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Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, Qing Xuan was astonished. When he went to see the female corpse before, Qing Xuan observed the cultivation talent of the female corpse and found that it was indeed very suitable for herself, so she was very eager to want, but at the moment she heard Shen In Qiang’s words, she immediately realized that things were not as she imagined.

“I’m sorry, Master, I just urgently hope I can help you.” Qing Xuan looked at Shen Qiang with apology, his eyes gleaming for the forgiveness.

Shen Qiang smiled and looked at the powerful Qing Xuan and said, “I can understand your mood. After all, you have been in my body for almost a year. If you count my time in a different space cultivation, By now, it should have been almost 3 years.”

“But until now, you still have no freedom, you can only be trapped in my body, not only that, but now my Sea of ​​Consciousness still has an overbearing glory, if you can reincarnated in someone else’s body now Fate, whether it is for you or me, is of great benefit.”

“But this matter is imminent. On the one hand, this female body is pregnant, and I can’t erase the 2 mark of life. On the other hand, although this girl has good talent, she has reached Nascent Soul Stage at 19 years old, but her aptitude It’s actually far below my expectations.”

Hearing this, Qing Xuan Meimu was surprised: “Master, do you mean?”

“To be the best!” Shen Qiang said calmly: “You come to protect me, cut off the fairy edge, delivery by a military weapon, I will not treat you badly, so I will find the best for you, Even a better body than your previous body, for you to continue the fairy tale, I want you to be strong enough to not lose to anyone, even including Youying.”

Qing Xuan’s beautiful eyes lighted up instantly and said with a trembling tone: “Master, can this really be done?”

Shen Qiang laughed, inexplicably flashing a trace of killing intent, and then Shen Sheng said with a slight smile: “It must be possible, there will be suitable, I always believe in this, so give me a little more time.”

Hearing this, Qing Xuan forcefully nodded.

“Thank Thank You Master, I know that the master is the best for Qing Xuan.”

Her voice fell.

Shen Qiang’s mouth just smiled.

Qing Xuan immediately reminded: “A cultivator is here.”

Saying that’s all, Qing Xuan disappeared instantly.

At the same time.

Shen Qiang opened Divine Consciousness and immediately observed that in the underground garage, three cultivators were quickly approaching themselves.

From the physical point of view, it is three women.

Not only that, the person headed, the cultivation base is very powerful, and it seems that there is a hint of lightly hostility.


The source of the plague spread quickly,

Countless germs spread rapidly and shrouded in the basement.

After pushing the car door, Shen Qiang got off.

The eyes calmly watched the direction where the three female cultivators were coming, and they were prepared to deal with everything.

But in a flash, Shen Qiang froze.

Because the three female cultivators who came over were all dressed in military uniforms.

Headed by a person with a tall figure, lithe and graceful, well-proportioned figure, and a visual height of not less than 1.7 metres. Not only that, her face is beautiful, but her expression is full of pride, especially when she saw Shen Qiang, The slightly raised Liu Mei raised her wild and contemptuous feelings unscrupulously.

Wenren Meiqiao!

Shen Qiang recognized her in a flash.

The peculiar double bead of the dragon group, forever 10000 years old 2.

In order to advance to the rank of major general, and in order to fight for the first, she fought against 1000 Mountain Snow. At that time, the blue scorpion was helping her, and Shen Qiang was helping 1000 Shanxue. This is something that the entire dragon group knew well. Later, it was clear that Shen Qiang and 1000 Shanxue were even more powerful.

And after the major general advanced to the match.

Shen Qiang never noticed her again.

She also disappeared.

I just didn’t expect that there was no news about the 1000 mountains of Xue to go to study. Shen Qiang, who had just arrived in Beijing, was found by her, and it seemed that it was a bad comer.

“Captain Shen Qiang.” With two female subordinates, she came to Shen Qiang about 2 meters away. Wenren Meiqiao stood still. She looked at Shen Qiang playfully, coldly said: “Meet the general , The first thing you need to do is salute, does this need someone to remind?”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled, leaned lazily on the car, and raised his eyebrows calmly with a smile: “Yeah, I was also thinking, seeing the consultant of the Dragon group, I don’t know how to say hello and salute, this is still It’s unreasonable.”

In an instant, Wenren Meiqiao’s face sank down and said, “You are not ordinary arrogance, it is more arrogant than 1000 mountains and snow.”

“Anyone with ability, what’s the point of being crazy?” Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows indifferently: “Anyway, I and 1000 Shanxue are the first to do anything. I have never lost. I haven’t tasted a defeat. I’m lonely like snow. How crazy, Others can only shut up, but they heard the major general. I heard that you can have an iron number called 10000 years old 2, tsk tsk, which can not be done by ordinary people.”

In an instant, 2 women beside Wenren Meiqiao snickered.

And Wenren Meiqiao not only instantly had a pretty face and frost, but True Yuan was agitated and even more angry: “Shen Qiang, don’t be complacent! I lost to 1000 mountain snow, but not to you. What qualifications do you have in front of me? Arrogant.”

“I am a safety consultant for Dragon Team. I am qualified to give advice to various departments of Dragon Team, and my duty is to give technical guidance and help when Dragon Team needs help. This means that even if you are a major general, I can also give you a lot of suggestions, which means that I can point fingers in front of you, but you are helpless!”

Looking at Shen Qiang’s lips with a wry smile, and drowsily body language.

Wenren Meiqiao was instantly angry, not only was True Yuan, which was so powerful and terrifying, soared into the sky, but in the jade hand, a slender sword appeared instantly.

“Shen Qiang! If you say one more word, I will hack you.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “It’s okay to say 5 more words, Wenren Meiqiao, you don’t have the guts to cut me, because you must understand that I am the 10000 demon king, and my existence means that the dragon group does not have to worry about those monsters, So my transcendent position, if you cut me, everything you have been struggling for so many years will turn into a bubble.”

Wenren Meiqiao was furious, but at the moment she was about to draw a knife.

Ke Bizhu, holding a large package of snacks, Ye Guyun and lithe and graceful, appeared next to Shen Qiang. Two terrifying auras from the powerful demon who had at least the Daojiao period, made Wenren Meiqiao 2 The female subordinate immediately persuaded.

“General, 3 thoughts!”

“General, calm down!”

And at the moment they spoke, they looked at them with a smile on their faces, their faces turned red, and they smelled Mei Qiao with anger, Shen Qiang lightly said with a smile: “tsk tsk, they said well, the general is still Think 3, I am not a pedantic old man, die Fellow Daoist, Poor Daoist, if you shoot me…”

Shen Qiang, who smiled and smiled, looked at her coldly.

“I promise you will die here.”

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