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The moment I heard that, the lovable body was shocked, because she was just not well adapted to the current environment, but she was never a fool. She was stupid again, and after hearing these words, she instantly realized that Shen Qiang This is trying her best to help her.

Because when those are united, they don’t care much about the cracks between her subordinates, which means that she really has control of the Dragon Group regional office.

“Thank you, Shen Qiang. Although I don’t know if you have other plans, I am very grateful for your help.”

Wen Renmei Qiao’s words were affirmative, which made Shen Qiang smile a little and said: “If you are grateful, needless to say, the stronger your ability, the safer I will stay in Beijing, so I don’t need you to thank me , You just need to do your job well, and when you’re fine, don’t bother me.”

Hearing this, Meimu had just appeared in the gentle Wenmei Meiqiao and instantly gave Shen Qiang a big eye.

“You said that you were fat and you were breathing. Am I just a little unaccustomed? Now, I suddenly understand that those tactics can be used in life. In that case, I have no problem with this job.”

Looking at the self-confident Wen Qian Mei Qiao, Shen Qiang laughed, said indifferently: “City routines are deep, you’d better be humble. Especially in the capital, it is hidden dragons and crouching tigers, on battle strength, those ordinary people In front of the cultivator, the weak are like ants.”

“But when it comes to wisdom, they are not only worse, but stronger, so humble girls.”

Wen Renmei Qiao glared, then kept silent.

Soon, everyone came to the hospital along the way.

Under the arrangement of Shen Qiang, Wen Renmeiqiao’s female assistants and several other dragon team employees sorted out the filariasis prevention experts hired back by the hospital. The photos of one of the experts after painting the beard , Immediately recognized by many patients.

Not only that, but after a few members of the Dragon Team watched and asked briefly, the expert pleaded guilty.

He not only admitted that he was spreading filariasis, but also admitted that he was the one in the HD business district with little bunny.

Such a result would have been a surprise celebration.

But when he heard about his motive for committing the crime, he not only couldn’t laugh, all the people present even felt faint.

Because this expert specializes in filariasis, as filariasis is contained, his existence becomes somewhat optional. 5 years ago, his wife died, and 3 years ago, he retired. At first, he thought he could happily go to the daughter’s house in the field to live with the daughter’s son-in-law and grandson.

But soon, he found that he was not popular, and the daughter let him return to Beijing to live in ease and comfort.

Later, he returned to Beijing.

After participating in club activities, he found that apart from filariasis, he found that he would not play cards, sing, photography, or cook, and no one needed him.

The dead wife doesn’t need him, the daughter doesn’t need him, the son-in-law doesn’t need him, and the grandson doesn’t need him.

No one needs him in the community room.

So, he thought of filariasis. He knew the dangers of filariasis, and he knew it was illegal, but he just wanted to feel the need again, so he carefully planned his little white rabbit filariasis case. .

“Everything is over, now the prison needs you.” After listening to his words calmly, Shen Qiang said with a slight smile.

The expert’s reaction was not at all as gray as Shen Qiang had expected. His eyes turned particularly bright, and then he said very seriously: “Youngster, you are wrong. It is not the prison that needs me now. It’s a hospital. Understand? My filariasis is 50 times more resistant than ordinary filariasis. Do you know what this means?”

“This means that no one except me who controls the first-hand information can be cured!”

Looking at the excited expert, Wen Renmei Qiao’s heart froze, and then sound transmission to Shen Qiang, said: “Sure enough, all this is carefully planned, he knows that we will find him, but his filariasis can not Treated like normal filariasis, so…”

Just then, the door of the room was pushed open, and several old doctors in the hospital rushed in.

“Comrade Police Officer 1, you cannot take him now. There are 31 patients in the hospital now, who urgently need his professional treatment, because the filariasis at this time is fierce, and the resistance of those filariasis is particularly strong.”

“We have already used Hai Qunsheng for the patients, but there is still no way to completely suppress those filarial worms. Under such circumstances, you take him away and almost cut off the hope of the patients to cure, so Comrade Police, Please be patient, even after we find a cure, you can come again.”

“Only now, you cannot take him away.”

Hearing this, the person who was present at the scene, Willow eyebrows tightly knit, sound transmission said: “Sure enough, as in the tactics, even if he is known to be a spy, and the life of the member is safe, we can only keep him In the camp.”

Shen Qiang hearing this smiled and said in a loud voice: “No one can override the law. If you do something wrong, you will be punished, so please let me go, this is not something you can stop.”

Many old doctors were anxious.

“No, it’s life, and we can’t let you take him away.”

“The conditions of these patients are now extremely critical. Without him, a well-known top filariasis prevention expert at home and abroad, he will definitely die.”

“This youngster, you can’t take it easy, he really can’t walk with you now.”

Hearing the words of many old doctors, the dragon group looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Consultant Shen.” A member of the Dragon group said hesitantly: “He is too old to run, we can monitor him and let him finish his job.”

“Well, it’s important to save people. Although he did something wrong, now we have to focus on the key points, let him save people first, and other things, slowly.”

Hearing everyone in the Dragon Group saying this, Shen Qiang frowned and was impatient. At this time, the police officers of the Criminal Police Team who had received the Dragon Group notice had arrived. After briefly explaining the situation, Shen Qiang asked them to bring The expert who fabricated the little white rabbit filariasis in one hand.

At first sight Shen Qiang, no matter what others say, the police officer took him away, the expert got angry: “youngster, don’t be too crazy, you have to understand that if you catch me now, no one can cure this filariasis, those Patients will die.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once, and then raised his eyebrows with a very plain expression said with a smile: “I am always humble and low-key, but now, I can tell you clearly, you can call My god of parasites.”

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