“The scientists of the Empire once said this”

“The only thing I know is that I know nothing.”

Emperor Lu Yao’s words echoed in the ears of Bronya, whose pretty face was flushed and she was still panting heavily, and Cocolia.

Hearing this,

Bronya and Cocolia were both in a trance:

“If your majesty says so… aren’t we just like ants?”

In Bronya’s opinion, the emperor of the Scourge Empire, His Majesty Lu Yao, is a nearly omniscient and omnipotent existence.

The Scourge Empire under his rule, the chief scientist, the scientific research team, and the scientific hub that is not as big as the synaptic condenser but has much higher scientific content – according to the statement on the exposure screen,

【In the Science Hub, just one day’s research output】

【It can match the technological progress of ten years in the pre-superluminal civilization of mankind.】

【One month of scientific research output can equal a hundred years of technological progress in the pre-superluminal civilization of mankind.】

【As for the annual scientific research output of the science and technology hub……】

The sound of the virtual psychic energy in the sky was so hoarse! It was extremely vicious!

It was extremely resentful!

It also carried the flavor of threatening to destroy the universe:

【As for the annual output of the Scourge Empire, the technological hub……】

【It is already enough to surpass the scientific research output of your collapsed universe over the past hundred years!】

【Otherwise, Emperor Lu Yao would not be able to build a creation spacecraft of the level of the Event Horizon Probe!】

【A spaceship that can accommodate infinite space and infinite time!】

【In order to build such a scientific hub】

【Emperor Lu Yao is bewitching people!】

【Attract countless top minds in the universe!】

【And let these countless smart brains voluntarily dedicate themselves to the empire!】

【After being stripped, it will be uploaded to the Science Hub for the Empire to use forever!】

【What a crime! What a dehumanizing act!】

【This is the seventh evil deed of the Scourge Empire!】

In the past,

Bronya and Cocolia would definitely not believe this.

But now, they believe it completely. They are completely obedient.

Because now Emperor Lu Yao just raised a finger and made Bronya feel what a horizon probe is, which can contain infinite space and infinite time!

In a trance, Bronya looked down and saw not only her own fair skin and her exposed blush, but also… a world under her feet – a universe comparable to the size of the collapsed universe!

That is the world ruled by Emperor Lu Yao.

The forest that was as warm as spring just now disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there is a world ruled by the Scourge Empire, one of the galaxies, one of the planets, which is filled with a pink mist.

“Miasma planet?”

“No, this is a gas planet?”

Bronya said the name subconsciously.

“but why……”

Before Bronya could react, she suddenly screamed, as if she had fallen into a large ball of cotton air!

Cocolia beside her subconsciously wanted to hold her breath.

But the pink gas that looked like miasma began to invade from every corner! Every corner of her body.

“A miasma gas giant!”

“His Majesty……”

Cocolia’s breathing immediately became rapid!

In the Collapse Universe, no humanoid creatures, whether dragon people or fox people, can live on a planet that is all gas and has no land!

Not to mention this pink gas, it is miasma at first glance!

For a moment, Bronya and Cocolia both thought that maybe they were not serving Emperor Lu Yao well.

Are they going to be punished?!

Bronya, who was still swallowing her words, was about to speak when she suddenly felt that after inhaling this pink”miasma”, her body became extremely transparent and comfortable!

Bronya now understood that this was a gift from His Majesty Lu Yao!

Otherwise, under the attack of His Majesty the Emperor, it is estimated that after asking at most one more question,

Bronya and Cocolia, mother and daughter, would probably faint on the spot.

“Your Majesty Lu Yao……”

“”So this is your gift…ah!”

Bronya was startled by her own charming voice as she spoke.

Usually, her voice was cold, solemn and reserved in front of Beloberg.

Not like now?

She was abstinent in front of others, but pure and lustful behind others.

Bronya’s voice startled Cocolia.

Her adopted daughter was so talented in this aspect?

Or… was it the effect of the pink”miasma” next to her?

“Your Majesty Lu Yao, I……”

After all, Cocolia was a queen-like existence in Yalilo Six.

As soon as she said this, she immediately realized that something was wrong.

Cocolia, who had completely liberated her nature, showed what it meant to be naturally charming, and blurted out:

“Can I ask a question too?”

“What’s going on with this gas giant? Is it also stored in the event probe?…Ah!”

Kokolia blushed.

Lu Yao smiled lazily:”Another question, Kokolia”

“That’s right”

“This is just one of the worlds contained in the Event Horizon Probe, one of the gas giants.”

“As for this pink miasma, this was originally a very rare breeding planet.”

“After the Empire’s transformation, this place has become a holy place for the Empire’s people to reproduce.”

Bronya said with difficulty:

“But… if it is a gaseous planet, shouldn’t our body density fall directly to the innermost part of the planet… Ah!”

Lu Yao raised his finger slightly and smiled:

“Another question, Bronya.”

“Your problem is indeed an unsolvable problem in the Yalilo civilization that is still bound by gravity.”

“But, on the Empire side……”

“Gravity is just the brush that the Empire uses to carve reality.”

Lu Yao pointed to the exposure canopy in the distant sky.

Bronya and Cocolia looked up and saw the figure of Emperor Lu Yao standing in front of the Empire’s Science Center, the megastructure – the Science Hub. His voice spread to every corner of the star sea, broadcasting across the entire region:

【Gravity and spacetime shape the universe】

【Starting with gravity, we will master the tools for ejaculation and ascension.】

【With wetware giants and synaptic condenser with trillions of computing power as wings】

【Our science hub will gather the smartest minds in the universe】

【Reshaping young universes】




Black Tower Space Station.

The Black Tower Doll saw the sky.

He stopped thinking completely!

His body shook several times!

“Metamorphosis and Ascension?!”




I’m making up for the first update I missed yesterday!

Please give me more flowers and votes!

I’ve been in the black room several times!

I’m so grateful!

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