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The woman raised her eyebrows with a smile: “You really think that Wenren Meiqiao is capable of contending with 1000 Mountain Snow. Don’t forget that her bounty is less than 1000/1 of 4 Mountain Snow on the platform.”

The man laughed: “Yes, that’s because, she lost a little bit to 1000 Mountain Snow every time, the edge was covered, like a shadow under the hot sun, the group of Dark World ignored her inadvertently, but once 1000 Mountain Snow Fold it, as long as we give a little guidance, after half a month, Wenren Meiqiao can replace it.”

The woman laughed: “So you are empathizing now, don’t you think, Shen Qiang is more precious than 1000 Shanxue?”

The man laughed: “Don’t say it’s so nauseous, the key to the problem is that 1000 Shanxue can be replaced, because Wenren Meiqiao is also beautiful, is also a major general in the dragon group, and is also fierce, but Shen Qiang can’t replace it, he is The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment, with Monster Qi, is his own person recognized by those monsters, so he is the king of 10000 monsters.”

“He Sheng He Da, he is good at pill concocting, the only security consultant of the Dragon Group, and no one can take his place.”

The woman smiled: “You just don’t want someone to complete the task, because that means you have to hand over the jade finger sword and the money in your hand.”

The man glanced up at the sun that made him dizzy and sighed, “Bounty hunters have to have a few great goals before they can be fully motivated, so we only have a protection plan for ten people. After all, as long as they don’t die, the reward is Their items and money are ours.”

The woman laughed: “It’s mean.”

The man smiled: “This is kindness, they don’t die, it means that the people of Dark World will never dare to come out with a big swing, so the reward for rewarding them is naturally the reward we should get for maintaining world peace.”

The woman smiled: “Shen Qiang is not qualified for the ten-person protection plan.”

The man smiled and said: “But he has this potential.”

The woman hesitated and said, “Is he dangerous now? In theory, the 200 million bounty is not enough to prompt the Peak hunters to target him. After all, he is not an unknown.”

The man smiled and said: “At least 100 bounty hunters now accept Shen Qiang’s Bounty Mission. Their real greed is not just those bounty, but the black blade and the Evil Spirit’s armor.”

“So anyway, I’m thinking about doing Shen Qiang. There is no harm in taking more tasks. If I succeed, I can not only get the black blade, but also get the jade finger sword, and I can also upgrade the level of the hunter platform. ?”

The woman smiled and looked at the tall and sturdy man and said: “Everyone has a greedy heart, but you should always measure whether you have that strength.”

“Among those who took the task of killing Shen Qiang, there are 33 experienced 4-Star level hunters and 5-Star level disillusion brigade.” tall and sturdy man raised his eyebrows: “plus Nearly 100 3-Star level bounty hunters, they will find an opportunity to tear Shen Qiang into pieces, so I personally think that the platform can make an exception for him.”

“He is a golden doll, and the cultivation base hasn’t even entered 1000 people, but the reward amount is already 30 years old. Under the young cultivator. First, if in the past few years, Shen Qiang’s reward will definitely become an astronomical number, so long as he Undead, all the money and magic weapons that reward him can be at our disposal, so I think…”

“I reject your proposal.” The woman interrupted rudely: “Everything needs to be followed in accordance with the rules. If he is like you said, it is a golden doll with unlimited potential. He naturally has a way to solve it. He should solve it. The problem.”

“If he hangs up casually, what is the point of his existence?” The woman said indifferently: “I don’t mind the hunter platform and protect the great characters that are related to the stability of the cultivation world, but Shen Qiang is not enough. qualifications.”

The man hesitated and said: “He is the king of 10000 monsters, as long as he is there, the things that the monsters are doing will be greatly reduced.”

The woman smiled: “You don’t need to talk anymore, no wonder you showed me the jade finger sword today. It turned out that there was such a plan. Now you can go. The rules of the platform are the rules, unless Shen Qiang offers a reward from Dark World. , Entered the top ten, otherwise he is not qualified to be the object of our protection, that’s it.”

Looking at the man whose eyes were disappointed, the woman said with a smile: “And, if one day I’m on impulse, maybe I will get the black blade Youying. If he dares to resist, maybe, I’ll be happy with him.”

At the same time, Shanghai, the headquarters of the Dragon Group.

In Conference Hall.

Many dragon group officers looked at Shen Qiang, who ranked third in the list of high-risk members, and all sighed in unison. Their eyes were both envious and worried.

“Shen Qiang’s situation should be clear to everyone, and the information should be there. He is a genius and extremely talented. He not only built Heshenghe in half a year, but also spent more than half a year, from a zero The basic ordinary person has become an expert of Yang Shenjing.”

“This is a special case that has never appeared in the cultivation field. No one is faster than him. Not only that, but there is evidence that his cultivation base has not only entered the Yang Shen Realm Middle-Stage, but moved faster towards Primordial. Chaos Realm’s road to powerhouse is starting.”

“But now, he is in big trouble.”

On the projection screen on the podium, pictures appeared on the interception bounty hunter platform.

Standing in front of the screen, the lieutenant general said: “The news we obtained through some special channels shows that there are at least 100 3-Star level bounty hunters who have taken the task of killing Shen Qiang and become 3 -Star level bounty hunter, the minimum standard is the cultivation base to reach Primordial Chaos Realm.”

“This means that Shen Qiang is facing a cultivation base far more than his strong enemy.”

After giving a hint, the image on the screen changed.

The middle drop next to the screen said: “The most tricky one is the Disillusion Brigade. This is a group bounty hunter team. Their members are usually distributed in various places. They will only gather after taking the task. After completing the task. , Will separate again.”

“During these 100 years, none of the brigades’ missions failed, and its members, according to our current situation, there are a total of 7 people, all of which are super powerhouses with strengths above the Daogu period. They are crazy, For ordinary Bounty Mission to disdain as beneath contempt, every time the mission is executed, the staff will never keep alive.”

“And because the strength is too strong, in addition to knowing that they all have a strange mask, not at all know their true identity, but it is clear that now they are staring at Shen Qiang, what do you think we should do?”

Hearing the lieutenant general’s words, a major general raised his hand. After getting the permission, the major general stood up and said coldly: “Shen Qiang is an irreplaceable safety consultant for the Dragon Group, so facing the Disillusionment Brigade, What we should do is, kill without mercy!”

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