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This bear hug gave Shen Qiang an embarrassment. After a full 3 seconds, Shen Qiang suddenly reacted: “Fat-head Tuo! Zhang Ye.”

At this time, Li Wei from the stairs at the top of the stairs saw Shen Qiang’s expression of surprise, and laughed over: “It’s not him. He was tall and thin like a bamboo pole. Everyone followed him in a TV series and called him Fat Head Tuo. Now you look at more than 2 pounds.”

Shen Qiang also smiled: “Like blowing a balloon, I can’t recognize it from another place.”

He smiled: “Aren’t you the same? You didn’t reach 1.7 meters in high school, didn’t you call you 3 inch nails in the background?”

Shen Qiang is embarrassed: “I’m not short now, it’s all gone.”

Fat head tuo,

At this time, a woman with a similarly burly figure, who appeared to be about 1.7 metres tall, came over and stood smiling.

Li Wei raised his eyebrows: “This is Zhang Ye’s wife. Come on, don’t pester here, walk around, go upstairs, and introduce slowly.”

Lu Shuyao was given a look, and Shen Qiang followed them upstairs.

Upstairs, Li Wei’s girlfriend Tang Meng was already there, and everyone greeted with a smile, Li Wei called there.

“Hurry up, everyone is due, and you will be sent away. Are you waiting for us to finish eating?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, everyone else is here, just slow down.”

“What’s the matter, we’re all here, are you a snail? Don’t pull it down, don’t pull the calf with me.”

Even make a phone call.

The tone is particularly direct.

Hang up the phone, no meeting, the room is full of excitement.

But there were five real high school classmates.

Li Wei brought Tang Meng, Fattou married and brought his wife, Shen Qiang brought Lu Shuyao, and the other Old Brothers all came by themselves.

After introducing each other.

Everyone started to eat.

Nothing extravagant, just hot pot, anyway, the atmosphere is quite lively.

Talk about what everyone is doing.

Li Wei University attended a normal school and came back to ask someone to find a relationship. He worked as a teacher in a middle school in the township, and Tang Meng was a teacher in the 3rd county.

Fatto Zhangye didn’t go to college. After graduating from high school, he learned a truck driver’s license, and then he has been driving a truck. The income is okay, but he is not very free. His wife was introduced by someone. He married in March. There is a son, 3 and a half years old.

The remaining three people, one of whom was relatively familiar, had a good relationship when he was in high school. He read a building bridge and so on, went to work in a company in the field, came back to see it during the Spring Festival, and left after the New Year.

2 Outside 2 people had a good relationship with Li Wei in high school, but the relationship with Shen Qiang was very general. ,

It’s just that 5 years have passed.

At first sight, it’s still very affectionate.

hehe haha, drink and talk about your situation.

Speaking in my heart, it’s quite real, and the unreal did not come.

In Li Wei’s words: “Each and everyone is a thief. I used to go to school and asked to eat and drink. They all came quickly. Now you can call. It’s either that there’s no time, or that’s something. I want to get together and get more and more. Difficult.”

Eating hot pot and drinking wine.

Everyone inevitably talked to Shen Qiang.

Asked when Shen Qiang was doing and so on, Shen Qiang just told them that he had a job at the affiliate of the Medical University, and then he was studying at the graduate school, and then did a small business, and it was OK. ,

Such an answer is quite satisfactory.

Not a lie, but no truth.

After all, Heshenghe now has 100 to 100000000 million assets, and really tells the truth. Shen Qiang is a little worried that this wine can’t be drunk.

Because sometimes, I have to admit that once the difference between wealth and status is too large, it is really difficult to play together, because the vision, the people and things that are in contact are different, so there are indeed differences in the common language.

The table was full of ordinary people, and the amount of wine was average. After drinking a glass of liquor, Li Wei lit a cigarette and said, “Ai, it’s not easy to do anything. I now think that I might be like this in my life, go to work, Teaching, receive a monthly salary for death, not hungry, but also not rich.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “Don’t be content, who doesn’t do that.”

Fat-headed Tuo thought deeply: “If I had that piece of material and could be a teacher, I wouldn’t drive, please be content.”

Li Wei laughed, looking at Tang Meng who was talking to Lu Shuyao, lowered his voice, and laughed hehe: “My Tang Meng, indeed, is not as beautiful as your girlfriend, nor is your girlfriend aura, but now I feel very happy Last month, we bought a house in the new district and paid a down payment. After the new year, we got married and packed up.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “when the time comes to inform me that I’m going to drink wedding wine.”

Li Wei laughed: “Can’t run away from you.”

Fatto Tuo laughed: “You’re good, I haven’t bought a house yet, and still live in our old yard.”

Li Wei laughed: “You run a big car a month and earn more than me. Don’t buy is your problem. Don’t tell me anything. 7 Bad, I don’t like to listen.”

Fat-headed Tuo laughed: “Well, I said to others that I am used to living in the old yard and I don’t like to leave, but in fact, in a word, the money is poor, just our county, a house is several thousand thousand, your brother and sister I don’t have a job. My family’s parents are old and I’m a farmer. It seems that I earn a lot a year. My family eats, drinks, shit and piss. It’s good to save 2 10000 all year round.”

Li Wei laughed.

Others also said.

“I’m more difficult to go outside. Now I’m more than 5000 yuan a month. I don’t need to rent a house to eat and pay for transportation. I think it’s good to have 2 in a month.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m even more wasteful. I’m working far away from home. My parents forced me to buy a house over there. I earn money every month to pay off the mortgage. There is 500 left. Father doesn’t give relief, really. You have to eat dirt.”

“Hehe, you can still save, and it’s good to buy a house. I work short hours and earn less. I just barely spend it every month. I have to save money and frugality. I don’t dare to talk about love. It’s too extravagant. , Cook it slowly, otherwise why?”

Shen Qiang just listened to it and didn’t pretend to force it.

After all, if it wasn’t for the fairy tale.

Then Shen Qiang and they should be no different.

Back in the county, the best thing is to go to the county hospital for work.

Earn a few thousand yuan a month.

Then, as they said, slowly boil, seniority, experience, and gradual promotion, really wait until they come out of the famous hall, it is estimated to be bald.

And to be honest, Shen Qiang has never been the kind of person who feels like a little money and feels that no one can do it because Shen Qiang is not so snobbish.

Shen Qiang, who has experienced so many things, understands that even if others have no money, they do not live on their own. There is no need to expert in front of them.

Others think they are better than others, I ignore him, he is a fart!

Therefore, in the whole process of eating hot pot, Shen Qiang did not mention his house and car, nor did he mention Heshenghe, because it was indeed not so necessary.

“Come on.” Li Wei lifted his glass and smiled: “Sometimes I think I’m quite stumped. I smoke less than 20 cigarettes a day. Buy Lining. I think it’s pretty good at 362°. The dream of going to school is to travel around. The nations, it turned out that I haven’t traveled in the past 5 years. I’ve seen this in the circle of friends. I haven’t even worn more than 800 pairs of shoes.”

Looking at Tang Meng who smiled and said nothing, Li Wei smiled: “But there are brethren here, where are the most beautiful scenery, come and do this cup.”

Everyone laughed and picked up the glass.

At this moment, the private room door was pushed open by peng sound.

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