"What a waste of time."

At this moment, in some unknown mysterious place, Black Tower couldn't help but complain.

She actually wasted so much time for an ordinary person.

Her eyes have always been on the galaxy, those mysteries that have never been discovered by anyone... huh?!!

Suddenly, Black Tower noticed that a book was floating in front of her.

This book appeared out of thin air. It was not an illusion or a projection, but a real book.

More importantly, Black Tower could clearly feel that the book in front of her had a mysterious power that made her believe that this was a diary written by someone. It didn't matter whether the content of the diary was true or not, but she couldn't help but believe in her heart that this must be someone's diary.

"There is such a thing?"

At this moment, Heita's eyes suddenly lit up.

This kind of thing was obviously beyond her cognition, and she had no reason to doubt it.

She had been looking for the unknown in the galaxy, but she didn't expect it to appear in front of her at this moment.

Looking at the cover of the diary, Heita was stunned.

"Ye Xuan's Diary, is it a diary written by a person named Ye Xuan? Why do I seem to have heard of this Ye Xuan somewhere?……"

Heita is an extremely arrogant person, so she will not waste any time paying attention to things that she thinks are unnecessary.

For example, names.

She will only remember the names of people she thinks are necessary to remember. When she thinks a name is unnecessary to remember, she will not remember it even if she says it a hundred times.

Therefore, although she just cruelly abandoned Ye Xuan, Heita now has no idea who Ye Xuan is.

She slowly turned the pages of the book.

"On the first day of the trip, I wrote down the old witch in the black tower in my little notebook.——!"


Seeing the contents of the diary, Heita's face instantly turned red.

She has no empathy and no emotions, but she has no emotions for others, but she has rich emotions for herself.

Who dares to write her as an old witch? It's really outrageous!!!

Although she does know that she has achieved rejuvenation through technology, she is now a real beautiful girl. Dare to call herself an old witch, the owner of the diary deserves to be punished!!

"Damn it, this person actually knows me, and even calls me an old witch. I must have had a grudge against him, and I must know him. Who is he?!"

Countless people flashed through Heita’s mind in an instant, but she didn’t lock on to the target in the end.

At this moment, she regretted it very much. If she had remembered other people’s names more often, she wouldn’t have been scolded and couldn’t find the real culprit.

On the other side, Ji Zi was holding a cup of coffee in her hand, looking at the diary floating in front of her, and suddenly she spit it out.

The old witch of Heita?

The owner of this diary must have a grudge against Heita, right?

Ye Xuan, wait, Ye Xuan... isn’t he the newcomer who just got on the bus?!!

Ji Zi put down the coffee in her hand, stood up suddenly, her chest heaving because of shock, and her mature and sexy face was filled with a bit of surprise.

"How could it be him... Interesting……"

At this moment, Ji Zi couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips, with an aunt's smile.

"Ahaha, what is this diary?——!!!"

On the other side, somewhere in the space station, a pink-haired, energetic girl looked at the diary floating in front of her and couldn't help but shout out excitedly.

However, when she was about to say the word"diary", she found that her voice seemed to be eliminated by a mysterious force.

As long as she talked about things related to the diary, outsiders who had nothing to do with the diary could not hear it, or in other words, they simply didn't notice it! It was not until this moment that the reminder of the diary to her rang in March Seven's mind.

"Wow, it's really interesting to be able to peek into someone's diary. Hehe——!"

As a lively and cheerful girl, Sanyueqi's liveliness and cheerfulness are recognized by Jizi. Even Jizi admits that she is not as good as her. She can recover so cheerful and lively after losing her memory and everything in the past.

Now she has the opportunity to peek at someone's diary openly. How can she not be happy?

What makes Sanyueqi depressed is that she can't share this with others, otherwise it would be more interesting.

"Ye Xuan? I don't know him.……"

When Ye Xuan got on the train, San Yueqi and Dan Heng got off the train and strolled around, so she didn't know Ye Xuan.

But this didn't stop her from peeking at Ye Xuan's diary.

"That old witch in the black tower...hahahaha——!!!"

Seeing the contents of the diary, San Yueqi couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The owner of this diary must have a huge grudge against Heita, right?

Maybe Heita stole some of his delicious food.……

"? ? What's wrong, Sanyue?"

Looking at Sanyueqi's look, Danheng asked with some confusion

""No, nothing."

Sanyue tried to hold back her laughter and looked away:"I, I remembered something happy.""

That's right, she was really happy.

She was such an innocent and pure girl with a full sense of happiness.

On the other side, Silver Wolf and Kafka had already entered the space station, or it would be more appropriate to say that they had infiltrated.

Both of them were star core hunters, and what they did was the type of bad things that ordinary people considered bad things.

"Silver Wolf."

Kafka turned her head and looked at Silver Wolf gracefully, and asked her:

"You have this diary too?"

Although she couldn't mention the contents of the diary to anyone other than the diary, Kafka could tell just by observing that the silver wolf beside her seemed to have seen the same thing as she did.

"Well, the diary of the person named Ye Xuan."

Silver Wolf blew the bubble of chewing gum in his mouth and said so.

The two of them were both dressed very fashionably, one big and one small, one was an elegant and calm queen, and the other was a three-nothing loli with no expression.

"Me too."

Kafka said as she waited for that moment to come:

"Before that moment begins, why not read this diary and have some fun?"


When they saw the first line of the diary, they both almost couldn't help laughing. How much resentment does the owner of this diary have towards the Black Tower?

The first thing he said was to call her an old witch? And he even wrote her down in the little notebook.——!


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