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2nd day Early in the morning, when the morning sun illuminates the curtains, the head is resting on Shen Qiang’s arms, and in his sleep, he shows a sweet smile of happiness and infinite satisfaction Nalan Tianyu, lightly with his head over Shen Qiang’s underground jaw, Subsequently, her lovable body stiffened, and after only a few seconds of silence, her eyes opened.

Shen Qiang sideways and smiled at her.

In an instant, her pretty face turned red, and her eyes were stunned, and then her warm, soft little hand was blocked in front of Shen Qiang, and she shouted in embarrassment and anxiety. : “Don’t look, don’t let it look.”

Shen Qiang smiled, gently grabbed her white haw wrist, and kissed her palm lightly, said with a smile: “You are cruel, have such a beautiful appearance, but do not let me look, this is simply torture for me .”

The shy Nalan Tianyu pu chi smiled at once, and then shyly said: “Good numbness.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “There are more nauseating, do you want to know.”

“I don’t want to!” Ming Ming wanted to know, but Nalan Tianyu shyly shouted, but scornfully said right and wrong.

Shen Qiang laughed and said, “Okay, then I will bury my love for you deeply in my heart.”

Nalan Tianyu smiled and bent her eyes, and said softly: “What, I thought there would be too much numbness, even if it is love, you are too sincere.”

Looking at her beautiful smile, Shen Qiang seriously opened her long forehead, looked at her gem-like eyes, and said softly: “Every day of careful care and careful irrigation, until this love takes root in my heart Sprout until it becomes a towering tree.”

Nalan Tianyu pu chi smiled and looked at Shen Qiang coquettishly, and said, “Then what?”

“I will use it to build a house that only you can enter.”

Nalan Tianyu looked at Shen Qiang charmingly, and she clearly bent her eyes with a smile, but said mischievously: “This is not funny, it feels sour.”

Shen Qiang smiled and hugged her fragrant shoulder, said softly: “Go to Hesheng Heshanzhuang, I will prepare the room for you.”

Nalan Tianyu looked up and smiled for a long time before she smiled with a lovable smile: “Okay, I like Xiangyang’s room. I need an air conditioner, a bathroom, and I will only Go when you are not performing a task.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled: “You are free.”

Nalan Tianyu laughed, then hugged Shen Qiang with a snowy arm, and then whispered: “Shen Qiang, do you know? In fact, since the Spring Festival, I’ve been counting my fingers every day, just to see you.”

Shen Qiang was shocked: “Will you call me just fine?”

Raising his head, Nalan Tianyu, who looked so handsome, hesitated and said softly: “Actually, I have many, many times, I want to call you, and many times, I also want to secretly go to the provincial capital, to the capital, As long as you can hide aside, it’s okay to look at you secretly.”

“However, I have been hesitating. Because I am not sure whether you like me.” Mei Mu gradually happy happily Nalan Tianyu, seriously looking at Shen Qiang, said: “But I now know that it is good to have you!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled.

Just before waiting for Shen Qiang to speak, Nalan Tianyu said quietly: “At the beginning of the year, I applied for a mission at the medicine pill conference, but the application failed, so I had to lie to Xiaomei and said to her that the task was approved. Now.”

Shen Qiang was surprised, surprisedly said: “You are talking about the little girl who has been following you.”

Nalan Tianyu was nodded, and then she looked up and looked at Shen Qiang seriously: “I have to go today. The task of the Dragon Team cannot be delayed.”

Shen Qiang frowned: “You come here, can’t you wait until the medicine pill is over?”

Nalan Tianyu shook his head and said, “Xiaomei thought he was here to perform tasks with me. In fact, I have postponed many tasks and squeezed out a total of 9 days. I thought you would come early, so I spent a lot of time here. For a week, if I knew that you liked me too, then why should I waste my time here.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang swiftly embraced the charmingly beautiful Nalan Tianyu in her arms, and then lightly leaned in, sniffing the fragrance of her neck, feeling the hotness of her pretty face, softly saying: “Instead of complaining about waste Time, what we should do now is to cherish the present.”

The beautiful Nalan Tianyu’s eyes were blurred and shy, but after a slight hesitation, she gently turned her head and gently brought her pink cherry lips together, and her eyes closed slowly with long eyelashes. On…

At the same time, on the balcony outside the boudoir in the depths of Yaowang Valley, a white skirt, young and elegant Young Valley Lord, medical university school flower Qin Yurou, is intoxicatingly smelling the fragrance of flowers under the morning sun.

Abi, the pretty girl who brought milk tea, looked at Qin Yurou, who carefully arranged the flowers in the flower basket, and then when she saw the delicate blue flowers in the flower basket, she couldn’t help but happily said: “Young Master, you haven’t been to Wufeng for a long time, and today you went to collect Wujinglan and come back.”

Qin Yurou, who was so elegant and elegant, said with a smile, pretending to say normally: “Just happened to want to walk around.”

The pretty girl Abi pu chi laughed at once, and said softly: “Young Master lied again. After so many years, I know very well that Young Master will only go to Wufeng when you are in a particularly good mood. Usually you are absolutely Won’t go, and…”

Meimu seriously looked at the flowers that were blooming indigo among the red flowers, and the pretty Abi smiled and bent her eyes: “I know at a glance that such a rare foggy orchid, if placed on Shen Qiang’s booth It must be perfect.”

Qin Yurou was instantly shy, said while playfully pouting: “Abi, can’t you say less?”

Abi starred wide-eyed helplessly, and then thought about crafty eyes, while drinking milk tea, while sitting in a chair beside him, he tentatively said: “Young Master, Abi has been with you for more than ten years, I want to stay with you all my life in the future. If you secretly do bad things, you can’t hide from me.”

Hearing this, the beautiful Qin Yurou, carefully playing with the flowers, said with a smile: “You, I say this every time, since I have been with you for 3 days, and I have been with you for more than a dozen year.”

Abi was helpless and disappointed: “Oh, if you don’t want to tell me, even if I am a little maid, you won’t really treat me as a friend.”

Qin Yurou hearing this shook her head helplessly, but a moment later, she pursed her lips and smiled, holding the inserted flower with her eyes shining brightly, sitting next to the angry Abi pretending to be crafty, said proudly and excitedly : “I went to Third Elder yesterday, and he talked to him for a long time. Finally, he promised me to give Shen Qiang the best booth.”

The moment he heard this, Alan God was surprised: “Really?”

Qin Yurou smiled happily, and then placed the inserted flowers beside Abi with satisfaction. She said with longing: “The best booth, the most beautiful flowers, I think, this is probably me The best gift I can give to Shen Qiang now, because I really want to see that he can spread his wings and fly high at this medicine pill conference!”

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