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Back upstairs, Ellie, Ye Xiaolei, and the Sailor Moon Kang Luoying are in the large living room on the first floor, watching TV. The content of the TV is a blind date program. The three women can watch with keen interest pleasure, and they will light up for a while. It will go out for a while.

Seeing Shen Qiang seemed to be going out, Kang Luoying quickly got up and said, “Mr. Shen, do you want to go out? Do you need my company?”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang, who said hello to Allie Ye Xiaolei, said with a smile: “Okay, let’s go with me.”

Say that’s all.

Shen Qiang took her out of the rear house and got into the car. Kang Luoying sat in the co-pilot and Shen Qiang drove.

All the way to the city in silence.

The car is quiet.

Kang Luoying doesn’t look like that kind of woman.

In a small space, Kang Luoying’s body smelled faintly. Seeing her sitting quietly aside, Shen Qiang calmly said: “recently, are you still used to it?”

Kang Luoying hesitated and said, “Fortunately, it is much more comfortable than the Sword Pavilion in Qingyun. It eats very well, sleeps well, and is much more lively.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “I still haven’t figured out, what is your relationship with the young master of Qingyun Sword Pavilion who died?”

Kang Luoying hesitated and said: “I and he are siblings, he and I are a Great Grandfather, my grandfather and his grandfather are biological brothers.”

Shen Qiang nodded, said: “How were you when you were in Qingyun Sword Pavilion? Are they treating you well?”

Kang Luoying seriously thought for 5 seconds and said, “It’s okay for me, but it was not good for my parents and big brother before. They didn’t even let my brother go to Sword Pavilion, my dad, so my brother is now Drive others, that big truck.”

“That’s very hard.” Shen Qiang said without thinking: “Your talent is so good and so good, they didn’t think about it, will you re-arrange a position for your big brother and so on?”

Kang Luoying said: “My brother does not go, my brother said he is living very well now.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “It’s very sturdy and should be a good person. It’s not very safe to run a long-distance truck. Otherwise, let him come here. Heshengheliu. The team just missed a Captain. He knows how to come. Help me.”

Kang Luoying said after a moment of silence: “Mr. Shen, thank you. I am very grateful for your idea of ​​helping him. I will talk to him about this matter, but whether he accepts it depends on how he thinks.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “Tell me about it, Qingyun Sword Pavilion is likely to fight against us recently, or fight against Zangjian Mountain Villa.”

Hearing this, Kang Luoying was shocked: “I haven’t heard of it.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “When I heard this, my first reaction should be to seize the opportunity to separate your relationship, but I think it should be better to respect you. 100 Flower Palace is holding the sun-bath conference, you Qingyun Sword Pavilion people And will also participate, I know Qingyun Sword is on you.”

“So when the time comes you go with me, and then you go back to help Qingyun Sword Pavilion to support the scene.”

Kang Luoying was nodded, and Meimu said shiningly: “Mr. Shen, thank you for your deep understanding.”

Shen Qiang said: “Don’t thank me, such is human nature. After all, you are from Qingyun Sword Pavilion. There are all your clansmen. You should help them. I just hope that if the situation is production transformation, Qingyun Sword Pavilion must When we fight together in Hesheng, don’t hurt, those in the back house.”

Kang Luoying said, “No, these elder sisters are very kind to me, and I will definitely not hurt them.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled indifferently and said, “I hope so, because once you have an attempt to hurt them, then I will kill you desperately, because they are very important to me.”

Kang Luoying Meimu seriously and urgently said: “Mr. Shen, elder sisters are so good to me, I will never do that.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “I believe in you.”

The car came to Heshenghe Building, and it was time to get off work.

After calling Bian Yi to go to his office, Shen Qiang asked Kang Luoying to stay in the car and wait for him, and then Shen Qiang went upstairs, and when he came to the door of his office, Bian Yi of full of smiles was looking at him with a smile on his face. Shen Qiang said: “My dear Boss, come to me so late, I believe you must have encountered a difficult problem.”

Shen Qiang glanced behind him and said, “What about Zuo Lianghao?”

“I just asked him to go downstairs and wait for me in the car.” Bian Yi, who followed Shen Qiang into the office, said with a smile: “After all, I don’t trust him yet.”

Shen Qiang laughed, sitting in his position and raised his eyebrows: “Bian Yi, you were my enemy, I have thought more than once that I should kill you, but now I trust you because I know that you are a wild ambition Guy, I need someone like you around me.”

Bian Yi smiled and said, “You usually only intimidate and bully me. When you say this suddenly, it seems trouble is not small.”

“Qingyun Sword Pavilion and Zangjian Mountain Villa are playing the trick of playing the pig to eat the tiger with us.” Shen Qiang said: “They have recently purchased a lot of medicines and Flying Sword. Considering the 100 Flower Palace’s sunbathing conference, we There is reason to believe that they want to do something with us.”

“Smart.” Bian Yi frowns saying: “Zangjian Mountain Villa just transferred the logistics center of Honghou District to us. Although the contract was signed, their people did not leave. It seems that they intend to paralyze us. Once We are really relaxed and alarmed, and we may lose money.”

Looking at Bian Yi, Shen Qiang said: “They are all great prestigious families with at least a few hundred years of history. It is impossible to be controlled by us willingly. This is not difficult to understand. For the benefit and long-term planning, they want to kill Hesheng Hehe As expected.”

“There must be a battle between them and Heshenghe, this is a matter of time.” Bian Yi said: “Because we are surrounded by them, we must expand if we want to develop, and once expanded, the first move is of course It’s their cake, the former Longyan Sword Sect, but it’s a Second-Rate Sect, sold in 4 of their cracks, and no strength poses a threat to them.”

“And we are not the same. Our Heshenghe is now strong and strong. The more we dragged on, the stronger our Heshenghe was. For example, in the current Dinghao Hotel, there are dozens of cultivation bases that are good. The monster will wait for your interview, so whether it is 100 Flower Palace, Xiaoyao Valley, Qingyun Sword Pavilion, Cangjian Mountain Villa, they will definitely have the idea of ​​killing us as soon as possible.”

Bian Yi, holding her palms together, leaning forward, looked at Shen Qiang with a smile, and said: “So my dear Boss, if you have recognized the situation, you should understand that if we can’t beat them Bigger, more fierce and more brutal mace, we have no way to deal with them peacefully.”

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