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Looking at his shiny leather shoes and Yu Xinghuo kneeling beside him, Shen Qiang turned his head to the Weisheng 1000 Dai slightly smiled on the side and said, “What do you think?”

The ecstatic Weisheng 1000 Dai was questioned for a moment, and then said blushingly, “Oh, oh, okay.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and raised an eyebrow at Yu Xinghuo kneeling in front of him, said with a smile: “Yu Xinghuo, you can go, remember to think about yourself next time you want to fight against Dan Dan again Is there such an ability, and, remember, my Shen Qiang is Alchemist, and I am Boss of Heshenghe.”

“You can play rogues with other Medicine Refining Masters, shake power, boasting, show off one’s military strength, they may not be able to take you, but I am different, pill concocting, you are not equal to me, you don’t need to ask me, you are in my eyes Ye Cai’s picking feet.”

“So when you see me in the future, be careful and don’t provoke me, then I will treat you as air. If you dare to secretly plot against me next time, believe me, Yu Xinghuo, I will make you doubt your life., “

“Dare not!” Yu Xinghuo said blankly, feeling the unmatched killing intent from Zuo Lianghao’s sword array behind him.

“Get out.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and said, “Bring your little pill, where to go.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll get off immediately!” Yu Xinghuo turned and left.

At the same time, the five judges on the judging panel watched with shocking eyes, and the medicine pill in the hands of the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu seemed to breathe, and said with shocking eyes.

“Mr. Shen, can we take a look at another medicine pill you just refined?”

Fatty from 4 Xiaodanqing said with longing.

The other 4 people are also looking forward to it. ,

Not only that, but Yu Xinghuo, who had already reached the entrance of the auditorium, did not go away. He looked straight at the dozens of Shen Qiang, as if he would breathe medicine pill.

Shen Qiang smiled.

Then frowned and looked at Yu Xinghuo, and said sharply, “Go out!”

didn’t expect, Yu Xinghuo poo sat on the ground.

“Anyway, my knees are on my knees too. I can’t lose. It’s unclear. I’m going to watch this breathing medicine pill.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang was ecstatic.

This person is really interesting. Once the bottom line is put down, there is really nothing that cannot be done.

Shen Qiang was thinking, Bai Jiao and Xu Nan on the side also said shiningly: “Shen Qiang, you Dan looks so strange, why is this used, let a few Masters identify it.” I

As he said, Bai Jiao took the medicine pill with his hands. Shen Qiang, who had been calm, immediately said anxiously: “Bai Jiao! Don’t move that pill, it’s too dangerous! That’s cultivation grenades!”

In an instant, Bai Jiao’s hand shrank back, and looked at Shen Qiang strangely: “cultivation grenades?”

Shen Qiang smiled.

In fact, this energy winding is like a medicine pill for breathing.

According to the normal situation, in this case, Shen Qiang directly stated that this is the scorching sun, and the one that Yu Xinghuo refined is garbage, but it is right, but Shen Qiang is completely too lazy to talk nonsense with him, because it is obvious Once the authenticity of the hot sun Chiyang Dan is mentioned, it is obviously not 3 sentences, 5 sentences can be explained clearly.

So Shen Qiang said very simply: “Yes, it is the cultivation hand Lei Dan. You can also call it cultivation grenades. The formidable power is strong. Once it detonates, it will explode with the equivalent of the cultivator full strength attack. So if you don’t want to, please raze to the ground, converge your curiosity.”

Yu Xing was anxious when he heard this.

“This medicine pill also has the effect of the hot sun Chiyang Dan?” He wondered, and then said: “cultivation hand Lei Dan, the name is too casual!”

Shen Qiang was ecstatic.

If it were not too lazy to explain why Yu Xinghuo’s burning sun Chiyang Dan was fake, Shen Qiang would of course say that this Dan was actually the hot sun Chiyang Dan.

But now, Shen Qiang only hopes that he will get out quickly.

“It has nothing to do with you. My medicine pill, what I want to call it, this medicine pill is officially named cultivation grenades!”

In an instant, not only Yu Xing was stunned, but the 5 Medicine Refining Master reviewers present were also full of eyes, so casual? Eyes.

But then, they still couldn’t control their inner curiosity.

The Chief Appraisal Master of Integrity, probed his eyes clearly: “Grandpa, I will take a look. I only use the naked eye, not True Yuan, not Divine Consciousness.”

See Shen Qiang frown.

Bai Jiao hurriedly coquettishly said, “Shen Qiang, why are you so stingy, what kind of grenade or grenades, let them take a look at what is great, you let the master take a good look, set a price, Maybe it will sell well.”

The moment she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Don’t dream, this medicine pill is not sold out, only sold to the dragon group.”

Bai Jiao pouted, Xu Nan smiled and said, “The combat medicine pill, because of its lethality, Wanxin Hesheng does not interfere.”

Bai Jiao rolled his eyes and said with a little disappointment: “Ah, she is right, Bai Family does not sell this, just cracking a joke.”

Shen Qiang smiled.

At this time, Yu Xinghuo gritted his teeth and said, “Shen Qiang, don’t go too far. I have already admitted to losing. You refused to let me see your Dan. Isn’t this just bully intolerably?”

“Throw it out.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow coldly.

Immediately, Ji Wei grabbed Yu Xinghuo like a chick, and led him into the auditorium with his struggling roar.

Then Shen Qiang apologized to the 5 people: “Sorry, this is not for sale, and there is no need to let ordinary cultivators in the cultivation field know about it, so I refused anyone to view my cultivation grenades. Now Doudan is over, 5 The judges can go to rest, someone will take you to Datongjiang restaurant for lunch.”

Say that’s all, beautiful heroine Jiang Hanyang, smiled and asked them to leave.

Despite their frustration, they have no choice.

At the same time.

Seeing the reviewers are gone, Bai Jiao naturally turned off the live broadcast.

At this moment, she smiled in front of her and motioned all the girls and Ke Bizhu to come over. Then Shen Qiang divided each of the real hot sun Chiyang Dan into each of them, and then said with a smile: “The usage is very simple After Divine Consciousness is attached, throw it at the enemy and order to explode in your heart, it will explode like a grenade.”

“Not only as a last resort, this formidable power is huge, it will never be inferior to Ji Wei’s Iron Fist, so I hope you will never use it.”

Hearing this, the girls smiled cuddly, because even if the reaction was slow, they knew that Shen Qiang sent this thing to them to let them self-protection. After all, people in the cultivation field are unpredictable. With this thing, The critical moment is enough to save lives.

The girls who got the hot sun Chiyang Dan smiled very sweetly, but the Weisheng 1000 Dai sitting next to Shen Qiang was a little embarrassed.

But at this time, a hot sun Chiyang Dan was placed in front of Weisheng 1000 Dai, and then she was surprised to see that Shen Qiang was saying with a slight smile: “This one is for you, Keep it self-protection.”

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