When the sky was exposed, the ninth evil act of the empire was exposed, and the mighty locust plague was coming towards the universe, everyone’s face was extremely anxious!

Among them, Walter Yang had the most serious expression!

As a former leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance who came from another collapsed world through the star gate. Old Yang had countless unforgettable memories of facing the crisis of world destruction in his head! He had saved the world from the brink of destruction many times. And this time, when he heard that the insect plague was coming, Old Yang was the first to feel that something was wrong!

“Ms. Heita, please repeat what you just said.”

“How big is the scale of the insect swarm this time?”

Heita took a deep breath.

He tried to keep his voice steady, but in the end, it was still shaking!

“The vanguard troops alone span a distance of several light years!”

“This is just the vanguard!”

“The existence of the level of Star Core Hunter and Order can destroy a planet.”

“But this is a distance of several light years!”

“Just think about how many planets can be stuffed in there!”

“This is just the vanguard of the Zerg swarm!”

Everyone gasped!

“It seems that one thing is certain now, my friends.”

The sound of Screw-Gum was buzzing.

I have never heard Screw-Gum so nervous before!

The mechanical sound was a bit stuck!

“Yes, for the insect swarm”

“This ring world is the most suitable”

“Whether it is livability”

“Naturally suited for defense”


“All of them are enough to make people… no, make those bugs shed their most coveted corrosive fluids.”

Screw Gumnu tried hard to ease the atmosphere and told a joke.

As a result.

The atmosphere in the Black Tower Space Station became more solemn!

“……I said that”

“This emperor Lu Yao, and the Scourge Empire”

“Too hasty.”

The mechanical sound of the screw grunt continued to hum:

“If we release this ring world, it will definitely attract all those bugs!”

Heita nodded nervously:

“I’m afraid… those bugs have been waiting for this opportunity for who knows how many Amber Ages!”

“Various star-breaking queen worms and the like……”

Thinking of this, the black tower puppet shuddered all over!

“Emperor Lu Yao may have to bear a heavy price in casualties this time.”

After a moment of silence, Ji Zi spoke in a very heavy tone:

“It may even be a catastrophe for our world.”

“Fortunately, it will take some time for the swarm to arrive.”

“Ms. Black Tower, how long do you estimate it will take for the Zerg to reach the Yalilo Ring World?”

Black Tower raised a few fingers:

“At least a few days.”

“We may be able to bring some reinforcements to this ring world.”

It’s different from the Sunday Pinocchio.

Black Tower and Screw Gum are also horrified by many of the actions of the Scourge Empire.

They think Emperor Lu Yao is too cold-blooded!

But compared to the Zerg, at least the Scourge Empire is still made up of people.

At least… now the people in Yalilo have not been made into specimens, nor have they been sliced and studied.

“If it’s a swarm,”

“They are long gone.”

Ji Zi’s voice was heavy but firm!

The only thing that was made into slices for research was Yalilo’s original star core.

The fact that it was made into galaxy slices was shocking enough.

Just like the Black Tower Space Station, it was just temporarily sealing a star core.

But now that the Zerg is attacking, everyone really has no time to study the Scourge Empire and Emperor Lu Yao, and what they have done with the star core.

The Black Tower puppet’s voice was a little trembling:”Moreover, there are rumors that”

“The Zerg may be looking for an opportunity to revive the Star God of Breeding Fate.”

Old Yang’s expression became more serious:”The Star God of Breeding Taizi Yulos?”

“that one……”

“The model has the ability to distort concepts due to pollution.”

Heita nodded:”If this continues, I’m afraid our genius club will have to gather for a meeting.”

“Let’s go and ask for instructions from Master Boshizun to know what the future countermeasures should be!”

The more he talked, the more serious and solemn the atmosphere in the Black Tower Space Station became!


“This is a saying that has been passed down among inorganic mechanical life.

The sound of the screw grunts is still buzzing:

“Solve current problems first, then worry about the future”

“Let’s worry about the swarm first.”

“If our universe is to win this battle, within the calculable range”

“As a result, if the attacking insect swarm is eliminated, 67.75% of organic and inorganic life will be lost.

“This is the price we will pay”

“The premise is that we can unite”

“The Scourge Empire does not seem to have demonstrated sufficient capabilities to destroy such a large number of insect swarms.”

Two-thirds dead!

This is truly a crisis for the civilization of the universe!”

“But there is another possibility”

“There is a 33% chance”

“The Scourge Empire has left our world”

“After the Zerg took over the Ring World”

“They will continue to multiply and grow, gathering strength until they find a way to revive the Star God.” As soon as

Screw Gumm finished speaking,

Walter Yang interrupted firmly:

“No, I don’t think so.”

“If this Scourge Empire really originated from there,……”

“They will never give up any inch of territory.”

A trace of determination appeared in Lao Yang’s eyes.

Whether it was Ji Zi, Heita, or Screw Gumu, they were all a little confused by Lao Yang!

Why did Lao Yang suddenly believe so firmly that the Scourge Empire would fight the Zerg to the end?

“I have a guess……”

“On the origin of the Scourge Empire”

“Before that, I want to go to Ringworld”

“The Zerg still has a few days to go before it reaches the Yalilo Ringworld”

“We’re in time”




At this time, above the Yalilo Ring World , the light of the sentinel array was faintly spreading. All the information about the insect swarm’s attack was accurately transmitted to Xiao Hui. Xiao Hui originally wanted to ask Emperor Lu Yao how to deal with these insects. Unexpectedly, Emperor Lu Yao only said one sentence,

“When they get the breeding star god out”

“Report again.”

“Leave a few alive at that time. Some scientists want to see the native insect swarm.”

“Xiao Hui, you also know that the Thorin genus now only exists in the Imperial Specimen Research Institute.”

“……Hill, turn around.”


Xiao Hui quietly left. He shook his head, trying to forget the shocking scene when Xi’er and Emperor Lu Yao were together.


“So be it”

“Connect me to Liuying and Bronya”

“Tell them”

“The first small mission of the Scourge Empire is here.”

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