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Looking at Shen Qiang who calmly commanded everything as it should be by rights, the people present not only heartbeat hurricane, but also shocked Shen Qiang’s own strength.

“How is this possible! That ape craftsman was the 1000-year spiritual object that accompanied the Ancestral Master Longchang. The Copper Armor Corpse is a 500-year prestige cultivation world! But Shen Qiang scared them just by looking at them. Repeatedly stepping back and stepping on the floor tiles out of control, is it true that this Shen Qiang is really the reincarnation of the 10000 year old monster?”

“Awesome 10000 demon king! During the chat, Yuan Artisan and Copper Armor Corpse have already shown prototypes! They have no resistance, no, they should have no way to resist! My God, this Yuan Artisan and Copper Armor Corpse , At least have the strength above Primordial Chaos Realm, even the super powerhouse in the Daogu period, it is impossible so casually so that they show the prototype!”

“King! Absolute King! No wonder this Shen Qiang dare to say that the world is the Demon, but I am alone! It turned out that his strength was so terrifying! That Yuan artisan and Copper Armor Corpse, which is not stomping, cultivating the world. Great character! But in front of Shen Qiang, they behaved so badly, how strong is Shen Qiang’s true strength!”

Everyone looked at Shen Qiang with a shocked smile and a proud look.

At this time, in the eyes of many cultivators around, Shen Qiang’s Yang God Realm, placed in the entire cultivation world, can only be called an expert, and can’t be called a powerhouse cultivation base, even giving everyone present. This kind of feeling is extremely powerful.

Even the super powerhouse of Bai Family and the cultivation base among the guests to achieve the Daogu period, looking at Shen Qiang with a calm expression is also full of shock.

“Artisan Yuan has been in Longchang for more than 1000 years. Due to his talent, the cultivation base has never been able to reach the top. But even so, the cultivation base of 1000 years must not be underestimated. Fighting, just afraid of winning or losing, is also difficult to predict. It is impossible, just by their temperament and eyesight, they will scare them back!”

“It’s worthy to be the demon king of 10000, and at a glance, Yuan Artisan and Copper Armor Corpse are shocked. This is simply the power of unimaginable. Even if I have reached the middle of the Daogu period, they will never be afraid of me. Moreover, Shen Qiang’s backhand The ability to make them visible is even more shocking!”

“The craftsman Yuan has accompanied the Ancestral Master of Longchang, Copper Armor Corpse is the more famous Heavenly Master of Maoshan. The two guys, there are absolutely no magic weapons on them, ordinary magic mirrors, there is absolutely no possibility for them to show prototypes !”

Everyone’s eyes were shocked at the same time.

In the webcast room, the news exploded instantly.

“What are you doing? Is this a rehearsal in advance? What are Artisan Yuan and Copper Armor Corpse playing? Shen Qiang didn’t move, and they deng deng deng back to a feather?”

“His uncle, what are you doing?”

“Mengxin Yimu, it’s completely unclear what happened, Shen Qiang frowned, the two demon scared urine? This is also incredible.”

Looking at the live broadcast room, there are many cute new cultivator, with a look of dumb, unfathomable mystery barrage.

Wearing a floral pajamas and a pair of ponytails, Lai Tianyu lay on the bed, her eyes were as bright as stars.

“Hao Qiang, is this his real strength, or did he become stronger during this time?” Nalan Tianyu murmured with shock in his eyes: “The spirit, the spirit, the unity of the gods, as far as the eye can see, all Demon retreat, this is simply the powerful state of all demon descendants yearn for something even in dreams!”

The double ponytail girl’s eyes screamed brightly: “Section Chief, as you said, this Shen Qiang should be similar to you in terms of demons, but now, he seems to be much better than you, at least, Copper Armor Corpse We have dealt with once, although he is somewhat dreaded to you, but he is not afraid at all.”

Nalan Tianyu sighed, and in the splendid eyes, Shen Qiang’s smile appeared for no reason. Not only that, her body was warm, and she felt somehow, Shen Qiang’s warm breath.

The tone was inexplicably gentle, the lips of the cherry blossomed with a beautiful smile, Nalan Tianyu sighed with delight.

“It is true. Although he is unwilling to admit that Shen Qiang is more powerful than me, it is the case. He is really strong. He really can afford 10000 demon kings.”

at the same time.

Open-air banquet scene outside Bai Family.

After Shen Qiang walked away indifferently.

Ye Guyun, who had a tiger body and huge wings, sent out a shocking roar.

Yuan Artisan and Copper Armor Corpse, who got rid of the fat shirt, seemed dissatisfied and made too much tolerance for Ye Guyun.

But at the moment when the two showed their fangs, they protested against Ye Guyun.

The majestic breath came suddenly!

Not only the shoulders of all cultivators present were sinking.

Even those super powerhouses that were fruitful were shocked in an instant.

The power of horror!

At the moment they were shocked.

Ye Guyun’s body was short and short, accompanied by his pre-attack action like a tiger, a horrible white electric mandrel hovered from its body.

Numerous masonry stones on the ground are floating in succession due to powerful electromagnetic effects.

The breath of depression, the sky’s electric awn.

It was only for a moment that everyone on the scene felt that all the hair on and off the body was standing up.


In an instant, even when everyone didn’t see clearly.

Ye Guyun, who is like a flying tiger, has already appeared at the location of Copper Armor Corpse, and that Copper Armor Corpse was shot like a cannonball and directly smashed the riverside pavilion.

“It’s impossible!” The Madao stepped forward shockedly, murmuring: “Even if the flying tiger is stronger, impossible has won my Copper Armor Corpse!”

And almost in his horrified moment.

Everyone on the scene was shocked to see that the night lonely cloud like a tiger, the tail was like a long whip, just swept away.


Among the crisp sounds, the craftsman Yuan who was completely inescapable, was also just flying out like a baseball in an instant, and even more terrifying was the night lonely fluttering at the moment it was pumped into the air. , Has already appeared in the air on a first-come-first-served basis.

Then in front of all the cultivators on the scene, like the proud girls of the women’s volleyball team, she used her front claws to forcefully smash with a powerful note, and the craftsman Yuan who was shot and flew to the ground like a volleyball.



In the splash of broken bricks and stones, the cultivators were dumbfounded, and their brains were blank.

“Impossible! Trifling a flying tiger, how could it have such terrible battle strength!”

“I must see the fake Copper Armor Corpse and the fake Yuan Artisan!”

“It’s impossible! It’s just Shen Qiang’s mount! It’s impossible so strong!”

And when all the cultivators looked at all this in horror, the absolute silence of the audience.

Looking at the Yuan craftsman who was instantly smashed into the ground, the horseman’s body took a shock and stepped forward in shock. He was shocked and said: “Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! The trifling flying tiger is impossible so strong!”

His eyes were full of shock, and all his thoughts suddenly burst into light, and then he shouted in horror: “I understand! It is not a flying tiger! It looks like a tiger, a hedgehog, and has wings. Very ugly, chasing evil monsters, and running around, so one is called God Dog!”

Hear the shocking words of the Madao.

Ji Haiyang, who stood beside him, instantly looked pale and shivered, saying: “Poor Qi! Shen Qiang This mount is poor Qi!”

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