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Hearing Yu Xinghuo’s words, she was pure and beautiful, and her eyes were full of surprises and admiration. She looked at Shen Qiang’s 100 Huayu female Weisheng 1000 Dai Dai froze. Obviously, even she, who was not familiar with the world, obviously heard about Rumors of this furnace cauldron sealed by Immortal Technique.

not only.

The five judges on the judging panel saw Shen Qiang’s furnace cauldron, which was sealed by Immortal Technique, at the moment.

Cheng Yiyi’s chief medicine pill Appraisal Master has a very embarrassed expression: “Mr. Shen may just want to make a joke with you. This unusable Immortal Grade furnace cauldron is indeed constantly in the midst of Chengyi and Wanxin Hesheng. It appears that because it is unavailable, every holder will sell it again within about 3 years after it will be bought. It is indeed useless except for fun and research.”

The Appraisal Master of Wanxin Hesheng is also a little embarrassed: “Well, last time I saw this cauldron, it was about 3 years ago, in the warehouse of Auction House, I was also taken aback at the time.”

Fu Jialiang said with a smile: “Frightened me, this cauldron, I saw it ten years ago, and played it with my own hands, but it is indeed like a rumor, this is a waste tripod, it can not be used at all, its value , Basically equivalent to an ordinary antique, and not outstanding.”

Hearing their words, not only did Yu Xinghuo’s mouth curl up with a proud arc, but also the two 2 Dan Danqing on the jury sneered.

“Sure enough, the waste Immortal Grade, the furnace cauldron that cannot be used, is the one who has no ability and wants to pretend to be the best choice.”

“People who put it out, who do not know what to do, think how amazing it is to have an Immortal Grade furnace cauldron, and the result is completely unusable, Shen Qiang, you show this thing out, it is simply invitation humiliation to oneself!”

Hearing these words, many onlookers in the live room were stunned, and the thirty two hidden hands hidden in it immediately spoke.

“This Shen Qiang is too to have no shame. It is a shame in Alchemist. It is obviously a furnace cauldron of waste products. I dare to take it out and force it. What is he dare not do, so I It is strongly recommended that the Medicine Pill Conference of Yaowanggu must not allow such scum to appear.”

“What a shame, something that can’t be used at all, it came out to be forced, and it was also seen by someone. Shen Qiang Where are you going to put your face? Quickly get out of the pill concocting world!”

“My Medicine Refining Master, who is precise, precise, and realistic, how can I be with a person like Shen Qiang, so I announced that if Shen Qiang attends the medicine pill conference, I will not go! Because he is not worthy of being a Medicine Refining Master. !”

A barrage like this erupted instantly, dominating the screen.

The pretty girl looked anxious, and then said: “Young Master, why is this Qian Qiang? This waste Shennong Cauldron has been circulating in the cultivation industry for hundreds of years. There is a famous Alchemist who knows that it is waste. Still show it off, isn’t it clear that you are ugly to yourself?”

The young Master Wang Qing, the beautiful and beautiful medicine, sighed, “Sure enough, it is still alive to do evil, and people must die. This Shen Qiang does such a ridiculous thing and invites him to attend the medicine pill conference. Forget it, otherwise when the time comes, when he appears, it will remind people in the cultivation field that he is showing off with the garbage Immortal Grade, and even we will be ashamed.”

The pretty girl was dismayed, but for a while she had nothing to say.

After all, pretending to be such a thing is very common in life, and there are many things that are pretended.

But Shen Qiang is the king of 10000 demon, and he is the boss of Hesheng, he will definitely be laughed at by the cultivation circle.

Just thinking about it.

At this time, Yu Xinghuo glanced at the amazed and lost Weisheng 1000 Dai, and when she saw her look at Shen Qiang, she was vaguely confused and could not help being dark, because once Weisheng 1000 Dai was born, she felt that Shen Qiang was too exaggerated, too I adore vanity, without him Yu Xinghuo still has the opportunity to hold the beauty back.

Therefore, don’t let slip an opportunity, the loss will not come, Yu Xinghuo stepped forward, proudly said with a sneer: “Shen Qiang, this cauldron, is a waste, something that everyone in the cultivation world knows, you actually have a face Take it out to show off?”

“Then you don’t blame me for being impolite, fine speaking of which, as Senior, if you say there is no alchemic furnace, I can lend it to you, but if you use this thing to pretend, it is a character problem Yes, so I must call on all Alchemist to boycott you.”

“Let you be unable to move a single step in the cultivation field, and at the same time, I also call on all people in the cultivation field not to buy your medicine pill. After all, you dare to show off even this kind of waste furnace cauldron, then I can’t guarantee that you won’t do anything on medicine pill.”

“Maybe, your Jiazidan and Half-Pearl Spirit Pill may be made of cornmeal, simply without any effect.”

Upon hearing this, the news in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

“Wo Cao, pit father, I just bought a Zizi Dan, Ma De just half a month ago! To refund the money, you must refund it to me. This is not possible. I can’t believe Shen Qiang. His Jiazi Dan.”

“Fuck, although this spark is arrogant and domineering, but this makes sense, Shen Qiang dares to show off even the waste furnace cauldron, what else can you do?”

“Fuck, I have known for a long time that this Shen Qiang is not a good bird, but there is no evidence before. Everyone understands it now. This is a typical example of a pretending to be a perpetrator, selling a reputation, acting pretentiously, disgusting, die, hurry up Let him get out of the cultivation field!”

“Yes, let him get thick!”

But at the same time when the barrage broke out in the live broadcast room, Shen Qiang in the auditorium smiled and said calmly calmly: “I thought the cultivator was super capable and wide-sighted, but I found that in fact, except for a little cultivation, Outside of base, you seem to be worse than ordinary person.”

Everyone hearing this for a moment.

Just don’t wait for them to change their minds.

Shen Qiang, who raised her eyebrows indifferently, had lightly snapped her fingers.

The beating flame has already appeared in the furnace cauldron sealed by Immortal Technique.

Everyone was stunned. Not only the absolute silence in the entire auditorium, but also the entire webcast room, there was no barrage. Everyone stared deadly at the burning cauldron.

Because at this moment, when the fire was beating, they were shocked to see that the nine dragons engraved on the furnace cauldron, as if they were alive, were opening their mouths and spraying flames outward, compared with Yu Xinghuo. Purple Gold, which is full of game consoles, looks like a rough children’s toy.

“It’s impossible!” For a long time, Yu Xinghuo, who came back first to his senses, stepped forward with shocking eyes and shouted with hoarse: “This is the Illusion Technique, this must be the Illusion Technique! This has been the cultivation field for hundreds of years simply Furnace cauldron that no one can use! Now there is a sudden fire, obviously you despicable person wants to lie to me!”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Other people can’t use it, it doesn’t mean I can’t use it either.” Throwing a chair aside into Shennong Cauldron, Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows as it instantly turned into ashes. said with a smile: “Now, what else do you want to say?”

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