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After reaching a preliminary cooperation intention, Shen Qiang chatted with the director of China Merchants Office, deputy county magistrate, and director of the county finance bureau, and was much happier when he chatted with the sky. At the time, they also began to leave.

Shen Qiang sent them out.

Later, she cooperated with the police officers who left at not all and made a relatively simple transcript. The content is what Secretary Ma said after they arrived here. In this respect, Shen Qiang has nothing to hide or the need to hide.

Seeking truth from facts.

After taking notes.

The police officers left, and took away Shen Qiang 3 uncle, 3 uncle son, Ma Jiyong and Yuan Cuntou, and Secretary Ma.

They walked on the forefoot and aunt Lilian in the back, with bright eyes like a light bulb, raised their thumbs to Shen Qiang and said, “True cows and county magistrates come to your house. When will my pillars be able to do your job? Even Guangzuo Yaozu.”

Shen Qiang smiled, because it was too simple for Shen Qiang, because if Shen Qiang was willing, he could really reach many senior officials in the provincial capital.

But Shen Qiang is a low-key person who dislikes trouble.

Moreover, Shen Qiang is not in the career path, nor in the business world.

After all, for ordinary person, the career is high, or the country is rich, even if it is Perfection of life.

But as a cultivator, Shen Qiang is more eager to be able to truly reach the immortal state stated in the Medicine Sage Inheritance.

After all, eternal life means unlimited possibilities.

That is fundamental.

At this time, the police officer was sent out, and the village head turned back again. He came back with a spring breeze and slapped Shen Qiang’s shoulder, and said excitedly: “OK, powerhouse, the county has come to you to do business, you It’s not a small deal, do you know what the county magistrate said when he left? He praised me for doing a good job in Yingbei!”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Then congratulations.”

The village chief laughed.

The Captain also came here and said with satisfaction: “ah ha ha ha, Shen Qiang is a true expert, it is rare to be so calm, hahaha, I came to your house today, and I did not come in vain. Shaking my hand with me deliberately, it’s like dreaming.”

“As far as my small defense, joint defense, Captain, and our village heads are concerned, if the light of yours has caught your attention, can the county magistrate be so polite with us?”

The village chief smiled with a grin: “Who is Shen Qiang? I didn’t really know before, people are Chairman Shen, this is in the company, but an officer bigger than the president! hahaha, didn’t expect, Our Yingbei even produced such a great character, hahaha, that’s enough for me to blow for ten years,”

Captain also said: “hahaha, let alone blowing for ten years, blowing for 20 years will also work.”

Shen Qiang smiled as they watched them smile.

At this time, Bai Jiao, who had packed his things well, came over and said: “Shen Qiang, it’s more than ten o’clock, we should go.”

I heard this.

The smile on Shen Qiang’s face was instantly disappeared. Not only that, he looked quietly at the side and looked at his Mother with relief, but felt sad at the bottom of his heart.

“Mom, I’m leaving. The provincial capital and Bai Jiao have things to deal with. They will come back to see you as soon as they are free.”

“Well, well, usually pay more attention to your body, don’t be too tired.”

Hearing what Mother wanted to say to her, she said it first. Shen Qiang didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

At this time, when I turned around and saw that Father was picking up things on the other side of the house, Shen Qiang, who had not come over, could not help but walked over and said, “Dad, I should go back.”

Shen honestly laughed, took a cigarette and lit it himself, and after taking a sip, he looked at the village chief, Captain, and Aunt Xiulian who was talking to Bai Jiao over there, and then said: “I was thinking, you When you go, you are dragged to drink another big bowl, but it is not safe to drive after drinking.”

Shen Qiang smiled, a little speechless for a while.

Looking at the people over there with sighs, Shen honestly said: “Before you were young, there were some words that could not be fully explained to you. Now that you are older, there are some words, but there is no need to say them. Thin, only you are strong is the real strong, which is the origin of your name.”

Shen Qiang sighed and said, “You can rest assured that I will become stronger, because I know that as long as I am strong enough, I can protect you, and only if I am strong enough, we are going well, only I am strong enough, We can live a happy life.”

“I knew that you were the best.” Shen honestly laughed: “Go, I won’t send you anymore. I will go home for the holidays at the end of the year. I usually have less toss and don’t have to run back. I don’t have to worry about things at home.”

Shen Qiang is silent.

Compared with the simple and straightforward Shen honest, Shen Qiang Mother has more words.

“When you are free, take Bai Jiao and them back.”

“Don’t be too tired to go to work, just pay enough.”

“I never care how much you give me, as long as you have done well.”

“You have to eat breakfast.”

“It’s cold, wear more and don’t shame.”

“Eat more meat. You’re tall and still a boy. It’s okay to be fat.”

“Don’t fight with people, sometimes it is a blessing to suffer a loss.”

“You have an open mind and go home when you are tired.”

“You can’t bully Bai Jiao and them.”

“Bring me a good time when going to their house for New Year.”

“My dad and I are in good health, and you don’t need to control it at all!”

“I brought you a lot of delicious food. At Ke Bizhu, I didn’t dare to let Ye Guyun that girl take it. I’m afraid she would eat it for you.”

“Socks, shirts, panties, washed, I will stack you up in the suitcase. In Bai Jiao’s, when you change, you and her want, see she forgot.”

Listening to Mother’s nagging gu gu, Shen Qiang didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but suddenly no longer as annoying as before.

Especially when the car leaves.

Looking at the silhouette of Mother standing on the side of the road beckoning, Shen Qiang suddenly felt that his nose was a bit sour.

Because as long as the people who have wandered outside will know, these chattering sounds, if it sounds endless, no one will say except mother.

All those people care about is what you can do for me.

The convoy rushed along. ,

The small county town soon disappeared behind him.

“I will become stronger and become stronger!” Shen Qiang sitting in the car clenched his fists, looking at the rapidly disappearing tree Mu Village, beside Road 2, with a clear mind.

“If I were still the anonymous Shen Qiang, no one would come to see my parents! If I were the original Shen Qiang who had no ability, the county governor would never come to visit. Now I can ignore them , But they will still look at me.”

“Because in the village of Yingbei, I am now strong enough and powerful enough!”

“But in the medical field, in the cultivation field, looking at China, I am not strong enough!”

“Come on! Work hard to let everyone see clearly. My Shen Qiang is definitely not waste, but…”

“The most powerhouse!”

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