In the video of the sky curtain exposure.

With this fleet with star beasts, to be precise, it is a mechanical star beast, the intelligent mechanical Leviathan!

Just this one, the imperial fleet that the Collapse Universe has never seen before

【It can’t even be called the most elite fleet.】

【Because of the human empire, countless star beasts and Leviathans have been captive and transformed】

【Next, the ancient civilization, the ancient fallen empire, will face the last moment of their empire’s life. 】

The voice of the sky was as resentful and hoarse as ever.

At this moment, the fleet gathered at the top of the quantum slingshot.

What should have been the most explosive energy flow in the universe, the energy of neutron stars and pulsars, has now become a slingshot that the imperial fleet throws at the capital of the fallen empire.

Acceleration, charging, and violent blasting of particle streams are like a fully drawn bowstring!

From Pinoconi to Xianzhou, and from the Interstellar Peace Company to Yalilo.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the sky, watching this grand, epic but a little absurd scene!

Such a large fleet, with that fully automatic dreadnought flashing with ancient mottled traces, directly slammed into the lonely capital of the Fallen Empire Army, the mother star system!

It was like a human child opening a slingshot and shooting ants crawling on the ground.

At this moment, the universe collapsed, and everyone took a deep breath! Everyone exclaimed in unison!

March 7:”Sister Jizi, am I really not dreaming?”

“Such a large fleet!”

“Just… just gone?!”

In the video exposed by the sky curtain, at this moment, apart from the residual energy of the slingshot, which is still vibrating back and forth in the starry sky, there is almost no trace of the fleet left behind.

Such a large fleet, an elite fleet of the Empire with star beasts and fully automatic dreadnoughts, just disappeared without a trace!

637 Qingque:”Lord Fu Xuan, did you see it clearly?”

Fu Xuan:”What do you mean by clearly seen or not?”

Jingyuan:”I guess Qingque should want to ask you if you saw the trajectory of the slingshot fired just now.”

Qingque:”That’s right, after all, Lord Fu Xuan has a third eye! Just like those psychics of the Calamity Empire!”

Fu Xuan speechless:”How many times have I said that the eyes on my forehead are not the same as those on the foreheads of the psychics of the Empire!”

“And I didn’t even react!”

Fu Xuan was gesticulating excitedly.

Jing Yuan sighed,”The history books of Xianzhou record that our hunting star god used star arrows to cross the galaxy and shoot down Fengcao.”

“This is only recorded in history books, and we have never seen it.”

“But today, we in Xianzhou Luofu are fortunate to see a grander and greater scene!”

As for Fu Xuan, he has already lost his composure!

How could he look like the calm Taibusi as usual.

As for the collapse of other corners of the universe.

The sky did not give everyone time to be shocked!

Lao Yang:”Master Fu Xuan of Xianzhou Luofu is indeed right.”

March 7:”I just felt a bang!”

“The person is gone!”

“The fleet is gone!”

Ji Zi:”Then… the next moment, the imperial fleet appeared here!”

“In the heart of the fallen empire, the capital……”

Ji Zi has brought the coffee but has not even taken a sip.

In the sky video, the next moment, the camera has come to the Fallen Empire, the capital of Jun Gu!

The defenseless Jun Gu Fallen Empire is not no different from the starfish, but can only be said to be the same soft-bodied race.

These mushroom subjects are shaking their tentacles in fear, looking helplessly at the sky, looking at the imperial fleet that fell from the sky!

Topa:”So the starfish has such an ancient civilization?”

Huang Quan:”If I were in this Fallen Empire…”

“What kind of despair is that?”

Gold Dust: Let these starfish experience despair!”

Sunday:”This is what it will look like when the end of the world comes.……”

“Order is destroyed, and harmony sinks into darkness!”

The robin said calmly:”Brother, His Majesty Lu Yao is the order itself, and the empire is the end of harmony for all things.”

“Even if this Jungu Empire is not a starfish, as long as it goes against the will of His Majesty the Emperor, it will be strangled.”

In the sky:

【The fallen empire thought that all its defenses were complete.】

【No flaws】

【However, at this time, the Human Alliance Empire Fleet, which had not yet turned into a natural disaster,】

【When a meteorite falls from the sky and directly hits the capital planet of the Fallen Empire and its star system】

【At this time, there is only despair】

【The destruction imposed by the Human Union Empire finally befell the Fallen Empire】

【Let us mourn for this ancient military civilization. 】

The sky that exposed the evil deeds of the Lu Yao Empire is still full of yin and yang.

However, not even one person in the collapsed universe mourned for the fallen empire for a second!

Even the star god Nanook hidden in the depths of the universe, and the great lord of extinction, Huanlong, sighed:”In my opinion, the position of the star god who destroys the fate should be occupied by Emperor Lu Yao!”

Destruction fell on the head of the fallen empire.

That ancient civilization that has lasted for who knows how many tens of thousands of years has witnessed countless ups and downs in the galaxy.

Now, in just one day and one night, it was destroyed by the fleet that descended from the sky and was catapulted from the slingshot of the empire!

There is no extra fancy stuff!

It’s just a massacre!

(To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) A naked massacre!

The rage erupting from the fully automatic dreadnought instantly engulfed the capital of the fallen empire.

【Everywhere you look, there is rubble from the destruction of the fully automated dreadnought.】

【All I hear is the wailing of the fallen empire mushrooms】

【This huge ship is a legacy from an unknown civilization in ancient times.】

【The world changes, but only the flagship remains】

【The ancient civilization has long since disappeared, only this ship is still carrying out the final orders】

【At this moment, with the rage that consumes the fallen empire】

【Declaring his complete loyalty to Emperor Lu Yao and the Human United Empire】(Doomsday, dusk, and darkness engulfed the most central, most secretive, and most well-protected galaxy in the Fallen Empire!



At this time, in the visual probe,

Liuying looked at Emperor Luyao timidly.

Liuying felt that every time she looked at Emperor Luyao, she felt that she had a new and different understanding of this master of the stars!

This time, before Liuying could speak,

Xiaohui beside her smiled gently.

“I guess you want to ask”

“Why didn’t the Empire catapult a Colossus over there?”

“Then use neutrons to kill, or Earth-shattering Star?”

Liuying nodded quickly.

Xiaohui was about to speak, but

Emperor Luyao interrupted him calmly:

“Because the colossus of the empire is also very busy.”

Emperor Lu Yao pointed casually.

On the exposed sky, the Human Federation, an independent empire that was not very large in territory, was now attacking like a whirlwind!

It swept through the remaining territories of the two fallen empires!

“This is called Star Blitz”

“Measuring the greatest strategic value of slingshots”

“Since the brain nerve center has been disabled”

“The remaining planets are for mining, and the Earth-shattering Star is disposed of.”

“A planet for migration, neutrons kill and clean up pests”

“By the way, use the Angel of Peace to build a museum of mushrooms and holy guards”

“It is a warning to the Imperial Emperor, and to the entire universe.”

Emperor Lu Yao finished speaking.

Xiao Hui nodded and added:

“This is the fate of the Fallen Empire, which had looked down on us when our Human Federation was just starting out.”

Xiao Hui put her hands on her hips, although she had not experienced such an era.

When Emperor Lu Yao welcomed her back, the Empire had enough strength to crush the Fallen Empire.

At this time, the exposure screen was showing the War in Heaven being quickly ended by the Empire.

At the same time, he said resentfully;

【Because the Fallen Empire disdained humanity.】

【It actually led to such a tragic destruction!】

【It is enough to see how the Emperor Lu Yao is unforgivable! 】

On the sky curtain, the communication information between the Fallen Empire and the Human Empire at that time was exposed on the sky curtain.

【Greetings from the Guardian of the Holy Land: You will pay the price for your ignorance and arrogance, young human race】

【Don’t mess with the holy land. According to the ancient agreement, anyone who violates this rhythm will be severely punished!】

【Mushroom: Servant, why are you disturbing your master?】

【You don’t have to seek your own death. Just stop expanding and let us be your masters, and we will save your lives.

Emperor Lu Yao looked at these words and smiled softly:

“Someone in ancient Earth once said this:”

“Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is.”

Xiao Hui nodded:”This is the most appropriate thing to say about these fallen empires!”

Collapse of the universe.

The swarm was the first to tremble!

“We…we admit our ignorance!”

“Can His Majesty the Emperor leave the Zerg alive?”

A moment later, the words of the Scourge Empire Governor Grey Wind flashed on the sky:

“Do you know a word”

“Is it called human supremacy?”

“Jungu is a starfish, and Shengwei is an octopus.”

“Are you insect swarm?……”

Xiao Hui chuckled, and everyone in the breeding insect swarm had their heads buzzing!

“However, there are exceptions.”

“Our Emperor Lu Yao left behind a fallen empire.”

Everyone in the Collapsed Universe was puzzled!

Fireworks:”Ah? Aren’t they all destroyed?”

Huang Quan:”Didn’t you just say human supremacy?”

Screw Gumu:”Buzz buzz buzz——”

Gray Wind:”Because this fallen empire once helped us when the human federation was in the most dangerous time.”

“Speaking of which, Screw Gum”

“Perhaps you can relate to this fallen empire a little bit.”

Screw Gum:”Governor Grey Wind, please speak.”

Grey Wind:”His name is”

“Mechanical Corruption Empire”

【We will keep our original oath from the day we were born, for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, until our death.】

【——The Mechanical Fallen Empire, the final battle for mankind】

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