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The car, parked on the other side of the road not far in front of the gate of Jingcheng Medical, looked at Shen Qiang who was about to get off, and slept beautifully on the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu. , Don’t be too anxious, do what you should do first.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I understand that if everything can be achieved smoothly according to the plan, who still has to work hard? Everyone will succeed as long as they write a plan for themselves. How can this world be possible? There will be losers, rest assured, take Ye Guyun and turn around, if something happens, I will call you.”

Say that’s all, Shen Qiang got off.

Stepping into the medical university.

The medical university campus is large.

The graduate school is in a corner that doesn’t seem obvious.

Moreover, it is not the same as ordinary school.

When you are in college, everyone is a classmate, there is nothing to say, but when you study, there will be the so-called same sect, and a small circle vaguely appears.

Because usually, there are not many graduate students in each major.

A few people, a dozen people.

Follow the same mentor, so naturally, it is called the same sect.

But obviously.

There are some differences between the Capital City Medical University and the Provincial City Medical University.

Just like graduate students in clinical medicine.

There are only dozens of people in one class in the provincial city, but there are more than 400 people in the Beijing Medical University.

So sometimes, I have to admit that each time I face a new environment, I have to face different people.

To the classroom.

Basically, it’s the same stereotype, simply Dean talks, and then starts school.

Shen Qiang, an exchange student, and Zongzi Jin, who returned to campus after two years of suspension from school, are considered to be two different types.

It’s a pity that 2 people are very out of the ordinary,

But in Academy, the real eye-catcher is the beautiful medicine Wang Gu Young Master Qin Yurou.

There was no speech in the morning, and there were only simple academic discussions in the class, followed by self-study.

So although Shen Qiang can clearly perceive the beautiful Qin language and her First Senior Brother has been observing herself, Shen Qiang should do what he does. After all, for others, going to school may be boring. Time, or for the purpose of mixing diplomas, but for Shen Qiang it is not.

Now Shen Qiang.

The most powerful places are Medicine Sage Inheritance medicine pill, prescriptions, acupuncture, medicinal diet, and super surgical operations brought by precision.

When in the provincial capital.

Shen Qiang’s surgical operations have been recognized by many surgical experts. If not, Shen Qiang has also successfully entered the affiliated university of the University of Medical Sciences and is entrusted to graduate students of the University of Medical Sciences.

So frankly speaking, Shen Qiang now possesses medical skills far beyond his academic qualifications.

But if you cannot get a master’s degree in medicine, it is still impossible for the ordinary person to recognize Shen Qiang.

A medical master, a medical undergraduate.

More people will choose to believe in the former.

Therefore, besides medicine, if Shen Qiang wants to get ahead in the medical world, without complementary academic qualifications, it certainly won’t work. Expert meeting, let you be an undergraduate, go to the professor?

If it is about acupuncture, it is possible.

But when it comes to medicine, I’m afraid I’m ousted if I haven’t spoken.

this is the truth.

So for this degree, Shen Qiang still values ​​it.

Under such circumstances, other people observe or plan otherwise, Shen Qiang still hopes that he can master the things needed for these exams as soon as possible, and he will be free after the days of the new semester.

Soon, at noon, Shen Qiang had just prepared to go to the cafeteria to eat, but he had just arrived at the entrance of the graduate school.

At a glance, I saw Wenren Meiqiao in casual clothes, and looked at myself with 2 subordinates.

In this case, simply do not ask, obviously came to find yourself.

So Shen Qiang, who took a deep breath, told himself in his heart that must try to stabilize the relationship with this writer Wen Meiqiao, and then was looking for a way to find the position of Athena divine corpse from her mouth.

“Maj. Gen., I guess you came to me.” Shen Qiang greeted with a smile. Although the tone was a little blunt and not very comfortable in my heart, considering Qing Xuan, it’s okay to lower your position relationship.

Looking at Shen Qiang, Wenren Meiqiao’s eyes were very cold, coldly said with pride: “Shen Qiang, you really are an honest guy.”

With that said, she threw a stack of information to Shen Qiang, and then said with a smile: “I have known for a long time that your demons and ghosts are absolutely accurate, and as expected, I just casually investigated and found out The identity loophole of your Shen Shenghe’s President Shen Bian is 100.”

“Afterwards, I retrieved the DNA information in the database and compared it. It was found that although his appearance had changed a lot, his identity was Bian Yi, a swindle who forced him to earn his living. Hooligan.”

Looking at the person with a look of pride, Shen Qiang smiled and looked at the materials that proved that Shen Bian was Bian Yi, calmly said: “Oh, very difficult to deal with, even his identity has been found out, But the question is what’s the use?”

“First, he is not a wanted criminal. Second, he not at all defrauded with the name Shen Bian, and within our group, his salary card is still used by Bian Yi, you turn this out, and then find me , What do you want to express?”

Wen Renmei Qiao was stunned, and then said resolutely: “The president of your company is a liar and a fool. This makes the cultivator understood. What would they think?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Do you think they will not buy me medicine pill for this reason?”

Wen Renmei Qiao was stunned, and then said: “You are not honest, even people are fake, your Hesheng He must be doing bad things, so if you confess now, I can give you a chance to guarantee that it will fall lightly.”

Shen Qiang smiled.

Although I kept telling myself to restrain myself and have a good relationship with her, but still unable to bear said: “Please don’t take what I think is as mentally retarded as you? You listen well, what Shen Qiang does, There is no one, see no one.”

“You want to mess with me, embarrassing me, maybe it makes my He Sheng He’s reputation in the cultivation field very stinky, then you can come here at any time, without teaching you to doubt your life, I will write it backwards.”

“But if you think you can make a fuss about the identity of Bian Yi to scare me, threaten me, and force me to bow your head to you, then you think too much.”

Dismissing that stack of information contemptuously to the female subordinates beside Wenren Meiqiao, Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: “Perhaps you should make a price with me directly, let’s talk about that, which is immortal for several thousand years. Female corpse, apart from this, nothing to bother me, even if you take off your clothes and chase me 1000 kilometers, if I look back, I will be considered a rogue.”

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