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The blue scorpion on the other side of the phone heard Wenren Meiqiao’s help and immediately smiled, but said helplessly: “Majority Wenwen, please stop cracking a joke, okay? If it’s about catching people, Shen Qiang, a security consultant of the Dragon Group It’s more powerful than mine, and others are in your jurisdiction.”

“Watching such a big Buddha, you come to me Mud Bodhisattva for help. If it is not because I know you better, I will definitely think if you deliberately use this to humiliate me, so be it.”

Green Scorpion hung up the phone.

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Wenmei Meiqiao was surprised to feed 2 times, and then hung up the phone angrily.

“Blue scorpion this bastard, I asked him to help me think about it, but he said let me go and ask Shen Qiang that bastard.”

The female subordinate at the side said seriously, “General, so far, there have been 30 cases of filariasis that have been diagnosed so far. The hospital side, by spelled by circumstances, has already retired filariasis. Prevention experts, the weather is getting warmer now. If this problem is not solved as soon as possible, if it is dragged on, it will definitely be out of control.”

Wenren Meiqiao is not angry,

“Then Shen Qiang is an asshole. In front of me, it is like a little ruffian, who still uses words to set me up. I have a negative impression of 500 on him.”

The female subordinate frowns saying on the side: “General, I know there are some misunderstandings between you and him, but the current situation is not just a matter of personal grievance, but is related to the health of these people. Make mistakes if you like.”

Wen Renmei Qiao Liu’s eyebrows were tightly locked, and she raised her eyebrows: “I’m going to find him. It seems that I’m incompetent. Continue to ask for help.”

The female subordinate on the side said: “The above assistance requires a lot of procedures, because it involves Gu teachers, ordinary police officers and criminal investigation experts, we can’t adjust it, so don’t hesitate to go to Shen Qiang, and drag on, I’m afraid it’s true Will have major events.”

Hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao, who raised her eyebrows slightly, got up and took the general cap. Then she turned and walked away, saying, “If I go to him, he laughs at me, and I cut him with a knife!”

The subordinate, helpless, followed behind her and accompanied her downstairs.

They just left their front feet.

There were 4 laughs in the back foot office lobby. ,

“Hahaha, how about it, I got it right. This is a pair of people who are both Mei Qiao and Shen Qiang. They are 200 5 and they are nervous. What kind of filariasis do they want to check? What happened? Another week passed. It’s not that I didn’t even find a fart.”


A male clerical dragon team member bit the apple, and then hehe smiled and said: “The new officer took office for 3 fires, which has been almost a month. Wenren Meiqiao did not burn this fire and went out directly, At this level, fighting with 1000 Mountain Snow is simply a cracking a joke.”

“Then Shen Qiang is even more 2 and actually ran to talk about this matter, and we have heard about Eldest Young Lady, it is definitely a pair made in Heaven and arranged by Earth, but I just think now, the two of them struggle so hard, the result No problems were found, and these two people are still in the important positions of the Dragon Group. You said, should we go?”

Just when the members of the dragon group said 3 and 4 in the office lobby.

Beijing Medical University, the beautiful school flower Qin Yurou, is walking on the campus with Shen Qiang with beautiful eyes and shyly, and is accompanied by the small bulb of the pretty girl Abi.

“Well, yesterday Abi saw Datong Jiang open a branch in Beijing at the food forum?”

Looking at the beautiful Qin Yurou, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Opening, please try it.”

Qin Yurou smiled charmingly. This week, Abi, a pretty young girl who had been away from the two people as a light bulb, immediately brightened her eyes: “And me!”

Shen Qiang laughed: “I won’t forget you.”

For Qianbi, Shen Qiang’s impression is general. When I first met those days, Shen Qiang hated her, but after showing her strength in the class that day, Bibi changed her personal appearance instead of following. Zongzi Jin made nonsense, so looking at Qin Yurou’s face, Shen Qiang didn’t embarrass her.

Moreover, she is Qin Yurou’s follower after all, and she is with Qin Yurou all day long. The two people should be talking privately, so Shen Qiang is not harsh on her, and, girl, give some snacks, The relationship is just fine.

Hearing this, both women laughed.

Looking at the past few days, Shen Qiang, whose mood has returned to peace, the beautiful school flower Qin Yurou, hesitantly said: “That Shen Qiang, I heard that you will go to the medicine pill conference of the medicine king valley, when the time comes , Will you prepare a new medicine pill?”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang laughed and said, “Let’s talk about it depending on the situation. There is still time anyway.”

Seeing Qin Yurou’s tone faintly disappointed, Shen Qiang said: “Are you going too? when the time comes together?”

Qin Yurou hearing this for a moment.

The pretty girl said: “Okay, okay, when the time comes together is more lively, and Zongzi Jin will also participate, he pill concocting very difficult to deal with, Shen Qiang, if you don’t have a new medicine, it’s the limelight. He will be robbed.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “I wish he could take my limelight, because in that way, he would not be lonely, but in terms of his strength, I think he wanted to be in front of me If you are in the limelight, it’s probably no show.”

Qin Yurou smiled: “Confidence is good, but if you are too confident, you will become arrogant. Medicine Wang Gu medicine pill conference, historically powerhouse as clouds, thirty two wonderful hands and medicine Wang Gu, will show medicine pill, if it shows If the medicine is not good enough, it will be despised.”

Shen Qiang smiled, looking at the beautiful Qin Yu Judo: “Okay, I was not interested in taking the new medicine to show off at the medicine pill conference, but considering the company of beautiful women, if you are underestimated, you two It will also be very confusing, so rest assured, when the time comes, I will use my medicine pill to prove to everyone that I am capable, and it will certainly not disappoint you.”

Hearing this, Qin Yurou’s eyes lit up, and then she said with great excitement: “Okay, then that’s the way to settle, you must come up with the strongest strength!”,

Shen Qiang said with a smile.

It was just tone barely fell, and the voice of Ren Meiqiao was heard on the corner not far in front of him.

“Shen Qiang, can you come here?”

Shen Qiang frowned, slightly surprised, and then judoed to Qin Yu: “You go back to the classroom first, I will come when I go.”

Hearing this, Qin Yurou looked at Lithe and Graceful, who had a tall face, and Wenren Meiqiao, who had a beautiful face, was a little displeased in her eyes, but she smiled on her face and said, “Okay, then you are busy first. “

With that said, she walked away with the pretty girl without the slightest hesitation.

But before she walked a few steps away, she heard the sound transmission of a pretty girl who was upset: “Young Master, what does this woman mean, how come she always find Shen Qiang? Does she like Shen Qiang? She is so beautiful. , Still wearing a uniform, looks very attractive, and the cultivation base is also very high. If she always comes, will Shen Qiang like her.”

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