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Hearing Shen Qiang asking for bus and subway traffic maps, Wenren Meiqiao and the female assistant in the back row were dumbfounded.

“Bus route map?” Wenren Meiqiao sitting in the driver’s seat exclaimed wakingly: “Missed, we missed the bus and subway! This is the key, this is that we can’t find that person s reason!”

Hearing this, the female assistant in the back row looked at Shen Qiang with a shocked expression: “It’s amazing, it’s the only safety consultant of the Dragon Group, and I can see the problem at a glance.”

Shen Qiang sitting in the co-pilot position was speechless for a moment.

“Did they come here to sell cute? A billboard was hit by wind and fell on people, it seems accidental, but the hidden behind is that the billboard is not secure, different occupations, different hobbies, different communities, If you don’t know each other, the only thing that can connect them is the vegetable market and the bus.”

“How simple is this question, are they still frightened and flustered? Is this to be funny? Isn’t it like that, is it. I am really too strong?”

Shen Qiang thought suspiciously, and then raised an eyebrow: “Well, maybe you just accidentally missed these two points, but this is not the key, because even if they have all taken the same bus, we don’t have Ability to screen all passengers comprehensively.”

“So this is just to verify my idea.” Shen Qiang said while taking out the tablet, opened the bus route map, and then began to check the neighborhoods where the patients live, and the nearby bus lines.

Soon, after 20 minutes.

Shen Qiang put down her tablet and raised her eyebrows indifferently: “All of them have buses 14 and 22 next to them. Everyone has done these two buses, do you understand? This is hidden under chance. inevitable.”

Wen Renmei Qiao Meimei said with shock: “This is the common point of all patients, we found the clues of that guy.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “If you really think so, you are wrong. These two bus lines are very far away, and the flow of people is very large. If the guy is really moving on the bus, you have to screen one by one, even if Calling everyone in your office, no more than half a year, there is no illusion at all, you can find out who has taken you and 2 lines of buses in this week.”

Hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao and her female assistant were stunned.

“Do you want to give up this clue?” The female assistant anxiously said: “This clue is too important. It is almost the key to breaking the whole case. As long as you follow this line, you can definitely find the suspect.”

Wen Renmei Qiao also said nervously: “Shen Qiang, we may be able to follow this path.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows helplessly and said, “Don’t you understand yet? Look at the blooming spring flowers. The time is not in allowing us to be organized and investigate step by step. We don’t have that many time to use.”

“According to the current weather conditions, a large number of mosquitoes will soon appear.”

“Not only that, you pay attention to these two bus lines. They contain three relatively large business districts. If we don’t know what method the person is using to transmit filariasis, then once he takes the risk , Casually in these big business districts, the daily passenger flow in each business district is calculated based on a few thousand thousand people and 2 people,”

“Understood? That would be a quiet disaster.”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, Wenren Miqiao and the female assistant glanced at each other, and then immediately heard Renmei Qiao anxiously: “I understand that this matter is imminent, but the point of the problem is that if we can’t slow down from the bus side If you check slowly, there is no way to find this person in a very short time.”

“There must be a way, as I said, behind the accident is inevitable, since the bus can connect these patients together, then naturally there are other methods to narrow the scope of this suspect.” Shen Qiang frowned. Locked, and then calmly said, “Drive, go to your office first, if there is something I think, it will be more convenient to start.”

Wen Renmeiqiao nodded and drove immediately. Although she drove the car steadily forward, her mood at this time was exactly the same as when she first saw Shen Qiang. It was definitely called Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

When she saw Shen Qiang for the first time, she was full of anger. Shen Qiang in her eyes was base and shameless, and there were a lot of demons and monsters.

But now, after hearing the simple analysis of Shen Qiang, her heart suddenly opened up, just like the scorching sun appeared in the rainy season. Not only did she lift the mists of the layers, but also made her shin in the blink of an eye. brightly.

“It’s great, no wonder that after so many years, the Dragon Group finally has a safety consultant. Originally thought that he was only good at catching demon, but now think about it, maybe the above is not only his ability to catch demon, it may be more fancy It’s his wisdom!”

“Really too strong! This Shen Qiang not only has a unique thinking angle, but also sees the essence through the messy appearance in an instant. No wonder when the major general is promoted to the game, even if there are blue scorpions helping me, I still lose If you lose it, Shen Qiang is so powerful, how could 1000 Shanxue lose!”

“Yeah, maybe I don’t know much about him. The preconceived attitude makes me unclear. What kind of man is he. The scorpion is crazy, but he said that he was just a Mud Bodhisattva, Shen Qiang is a real Buddha, which means that even the arrogant and scorpion prostrate oneself in admiration to him.”

Shen Qiang quietly peeking at the co-pilot position.

Clear and angular, not soft enough, but full of heroism, sunny and handsome face, simple but not simple fashion taste, a series of rays of light 4 shot titles, a lot of wisdom like a demon, usually cold words, seemingly unbearable, but the key At the time, like a wise man, he dared to face the difficulties.

This is the real man!

Wen Renmei Qiao’s heart was inexplicably fierce, especially when I heard that I had encountered a difficult case, normally Niu De Feitian, the arrogant and confident blue scorpion winger, did not dare to say that he could help, and Shen Qiang , I even thought about this matter without even thinking about it.

There is no condition, no refusal, or even a little hesitation. This powerful self-confidence makes the driver who drives the car, Mei Qiao, can’t help but shining his eyes, and feels that Shen Qiang sitting there thinking inexplicably. It became less annoying, even faintly handsome.

Not only that, she drove, thinking that when Shen Qiang sat in the office a week ago, she suddenly didn’t feel that Shen Qiang was so abominable, but instead felt that Shen Qiang’s mouth was grinning at the time. So charming.

“Don’t let me down, Shen Qiang, let’s catch the bad guy behind the scenes together!” She secretly thought beautifully.

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