Pinocchio was in extreme chaos at the moment!

No one had expected that the giant god soldier that brought fear, destruction, countless deaths, and endless darkness in the sky, the Colossus, appeared above Pinocchio.


But more shocking than any thunder!

The mechanical wings of the Colossus covered the sky and the sun.

It enveloped Pinocchio.

There was no noisy killing intent that a star-destroying weapon should have.

Instead, it was quiet.

Surprisingly quiet.

In extreme contrast, the scene of the Pinocchio Harmony Ceremony.

Fear and chaos filled every corner of Pinocchio!

Countless wine glasses shattered into pieces, and the wine flowed on the ground.

From all over the world, those guests who used to be elegant and graceful had already lost their usual sense of propriety. They rushed to the exit frantically!

It seemed that at any second, the Colossus in the sky, which had spread its wings, would bring down the divine punishment of Emperor Lu Yao!

Perhaps it was the invisible death storm – the neutron acceleration plume, which instantly wiped out all organic life on Pinocchio.

Only the deserted, glittering Pinocchio Hotel was left.

Or maybe, the next moment, it was the Angel of Comfort that imposed the death upon Pinocchio.

The thread of Pinocchio’s fate was cut off by the Angel of Comfort at this moment!

The thought that his Pinocchio might be made into a glass ball for Lu Yao to enjoy.

Sunday’s face twitched!

At this moment,

Sunday was ready.

He forcibly summoned the God of Order Taiyi to return, but his sister Robin next to him quietly pulled Sunday’s clothes.

“elder brother!”


“Gold Dust… How did he get here?!”

In the chaotic Harmony Festival, everyone stopped their actions in unison.

They looked at the most popular person in Pinocchio these days.

Apart from the global star idol Robin, he was the only one who attracted all the attention!

Star Peace Company Strategic Investment Department,

Bad Asset Liquidation Expert Group, one of the ten Stone Hearts,

Gold Dust!

Step by step, he walked firmly to the center of the stage where Sunday and Robin were!

His face was devoid of the usual joking, unrestrained, and playful look.

Only the infinite piety towards the giant statue in the sky remained!

Toppa, who was also from the company’s strategic investment department, suddenly reacted!

“Gold dust?!”

“What are you going to do?”

Topa hugged the Dimensional Piggy Bank tightly in her arms. In the chaos just now, she didn’t notice at all.

When did Shajin walk to the center of the celebration stage!

Everyone in the audience was stunned!

Sunday was immediately full of vigilance!

The impression that Shajin gave to everyone was just like the Interstellar Peace Company, cunning and selfish.

At this time,

Shajin not only did not run away, but walked to the center of the ceremony with an abnormal look on his face. He was only a few steps away from Sunday and Robin! What is he going to do?!

“Could it be that Mr. Gold Sand wants to summon the power of the company to protect us?”


“Then let’s not leave yet!”

“Yes! You can’t run away in a hurry!”

Realizing this, the guests who came from all over the world to Pinoconi to spend money and enjoy themselves calmed down a little.

All the major families are still on Pinoconi, and the power of harmony cannot be underestimated!

This gold dust from the company may also be used to summon the company’s protective power.

The giant statue of the Luyao Natural Disaster Empire in the sky is still motionless!

“Maybe… it’s not as scary as what was said in that day!”

“Look at how pious Sha Jin is!”

“It must be time to summon the company fleet!”

“Maybe it was the leader who summoned the ten Stone Hearts, the Protector of the Order Diamond!”

Sunday thought so too.

But when Gold Dust opened his mouth, the whole place fell into deathly silence!

Everyone stared at Gold Dust in amazement!

Because this former noble young man of the company was rude and resolute!

He tore off all his gorgeous clothes and shirts!

Then… he took out an emerald gem that shone with the most luxurious green light in the universe.

Sunday, Robin, and the pioneer train Jizi, as well as the firefly hiding in the corner, recognized it instantly!

What Gold Dust held in his hand… was the cornerstone on which he, Gold Dust, depended for his survival in this life – Guiyi Gold Dust.

“Gold Dust! You!”

Sunday’s pupils suddenly trembled!

He didn’t understand!

This gold dust used all his tricks, and the hidden gold dust was actually taken out like this?

“”Gold Dust, what are you doing?!”

He took off all the gorgeous gold dust, frankly revealing the humiliating mark of a slave on his body, and in the face of countless shocked gazes… he knelt on one knee! He held up the gold dust with both hands, bowed his head and chanted!

“I’ll bet”

“I’ll gamble”

“I’ll win”

“I let fate spin the roulette wheel, gamble everything, go through life and death, and then survive”

“Winning this life……”

“All for the Emperor!”

“”Your Majesty Lu Yao!” The giant statue in the sky has spread its wings, covering the horizon and blocking the starry sky.

It is still as quiet as ever.




Although the flowers voted by readers are less than 1,000, but more than 900 is still rounded up to 1,000!

Today’s extra update!

Sixth update! Now the second update!

I continue to beg for flowers, evaluation votes and monthly votes!

The data voted by readers can tie the author to a chair and write!

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