【A huge structure that exposes the evil deeds of the empire!】

【Matter decompressor! 】

At this time, a round black sphere was exposed on the sky.

It was terrifying to look at.

It was spinning rapidly, radiating high-energy rays at a high speed.

You couldn’t see the bottom at a glance.

There was only endless darkness. At a glance, this darkness seemed to be able to suck people in forever…

There was no end!

Hanabi:”I have never seen such pure black!”

“Could it be… this is really a black hole?”

Doctor of Truth Latio:”Strange, shouldn’t black holes be invisible?”

“We see this rapidly rotating thing, is it a black hole?”

Hanabi:”……It seems that black holes are indeed invisible, right?”

Screw Gum Buzz Buzz Buzz:”Based on my guess,”

“According to my guess, this black hole should be exposed to the sky to make it easier for us to understand.”

“I made a visual setting.”

Fu Xuan:”Normally, we should not be able to see black holes.”

Jing Yuan:”Normally… there shouldn’t be something that big on a black hole!!”

“That’s a black hole! A black hole that can swallow everything!”

“What was the Calamity Empire… no, it was the Human United Empire at that time, doing to this black hole?”

Jing Yuan collapsed, and the others collapsed too!

Everyone was shocked!

Because when they looked up, they saw a giant drill, anchored on the black hole.

And then… start drilling!

Jing Liu:”……Is this the Empire’s drill?”

Topa:”Looking at the appearance of this thing, it seems to be mining?”

“That’s right… this thing is mining!”

Gold Dust:”I’ve seen too many similar things in the Interstellar Peace Company.”

“But, never, the company can never mine on a black hole!”

At this time, the sky was exposed.

Putting aside the Fallen Empire and the War in Heaven, the people in the Collapse Universe only saw the map of the battle in Heaven, that is, when the war was raging all over the galaxy.

The intensity of this War in Heaven is still at a very superficial level.

After all, up to now.

The Collapse Universe’s understanding of the intensity of the War in Heaven is just to see the large areas of star fields on the star map!

What exactly this War in Heaven will be like.

Now, no one knows!

Especially those who have always been disgusted with the Scourge Empire and Emperor Lu Yao.

For example, Sunday, the Zerg, and the executives of the Interstellar Peace Company!

Many people in the Collapse Universe still think…

Is the War in Heaven an exaggeration? Just like the hissing cry of the breeding swarm just now:

“The war that burned the universe was not something our Zerg ancestors, our breeding star god Taizyuros, had not done before!”

Screw Gum:”This time the Zerg is indeed right. During the Emperor Mechanical War, the flames of war also swept across most of the universe.”

As a result, in the sky, Emperor Luyao announced that the Empire would join the war.

He casually called on this material decompressor to drill into the Fallen Empire – the military isolate, referred to as the mushroom, oh no, it should be the chrysanthemum of the military isolate.

From the breeding Zerg to the screw Gum, he finally understood.

The intensity of this war.

How terrible is it!

The note on the exposed sky:

【Material Decompressor】

【This is the device that the Empire originally used to collect minerals.】

【Unlike previous devices, the source of minerals collected by the Matter Decompressor is……】

【Black hole!】

Tianmu’s explanation was the final conclusion.

The matter decompressor is indeed what the Human Union Empire uses to mine!

It’s just that it mines from a black hole!

Qingque:”Shocked Master Fu Xuan for a whole year! Master Fu Xuan, please move!”

Fu Xuan:”It’s really too shocking… How did you do it?”

Jingyuan:”I really didn’t expect that the most mysterious existence in the universe, the black hole”

“It can even be used for mining by the Empire?”

Screw Gumm:”I am also very curious! Please explain to me, Tianmu!”

Black Tower Puppet:”According to my guess, maybe it is related to gravitational distortion?”

Qingque:”What is gravity? What distortion?”

Fu Xuan:”Qingque! Stop talking to the person who lost the fairy boat! I told you to just indulge in slacking off and playing mahjong!”

At this time, everyone in the Interstellar Peace Company was stunned!

Jade from the Strategic Investment Department:”This material decompressor, the name doesn’t sound like a mining device?”

“What is the purpose of decompressing the material?”

Topa:”I don’t know! Anyway, it looks scary! And even the account is scared!”

Schneider from the Marketing Department:”Based on our rich experience of being attacked by the Scourge Empire,”

“This material decompressor is a giant drill!”

“The mushrooms of the Fallen Empire are in trouble!

” At this time, the matter decompressor on the exposure sky began to work.

I saw the black hole that was silent just now, swallowing everything in the world, and even the fastest light could not escape.


As the matter decompressor started!


Throw away!


Just now, in front of everyone in the collapsed universe, it was still a mysterious black hole, but now it was torn open by the matter decompressor!

Countless particles, rays, and the huge energy that was swallowed by the black hole in the past, all gushed out!

This scene shocked the collapsed universe crazily!

Screw Gumu:


Doctor Zhen:”I am not dreaming, am I?”

Black Tower Doll:”Latio, you are indeed not dreaming.”

“Because the black tower dolls don’t dream”

“All of this… is true!” In everyone’s mind, a black hole was originally an extremely mysterious and indestructible existence!

Not to mention using objects to drill into it, if you get close to it, you will be sucked into it!

The huge gravity that even light cannot escape will tear it into pieces!

But now the Empire’s matter decompressor is firmly entrenched on the black hole!

It was not absorbed by the gravity of the black hole, nor was it torn into pieces or noodles by the black hole!

On the contrary, this matter decompressor has turned upside down!

The matter decompressor, which is shaped like a cone, is all alloy and shining. Cold blue light.

Then… the entire matter decompressor cone began to rotate!

A huge beam of light shot out and shone directly into the black hole!

Tearing and shattering!

Then countless particles were extracted from the black hole!

Absorbed into the matter decompressor, analyzed, purified, and mined!

The sky curtain exposed this scene.

It was as smooth as silk!

From the Black Tower Space Station, the geniuses of the Genius Club, to the Interstellar Peace Company, they have mastered the top technology of the Collapse Universe.

Now everyone has the same expression on their faces, stunned!

Black Tower:”In the past, it was all matter absorbed by the black hole.”

“Now the Empire can suck these substances out of the black hole?!”

On the pioneer train, Ji Zi’s hands were shaking as she held the coffee!

“I understand! Lao Yang!”

“I think what came out of the matter decompressor was not a simple laser or some energy weapon!”

“It’s gravity!”

“To fight against a black hole, the place with the strongest gravity in the universe, only gravity can contend with it!”

Old Yang nodded:”I now feel that this Human Union Empire has already had such powerful technology before it turned into a natural disaster.”

“I guess even Fallen Empire can’t match it.”

“Why do you want to turn into a natural disaster? It sounds like that’s not an easy road to take!”

March 7:”It’s more than an easy road, Uncle Yang! I think a natural disaster sounds scary enough!”

Pam:”The material decompressor is even scarier!”


In the sky, the exposed narrator hoarsely began to introduce the evil deeds of the empire – the material decompressor:

【To put it simply, a matter decompressor uses gravity to fight gravity!】

【Before this, any drill bit used to drill for minerals was made of increasingly harder alloys.】

【For example, artificial objects that use strong interactions to tightly bind elementary particles together】

【This kind of object is called a water drop by some low-level pre-superluminal indigenous civilizations.】

【But a drop of water cannot penetrate the surface of a black hole.】

【A black hole is a star where all matter collapses into a singularity.】

【For black holes, using strong interactions to make this kind of special alloy, such as water droplets, is just a joke.】

【Only the Scourge Empire… or more precisely, the Human United Empire, which had not yet transformed into the Scourge】

【Among the four fundamental forces of nature, gravity is the most extreme and strongest】

【Use gravity as a drill, gravity as a pen, and carve a black hole! 】

Tianmu said here. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The genius club with the smartest minds in the collapsed universe finally reacted.

Screw Gumu:”So it’s using magic to fight magic, no… using gravity to fight gravity!”

Black Tower:”So that beam of light is a materialized distorted gravitational field!”

Lao Yang:”This makes sense.”

“Do you guys still remember?”

“As revealed by Sky Curtain before, the Empire has a tool called the Gravity Brush.”

Ji Zi:”Gravity is just like the brush in our hands, which can be used to carve at will.”

San Yue Qi:”I remember! It seems that such a tool was really mentioned!”


Inside the visual probe.

Liuying trembled and looked at Emperor Luyao.

Although Liuying was simple, she was not stupid!

Now Liuying had realized what it meant to count one question as one time.

But even so,

Liuying still couldn’t suppress her curiosity.

However, this time Liuying learned her lesson and didn’t ask Emperor Luyao first!

She asked Xiaohui, Governor Gray Wind first!

Liuying asked like the kitten:

“Is this matter decompressor designed for mining?”

“Sister Xiao Hui, um, Governor Xiao Hui?” Xiao Hui smiled softly when she heard this question , and then her answer was displayed on the exposure screen:

“The Empire’s previous research on gravity already allows us to manipulate gravity at will.”

“This material decompressor is just one of our numerous achievements, a tiny insignificant achievement.”

“With the Gravity Redirection Drive, we can move any spacecraft, space station, or any other object”

“Anchored on a black hole”

“Then, we drill into the singularity of the black hole and extract the basic example”

“After analysis and purification, the black hole finally became one of the countless mines in the empire.”

Emperor Lu Yao in the Shadow Throne chuckled and added:”If there is any advantage,”

“Maybe the efficiency of producing minerals in this black hole mine is higher.”

Such an understatement, calm and nonchalant!

It directly shocked the world of collapse!

Black Tower:”Is this true?……?!”

“Anchored directly to a black hole?! Won’t it be sucked in?!”

Screw Gumm:”Ms. Black Tower, gravity, the most mysterious and powerful force in the world, is just a brush in the hands of the empire.”

“I guess… the Empire has an extremely advanced physical technology”

“Can regenerate a distorted gravitational field”

“This gravitational field can not only be used as a drill, but also can anchor any device on the black hole.”

Doctor Zhen:”That being said, it is still amazing! It is completely beyond our comprehension!”

Silver Wolf:”How about you, the people in the Genius Club, go back and ask the Star God of Wisdom, Bo Shi Zun?”

“Ask him, using the smartest brain in our universe, can he figure out the principle behind this?”

Jing Yuan:”You are all discussing complex scientific knowledge, I don’t quite understand it.”

“As a general of Xianzhou, I just want to know……”

“What kind of effect will this thing have when used on the enemy!”

Jing Yuan said so.

Everyone in the Collapse Universe was completely horrified!

Kafka:”Hehe… it will probably be very painful, right?”

Silver Wolf:”Kafka, be serious! Can this be described as very painful?”

Fu Xuan:”Star Core Hunters are cold and ruthless.”

“Isn’t it on the sky now?”


Everyone in the Collapse Universe looked up at Tianmu!

The look in their eyes when they looked at Tianmu was so fixed!

They didn’t dare to blink for even a moment!

There was fear, shock, and enthusiasm!

At this time, Tianmu exposed the video

【The Empire officially joins the War in Heaven】

【The two sides of the Fallen Empire, who have been at war for a long time, are old enemies.】

【Obviously, they didn’t guess that the Human Alliance Empire didn’t choose any side.】

【In the event of an unexpected】

【The fleet of the Human Union Empire escorted the matter decompressor to the border of the Fallen Empire Military Isolator.

At this time, the matter decompressor in the sky was as calm as usual when it was not in use! It had silently descended on the border of the Fallen Empire. During this attack on the fleet, the captain was on the Domination-class battleship named Hyperion. The captain looked at the fleet of the Fallen Empire, which was hastily organizing defenses and various ships taking off. A trace of mocking smile passed across his mouth:

“It’s too late, mushrooms.”


Jun Gu

‘s fleet hurriedly took off to meet the enemy.

When they saw the matter decompressor, they were filled with fear!

They fired intensively at the matter decompressor!

The fleet commander standing on the Domination-class ship didn’t even speak.

“Mantis trying to stop a chariot”

“Let you old guys see”

“What is the ultimate combination of psychic power and technology?”

The fleet commander whispered.

The other psychics scattered around the ship took a sip of extremely pure Ze Luo and took a deep breath!


【Large Psychic Array】

【Strengthening completed. 】

This time, not only the Fungus Fallen Empire, but also everyone in the Collapsed Universe was shocked beyond measure!

The psychic energy that flowed from the Empire’s most advanced psychic experts all gathered on the Overlord-class battleship, forming a huge array that had been fully expanded!

Black Tower:”I thought it was something like a sentinel array!”

Screw Gum:”It’s amazing that psychic energy and technology can be integrated to this extent!”

“Use the psychic array to amplify the psychic powers of these psychics again……”

“The empire, the emperor’s road is long…unfathomable!!!”

【Psionic Shield……】


【Fleet, meet the attack! 】

Instantly, a huge shield was opened in front of the imperial fleet! The enemy fleet’s attack was completely blocked by the psychic shield! Jun Gu Fallen Empire had never seen this thing before! Immediately, there were bursts of desperate shouts:

“Our beams cannot penetrate the Human Alliance Empire shield!”

“What kind of shield is this?! I’ve never seen it before!”

“What material is it made of? I have never seen this kind of alloy material in the universe!”

“Our arcs cannot penetrate enemy armor!”


��It looks like their big drill has started to work!”

“The gravity index is abnormal!”

“Huge gravitational fluctuations detected!”

“Time index, space distortion index…all physical indexes are fluctuating violently!”

“All Imperial ships withdraw from the battle area immediately!”

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