At this moment, in the video exposed by the sky, the Emperor Lu Yao, who was hiding in the shadow of the throne, could be heard clearly word by word :

“The weaknesses and limitations of the flesh”

“It’s out of tune with our times.”

“It is time to discard this flesh and blood that imprisons our thoughts and souls.”

“By transferring our neural patterns to a synthetic torso”

“The people of the Empire will be able to embark on a glorious path of synthetic evolution.”

Emperor Lu Yao’s words disappeared.

The ruling ministers who listened to the Emperor’s instructions and stood respectfully below nodded, bowed, bent over and left.

Then the Empire issued a new decree:

【Mandatory, free】

【Assign a planet for synthetic evolution, and complete the prosthetic modification of all population within a specified time limit.】

【All data of the test and modification results will be uploaded to the Imperial Scientific Research Institute. 】

Then, on the sky screen, on the human colony planet that was assigned by Emperor Lu Yao and the Imperial Government to be used for mechanical synthesis experiments, one by one, humans entered the medical center of the Human Federation Empire.

Some people trembled, some had fanaticism in their eyes!

Some people looked confused.

However, everyone was willing!

“For His Majesty Emperor Lu Yao!”

“For humanity!”

This huge prosthetic medical center is actually a modified synthetic”canned food” processing factory.

Standing in the front are a group of Imperial synthetics who have just completed full-body prosthetic modifications.

The words they shouted were directly mechanical synthesized sounds, shocking the planet!

However, even in such a cold mechanical sound, there was actually the infinite reverence of Emperor Lu Yao!

“His Majesty Lu Yao said!”

“When something more efficient comes along”

“It is a foolish decision to insist on old and outdated things,”943″!”

“Fortunately, His Majesty the Emperor has made the decision for us!”

“We will be better than those humans within the Empire who have not yet accepted the mechanosynthetic evolution.……”

“Stronger! Faster! Smarter!”

“This is the best way for us to repay the Emperor Lu Yao and serve the Empire!”

“From today on, we will call ourselves the new humans!”

“The dawn of a new mechanical age has arrived!”

“Join the glorious evolution!”

One after another, mechanical synthesized voices resounded through these planets.

On one planet after another, the old weak and frail humans disappeared, and new powerful mechanical synthetic humans appeared!

The sound of electric saws and drills resounded throughout the modification factory, blood and flesh splattered on the floor, and countless useless organs and limbs were removed.

As painful groans and wails passed, countless neural signals were uploaded to the Imperial Data Center through cables, and then… completely abandoned!

Abandoning the weak and frail bodies that imprisoned flesh and soul.

Replaced with synthetic human bodies made of Imperial alloys – the same materials that once built interstellar battleships!



Collapse of the Universe

Everyone in Collapse of the Universe was horrified!

March 7:”Sister Ji Zi, I’m scared! It hurts so much!”

Ji Zi:”Has Emperor Lu Yao always been so cold-blooded?……”

“Wait, Old Yang, look what this is!”

Walter Yang:”??!”

Screw Gum:”!!!”

“Unexpectedly… the synthetic evolution of the human empire actually didn’t even leave the brain?!”

“These people even uploaded their consciousness to the data center, and then downloaded it into the new synthetic torso, right?”

At this time, the exposure was in the sky.

Originally, everyone in the Collapse Universe thought that installing some prosthetic plug-ins on the body like Portio was the limit!


With the further exposure of the sky, the synthetic evolution of the empire shocked the Collapse Universe completely!

From chips, limb engines, limb kits, to the most detailed joints.

Even to the blood vessels – the correct name at this time should be called synthetic humans.

In these human bodies, the blood vessels have been replaced with precise and wear-free mechanical pipes.

The blood has been replaced with lubricating oil and conductive fluid that flows evenly and continuously!

Even more shocking!

In the sky video, a scientist stood in front of the shadow of Emperor Luyao’s throne.

He lowered his head and reported respectfully:

“Report to His Majesty Lu Yao”

“Try again and again”

“We have finally succeeded under your guidance!”

The scientist’s expression was ecstatic.

“We can now speak of a citizen’s consciousness being loaded into a synthetic brain!”

“All we have to do now is produce a synthetic divine song for our Imperial Purple Rice!”

“All synthetic essences of citizen awareness are stored in one data center”

“You can then upload your consciousness!”

“Your Majesty, didn’t you point out this route and let us study it?……”

“We never thought there would be such an unimagined path!”

In the sky, the next scene of the video was exposed.

A huge database center was quietly floating in the space orbit.

From various planets that have undergone mechanical synthesis evolution, the neural data of the citizens of the empire were being uploaded uniformly!

Such a huge database center is like an eternal black hole!

Flashing with green light that never goes out!

It is countless neural data, brain data, and thinking data, which are converted into digital signals composed of numbers.

Uploaded to this unprecedented empire neural database center



This scene shocked the people in the Honkai Universe, who had only seen prosthetic implants like Portio’s at most. They were shocked beyond words! The brain was completely transferred to the database?! And it was an order from Emperor Lu Yao! A chill penetrated the bones and heart! The hairs of the people in the Honkai Universe stood up! Black Tower Doll:”Mr. Screw Gum, the origin of your inorganic body is the self-awakening of Emperor Rupert.

“But…but I’ve never seen an example of an organic human being completely abandoning his own flesh and blood!”

“Don’t even want a brain anymore!”

“Are there any such examples in our world?”

Screw Gum’s head was buzzing:”They have brains, but they are uploaded to the database center.”

“With all due respect, our world’s neural research and mechanical research are far superior to this.……”

“Compared to the Emperor’s stars, the rise of the human empire is like playing house.”

“We still cannot upload a person’s consciousness to the Internet for permanent preservation.”

Doctor of Truth Latio:”Can the technology of the Human Empire… can it uniformly transform those ignorant brains?”

“This is what I have been looking for all my life!”

Ruan Mei:”Haha, Latio is still as superficial as ever”

“Psychic transformation, mechanical transformation… only this can achieve the complete form of life!”

“This is the great power of the Emperor! The power of the Empire!”

Sunday trembled:”Now I know why this synthetic evolution is called canning!”

Tianmu Note: [In the Empire, this act of completely transforming synthetic humans is called canning by Emperor Lu Yao.】

【Collectively, the canning operation】

【The final step in the plan is to abandon the last piece of crude organic divine music, which is the brain】

【The Empire has devised a sinister method! To install the consciousness of these citizens into a synthetic brain】

【By uploading consciousness to the data center, then backing it up, and then downloading it into these synthetic human bodies]

At this moment, the video on the sky screen: countless brand-new humans – from head to body, even the brain and nerves have been replaced with synthetic brains and nerves.

Shouting in unison:

“We will be better than the rest of the humans in the Empire!”

“Disease, aging, and all other sources of organic suffering will be gone!”

“Praise the Emperor! Praise His Majesty Lu Yao!”

“The sacred mission we pursue is to merge our noble synthetic bodies with sacred cyber technology!”

“We can adapt to any harsh environment in the universe!”

“You can lurk in the most dangerous virtual planets and explore the mysteries of psychic energy for Your Majesty!”



At this time, in the Collapse Universe.

Huang Quan:”It was Ze Luo just now, a spiritual power that we cannot understand at all.”

“Now there is one more mechanical synthesis!”

“How many of these terrible technologies does the empire of Emperor Lu Yao have!”

Sunday:”Destroy humanity, destroy order!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This earth emperor Lu Yao is too cold-blooded!”

Screw Gumm:”According to my calculations, these empire’s synthetics are not just for show.”

“They have incredibly powerful abilities and adaptability!”

Hanabi:”Right, right, right!”

“I saw that there was almost no additional negative emotion in these synthetic brains!”

“Perfect for being a warrior, for being a lifelong worker!”、

“As an all-rounder in every aspect!”

���If such technology appears in our world, happy destiny will no longer exist!”

Huang Quan:”Yes, how can there be any Aha?”

Originally everyone thought that Hua Huo was exaggerating, but then the next scene showed how terrible the mechanical synthesis power of the empire was!

【Expose the evil deeds of Emperor Lu Yao!】

【In order to achieve Emperor Lu Yao’s goal, the empire is ruthless, cruel and cold-blooded!】

【All synthetic humans who uploaded their consciousness and abandoned their flesh and blood bodies】

【Now, the Empire’s most accurate data computing center】

【Distribute and further transform】

【Then send them to every dangerous area!】

【From synthetic labor to synthetic troops】[]

【The Empire has connected them to various kits, allowing them to reach the peak of their work efficiency in every field.】

【Once the components are worn, they can be replaced immediately and efficiently】

【And everyone’s data consciousness is stored in the database】

【I will serve the emperor Lu Yao forever and ever, and work like a slave for the empire!】

【You are the 996, 997 that destroyed the universe】

【In this evil emperor Lu Yao’s empire, you are nothing!】

Tianmu’s voice became more hoarse and more vicious!

【Propaganda machine!】

【Logic Engine!】

【Power drill!】

【Emotion simulator!】

【Loyalty Circuit!】

【Trade Algorithms!】


【The Empire has prepared full automatic transformation traits for all of these synths!】

【The interface behind every human brain is universal……..】

【As long as these are plugged in when necessary, they can become the shape that Emperor Lu Yao wants!】

【These people are Emperor Lu Yao’s eternal mechanical worker bees!】

【Even newborn babies are transformed by mechanical synthesis! 】

The universe is destroyed, and the sky is exposed.

The empire has added incredible modules and modules to these synthetic humans.

The most shocking thing is the Black Tower Doll and Screw Gumm at the Black Tower Space Station!

Screw Gumm:”As the human with the highest IQ among men,”

“Ms. Heita, you once solved the solitary wave algorithm problem when you were a teenager.”

“When he was young, he discovered the method of transforming Sigma baryons.”

“In middle age, he proposed the Black Tower sequence and developed a method to reverse aging.”

“Two visits to the Star God of Knowledge”

“Now what do you think… of the Empire’s synthetics compared to your puppets?”

The Black Tower puppet was stunned for a while.

Finally, he spoke word by word, intermittently:

“Not as good as…far behind!”

“The modules and kits just exposed on the sky screen……”

“I can understand using it on inorganic life forms like you, ScrewGum!”

“What loyalty circuit, what emotion simulator……”

“I can’t imagine that our universe can research such a thing!”

Screw Gum:”In my opinion, the path of the Empire’s mechanical ascension has completely blurred the boundaries between organic and inorganic life.”

“Even I, as the master of machinery in this universe, cannot control all the machines like Emperor Lu Yao.”

“But why didn’t Emperor Lu Yao choose to let the entire empire join such a promising path?”

On the Starry Sky Train.

Lao Yang:”I guess… maybe before he incarnated into the Calamity Empire, Emperor Lu Yao faced more than one kind of enemies?”

“Turning all the people of his empire onto the same path too early”

“If you encounter it, it happens to restrain your race and ability”

“That would be really dangerous.”

Thinking of the countless world-destroying crises that had occurred before when the Earth was destroyed,

Lao Yang admired Emperor Lu Yao’s decision even more!

Ji Zi:”Look!”

“I know why the Empire didn’t throw everyone into Mecha Ascension!”



In the video released by Skydome, the new synths are on their way to explore the galaxy, in those dangerous corners that ordinary humans have no way to reach.

In those places that ordinary flesh cannot explore at all.

These kind people have no regrets, work hard and loyally for the Emperor’s daughter to explore the secrets of the Zelo clan!

The Zelo clan, which once left traces of the mysterious psychic substance Zelo


【A new huge Zelo mine was discovered】

【As the number of people washing their hands increased, more and more people in the Empire awakened their psychic potential. 】

At this time, in the shadow of the Imperial throne, a fully mechanical man stood aside.

0.8 handed the report to Emperor Lu Yao.

And another chief imperial psychic, wearing a hood, with blood vessels and nerves bulging, and emitting a purple Ze Luo aura, also stood on the other side. The chief psychic of the Empire knelt on one knee respectfully and bowed to Emperor Lu Yao:

“His Majesty”

“Thanks to the synths’ exploration of Zelo Energy”

“Now, after taking a lot of Ze Luo”

“The psychic potential in our hearts can be further released”

“Our hearts have matured”

“Next Steps”


The chief psychic of the empire had not finished speaking.

In the shadow of the throne,

Emperor Lu Yao gently raised his finger.

In the huge human-union empire, every citizen of the empire, from the psychic who had awakened psychic powers, to the most ordinary people, to the new human beings – synths.

Everyone could hear the holy voice of Emperor Lu Yao:

“Citizens of the Empire, my people”

“Your minds have matured.”

“There is a higher being in the void, whispering every moment”

“Today, the citizens of the Empire”

“Every citizen”

“Unlock and awaken the day of all psychic potential”

“Today is the day when the Empire becomes holy.”


The universe is broken, and everyone is shocked, no less than when they saw the mechanical synthesis evolution just now, that is, the flesh and blood are weak, and the machinery ascends!!

Jing Yuan:”What?! Everyone?”

Fu Xuan:”Impossible!… Impossible!”

Lao Yang:”So in that starry human kingdom plane……”

“It can actually activate the psychic potential in everyone’s brain?!”

At the same time, the voice of the exposure sky curtain became more and more terrifying!

【At this moment… Emperor Lu Yao became the most powerful psychic】

【The Chosen Emperor! 】.

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