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Seeing that many beautiful diners tasted Shen Qiang’s pan-fried plum meat, the expression was intoxicated as if washed 3 warm and as if they had done great health care. The hardcore female fans of Chef Yu Kang couldn’t help but look suspiciously. Picked up a plate with a small piece of fried plum meat in front of him.

“Hmph, it really came to smash the scene, these people must have been arranged here!” The hardcore female fan of chef Yu Kang thought with hate in his heart, and then put the fried plum meat in the mouth, but Just for a moment, she was stunned. Not only did her eyes open instantly, but in the heart of the whole person, she also surging forward with great momentum.

“Delicious! Extremely delicious! Unbelievable, the rich aroma burst in the mouth, blowing like a spring breeze to blind the tasteless scales of the taste buds, just for a moment, the whole person seems to be alive again, this ultimate experience, even makes I have a stripped shirt and run on the grassland of sun shone brightly!”

“Is it really so delicious?” A middle-aged woman who is also a hard-core fan of Chef Yu Kang looked at it in surprise, the woman who instantly froze, full of impatience, as the wife of a company manager, Her life is calm.

The child is older and does not need her to take care. The old man is still young and has a nanny at home, so she is not working, just like walking corpse, everyday all is living up, in her own words, it is mixed eating and waiting to die.

She didn’t have a goal, she spent every day in vain until she found it.

Handsome guy restaurant.

She likes them full of vigor and vitality, so she comes here every day, naturally familiar with several other hardcore fans, but even so, she stayed here, her heart is still faint and empty.


When she gently put Shen Qiang’s piece of pan-fried plum meat in a moment, the delicious taste of the explosion made her stunned.

In my mind, I even thought of the little river of my childhood uncontrollably, and remembered my childhood friends excitedly talking about their dreams. At that time, she was standing on the ridge and shouted against the spring breeze. . ,

“I want to be the best costume designer!”

At the moment when the dream of that year was recalled in her mind, her eyes lit up.

“Delicious, the ultimate delicacy, in an instant, made my already willing heart, once again rejuvenated, tired and numb body, as if injected with new energy, instantly rejuvenated, I want to live , I want to dream, I don’t want to be so ordinary!”

It has always been believed that meat is justice Wenren Meiqiao, who inexplicably observes the looks of many beautiful women around her. The more she looks forward to her, the more she dares not to use chopsticks, because at this time, she, Shen Qiang, is so handsome, she I’m afraid the taste of this fried pan-fried plum meat will not work, and it will destroy Shen Qiang’s image in her mind.

But at this moment, looking at the intoxicated eyes of the many beautiful diners around her, she still took a deep breath deliberately, and waited until the whole mood was stable before cautiously sending the meat into her pink and small mouth.

In an instant, the agitated heartbeat that had been suppressed by her instantly rushed!

Not only was the beautiful face instantly Xia Fei cheeks, the whole person was even more coquettish beautiful and alluring unparalleled, even more in the heart burst into charming and trembling exclaimed.

“Delicious! This is the real delicacy! The extreme plum meat flavour broke out in the mouth, the spiced soup was dripping with water, all the taste buds were satisfied in a moment, and it was as happy as all the clothes were stripped off, lying on the verdant On the grass, the sun shone brightly, the spring breeze slowly brushed through, and I was indulged in the free wilderness…”

The intoxicated Wenren Meiqiao gripped her legs very comfortably, and at this moment, a handsome face with a slightly evil smile suddenly appeared in her mind.

It is Shen Qiang!

She woke up in an instant, instinctively resisted, but when she lifts the head and looked at her Shen Qiang with confidence and smile, she not only instantly blushed to the root of her neck, the original bold gesture, but also more reserved, even She has always been adhering to the idea that meat is justice, but she has no reason to be afraid that she will be seen by Shen Qiang.

The shameful expression not only brightened Shen Qiang’s eyes, but also filled the eyes of Chef Yu Kang around Shen Qiang with anger.

Especially at this time, when he saw that not only his hardcore female fans showed their satisfied expressions, even Goddess in his heart was never inconspicuous, and the charming, capable and confident Wenren Meiqiao was suddenly ashamed, The anger in his heart has erupted like a volcano that has been silent for 10000 years!

“It’s impossible, even if his level is higher than mine, but plum meat is only plum meat after all, there is no reason for them to eat so happy, so… this must be their negotiation, acting in front of me!”

There was an instant judgment in the heart of Chef Yu Kang, coldly said: “Good means, I can understand it, it turns out that you are already prepared to smash the field, powerful, okay, but you think their exaggeration skills scaring me?”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled, slowly and smoothly cut the last piece of fried plum meat, put it into a small dish, and then put a toothpick on each piece of meat, and then in the eyes of everyone’s astonishment, One of them was placed in front of Chef Yu Kang with angry eyes.

“Their evaluation can only be used as a reference. After all, they are just diners, and you are a chef. Come and try it. If you can taste the seasonings I use, then in my restaurant, you help the chef for 3 years. Maybe there is hope to become a chef.”

Hearing this, Chef Yu Kang was furious: “Don’t be too crazy, don’t forget, my pan-fried plum meat has been on the Michelin guide. Although it has only 3 stars, it is not comparable to ordinary chefs!”

Saying that’s all, he put Shen Qiang’s pan-fried plum meat in his mouth and instantly looked dull.

“Extremely delicious! The delicious taste, the porky smell of the pork, changed to the rich and fragrant meat, so pure and fresh, what did he use? What did he use?” The shocked chef Yu Kang thought deeply, then only In an instant, he felt his hair was upright.

“It’s mushrooms! Pure natural fresh products! Although it is not clear which kind of mushrooms, but it is certain that he used mushroom powder instead of chicken essence.”

Chef Yu Kang, who had thought of certain seasonings, was excited, and then the Earth Grade tasted the taste in his mouth.

“His sauce is strange, a little bit sweet, oh, is it from the taste of onions? No, not all, there are chopped apples, but these are not enough to make this pan-fried plum meat so delicious!”

Chef Yu Kang, while tasting, observed suspiciously.

Almost at this time, he suddenly saw the place where Shen Qiang had taken the vegetables before. In an instant, a horrible cold light burst into his eyes.

“I understand, it is parsley!”

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