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Seeing Shen Qiang’s Blade Technique and the handsome posture of closing the knife, many beautiful customers present were looking at him with a dazzling look. The young chef on the side couldn’t help but coldly snorted and said: “Come to favor!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang sneered coldly: “Yo, didn’t you do that before too? Why didn’t you say that you were sensational? Do you say me now? Hehe, are you afraid?”

The young chef said coldly, “I’m afraid of a fart, let’s start, don’t let me wait too long, let me see if your cooking is as sharp as your mouth.”

Shen Qiang smiled and raised her eyebrows indifferently: “Okay, let me open your eyes to a frog in well!”

Hearing this, the young chef looked angry.

But at this time, many beautiful customers, already not in, were optimistic about this handsome young man.

“Wow, when I just listened to him, I didn’t find out yet. This man is also a handsome little brother!”

“Hmm, he is half as tall as Chef Yu Kang. Although he is not as handsome and cool as Chef Yu Kang, he is a standard beautiful man.”

“Yeah, look, his technique is so skillful, and even more surprisingly, his figure is amazing, it looks like that, the man who is thin in dress, and the man who has undressed, tsk tsk, don’t worry How do you make this pan-fried plum meat, such a handsome little brother, I will give him an 8-point praise first!”

Listening to them, they were running the train with their mouths full of wu wu wu, and the people on the other side were suddenly shy, not only the blushing was blushing, but also a little sorry watching Shen Qiang.

At this time, Shen Qiang also glanced helplessly at the many beautiful customers who were surrounded by various eyes and looked at him in surprise.

“They really just came to eat?”

Suddenly, Shen Qiang’s mind was a little uncertain. After all, the dishes in this restaurant can definitely taste, as long as they are not particularly discerning customers, they can definitely be satisfied.

But compared to Datongjiang, this store is really not in the same grade as Datongjiang.

One very obvious thing is that in Datong River, a truffle steak can be sold for 1888 yuan, but Shen Qiang has undoubtedly swept the price of eye food. The fried plum meat in this store is only 38 yuan. Although it is used Expectations are different, but in terms of earning power and spending power, the gap is indeed not small.

Not only that, but Shen Qiang said that this young chef is most often a helper in Datongjiang, and it is not groundless.

You know, Datong Jiang won China’s first place in the food grand prix, but it was actually earned back by strength.

Others don’t say, the French chef, Lu Shuyao and her dad, and later selected carefully, and later joined the chefs of Datongjiang, they are all amazing talents for eating and drinking, and they have been famous teachers. After more than ten years, After 20 years of beating, the Peak chef who really boiled out.

Not only that, to join Datong Jiang as a chef, that is to be recognized by the beautiful demon fox, don’t forget, she has a tricky taste and eats food from all over the world in the food industry number one beauty. Words, absolutely can not enter her eyes.

As for Shen Qiang, in fact, there are no special requirements and standards for eating. After all, the child of the ordinary person family is so arrogant. Although he can do it and understand it, he often is too lazy to move, generally If you have anything to eat, if you don’t have one, the instant noodles in the bubble bag will also be there.

So Shen Qiang from the very beginning, not at all, was surprised at what was wrong with this restaurant, and what was wrong with the cooking of this young chef.

But at this time, when Shen Qiang stood by the frying pan.

Only a moment, everything changed.

Because she got Shen Qiang of Medicine Sage Inheritance, she has almost everything except the thinking of Medicine Sage and the memories he has experienced, especially in the aspects of learning and medicinal knowledge. .

For example, at this time, Shen Qiang looked at the plum meat in front of him, and when he thought of freshening, various natural substances filled Shen Qiang’s brain almost instantly.

After a little comparison, the dishes that I thought could be scored 8 points were almost instantaneous. The score of shua shua was dropped, just like lamb chops stewed radish. Shen Qiang can give 8 points before. If it is in this state, Shen Qiang Can give 30%.

Because it is cooked.

That’s it.

Despite the turbulent knowledge of various medical diets in her mind, Shen Qiang’s movements are extremely smooth and skillful.

“Wow, this little brother can’t blame him for kicking the hall. It turned out to be really capable. This smooth and handsome movement, at first glance, was a bit of hard work.”

“Hmm, suddenly I was looking forward to it. It seems that even if the pan-fried plum meat he made is not as delicious as that of Chef Yu Kang, at least it wouldn’t be too bad.”

“I guess it’s going to be close, after all, Chef Yu Kang is the one who has been to the Michelin Guide!”

Just as the other beautiful women are beautifully discussing spiritedly.

Watching Shen Qiang fry the meat in a chic manner, Wenmei Meiqiao’s pretty face was inexplicably red.

“Who can pie tall, Renowned 10000 demon king, the strongest Medicine Refining Master, even so handsome to go to the kitchen, especially when he is wearing an apron, the figure is really great, not just shy Yeah, didn’t expect, this bad guy has such a side.”

At the same time when Wenren Meiqiao blushed inexplicably.

The young chef, looking at Shen Qiang’s unusually smooth movement, was stunned. His eyes were full of shock.

“He repeated my movements!”

It was only momentary when I saw clearly that when Shen Qiang was frying meat, even the inadvertent small movements were exactly the same as his own Yu Kang, and the terrifying killing intent flashed in his eyes.

“Impossible, how did he do it, how could he replicate my hard work for more than ten years before it can be called the perfect frying technique?”

Just as the young chef was shocked.

Shen Qiang’s eyes are extremely bright.

“This young chef really made a lot of effort, and the movement is perfect. Each step movement can perfectly control the flame of the plum blossom. Not only this, but also the removal of unnecessary movements, it seems to have no more meaning. The action can actually promote the penetration of fat and make plum meat more flavorful.”

“It’s quite okay, this guy.” Shen Qiang’s mouth showed a malicious smile, and said: “I am good at medicated food, this is not good at frying and frying. I originally thought that my actions would be ugly. I didn’t expect to open it. After being precise, not only during the surgery, but also when playing basketball, even the movement of cooking can be standardized, and it is indeed a magic skill.”

While thinking, the plum meat at this time has been slightly cooked under the frying of fat and oil. It is time to remove the fish.

Shen Qiang went to get condiments while thinking.

At this moment, a young chef’s eyes were fast, he took the seasoning box away, and then looked at Shen Qiang with a smug look. His eyes were full, and there was ability. You can find the seasoning yourself.

Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows at the young chef, and saw that he also had an unprecedented expression. He originally calmed down, and wanted to do something a little better than him. Shen Qiang burst into flames, because even Shen Qiang could not use this The secret recipe of the youth, but since it is a fair competition, the basic seasoning must always be used by Shen Qiang?

As a result, when the seasoning box is taken away, there is no salt. What a fair test?

It’s just for victory, by fair means or foul.

“Oh, since you don’t have a bottom line, then I’m welcome.” Shen Qiang dashing eyebrows picked it up, and then his wrist lightly waved, with a thin layer of powder scattered on the frying pan, just a moment, a strange The aroma of plum blossoms wrapped in plum flesh burst out.

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