”

“Everything that happened no longer exists.”

“Is that so?”

After a moment, Huang Quan’s eyes suddenly flashed with a light of enlightenment!

“This is the real…nothingness!”



In front of the Vision Probe throne, it is unclear whether it is the real world or a green wilderness created by illusion.

Bronya and Cocolia,

Cocolia and Bronya have completely, from heart to body, surrendered to Emperor Lu Yao.

Compared to the coldness of Yalilo Six,

Cocolia and Bronya naturally prefer the warm wilderness now.

The vicious words of the psychic power on the exposure sky sounded like an accompaniment to Cocolia and Bronya.

Emperor Lu Yao, while showing his divinity in the sky, also showed his wildness in front of him without any scruples.

Emperor Lu Yao’s hands did not move at all, still lazily and casually placed on the throne.

But from Lu Yao, it seemed that several invisible giant hands emanated, covering Cocolia and Bronya.

The extreme contrast, the gift from God, the Lord, and the Creator, made Bronya and Cocolia willingly kneel in front of Emperor Lu Yao’s throne, one on the left and one on the right, without any instruction, using all their skills and gentleness in their lives.

In the past, Cocolia, who was so cold and majestic in front of the entire Yalilo Six that no one dared to look directly at her, now shed all her majesty and coldness, and treated Emperor Lu Yao with extreme gentleness.

It was completely from the heart.

It was out of instinctive worship of God and the Creator.




【The light of the stars in the universe!】

【It is extinguishing! 】

First University of Truth,

Doctor of Truth Latio, stared at the sky, he could barely stand on the podium just now.

Now he saw in this unknown universe.

All the stars are really extinguishing little by little.

The universe!

That in everyone’s impression.


The universe is always full of stars!

In the exposure of the sky.

It is actually getting dim little by little!

Doctor of Truth Latio, couldn’t support himself and sat down on the chair.

The expression on his face suddenly became listless!

He began to doubt life!

There were students in the audience who were wondering if this Luyao Disaster Empire

“Was there some kind of star-destroying weapon used?”

“Otherwise, why is the universe getting darker?”

“”No way, absolutely no way!”

As soon as the student finished asking,


Zhenli hit the student in the face with a piece of chalk!

“What kind of star-destroying weapon?”

“A Burning Heaven Divine Weapon is incredible enough!”

“But one Burning Sky Divine Weapon can only destroy a star!”

“Don’t you see that the starlight in the entire universe is becoming dim?”

“Is this a weapon that can do that?!”

“This is because the emperor has modified the speed of light constant of the entire universe!”

“He…he slowed down the speed of light!”

“This is destroying a universe!”

Doctor Zhenli is now doubting his life!

Among all the parameters of nature, only the speed of light is eternal and unchanging. You say you can exceed the speed of light, but the speed of light itself cannot change. If you want to change this thing, it is equivalent to wrestling with the structure of the entire universe.

But Lu Yao did it.

“Could it be true as the exposed person said… Emperor Lu Yao can actually modify the speed of light parameters!”

“Wait a minute!”

When Doctor Zhenli’s three views on life were about to be overturned by Emperor Lu Yao, a familiar voice suddenly came from the Universal Communicator. A familiar voice came from the Black Tower Space Station, which had previously cooperated with the First Truth University.

“Latio, are you interested in visiting the space station?”

【There’s a guest coming too.】

【Let’s discuss Emperor Lu Yao’s matter. 】

Who is it?

Doctor Zhenli frowned.

“Ruan Mei?”

“Is she the woman who thinks she has attained divinity?”

“Is he interested in the Emperor as well?”

“No problem. I’ll be there right away.”




Everyone stared at the sky.


Only the robin, with its emerald eyes, was full of piety.

Looking at the figure of the emperor in the sky. The cherry lips parted.

The heavenly singing surrounded the ceremony.

After listening for a while, Sunday realized that his sister was blessing the emperor Lu Yao!

“If there is a guardian of Yalilo in the distance, there is also her daughter”

“If you can see the emperor”

“Why not robins?”

“You can easily extinguish the eternal starlight in the universe in an instant.”


The robin crossed his hands in front of him.

After a moment, in the surprised eyes of everyone, he actually… actually left the scene gracefully!

Before leaving, he left a sentence that made Sunday stunned on the spot!

The soft blue and white long hair followed the robin’s graceful back.

“Robin, willing to become the wings of the emperor’s long journey”

“Never leave”

“Only the Scourge Empire can free a heart… no, all hearts from sorrow.”

At this moment, Emperor Luyao replaced the star god Xi Pei with the same fate in the heart of Robin.

“If I had never seen the Emperor, how would I know that hope has feathers and wings?”

The robin walked out of the ceremony venue and looked up at the giant statue above Pinocchio.

In the eyes of the robin, the giant statue no longer represented death and fear.

It was the feathers of hope and wings.

Of course, the robin didn’t know at this time.

The emperor Lu Yao, whom she had been thinking about day and night, did wear a pair of wings at this moment.



“Now you can be my wings for a while.”

Bronya was extremely gentle and nodded gently, without any of her usual reserved look:

“Yes, sir.”

“His Majesty”




There will be three more chapters tonight. Thank you for your tips and urging for more chapters!

Thank you very much!

Author Gou is going to update more chapters!

I will continue to beg for flowers, comments and votes!

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